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Topic: WIN XP irritation.
Squire Twitch
posted 11-17-2001 07:19:21 AM
Ok, I need to know how to change the IRQ setting on my video card in WINXP.

In 98, it was easy enough, just go flip it over in Device manager. In XP, it wont let me.

I know some of you are smarter than me, and most of you know more about the OS than me. So


My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt
Roll for initiative, Monkey Boy!
posted 11-17-2001 07:46:37 AM
uhm... why do you have to?
On a plane ride, the more it shakes,
The more I have to let go.
Falaanla Marr
posted 11-17-2001 07:46:47 AM
WINXP uses ACPI as far as I know, which pretty much means you cant change your IRQs. *shrug* I dont fully understand it or anything, but there shouldnt be problems provided all the devices are designed properly, they should be able to share IRQs fine.


Squire Twitch
posted 11-17-2001 08:12:28 AM
I have to, because of a problem with the IRQ of the video card, not being kosher with DAoC. I dont understand it myself, as I had no problems before. The people at Dell told me theres no problem they can think of. The People at Mythic, however, say they dont support XP, or Win2K. but they say that they are aware of my problem, and gave me a list of things to check. All were video card settings, and such.

The only one that doesnt match up, is the IRQ. They say it should be on 11, but my card is on 16.

My theory behind this instruction they gave me, is in that things like the Video card, the IRQ is hard. meaning, it does not change. This is important, because the card controls all of your graphics. In a GUI interface, its a good thing that its priority of request is high.

Now, from what Mythic says, it should be at 11. this means it will have a better shot at the processor, that say, something at 12, or 13. Now, this doesnt normally cause a problem, unless two things have the same IRQ. And pop at the same time, demanding the same thing. And two things cant be in the same place, at the same time.

BUT. thats kinda off topic. What I'm figuring, is theres something else that comes between IRQ 11 (Where they told me to put it), and IRQ 16 (Where my card is) that is causing an indirect conflict, by sapping juice from the CPU before the card gets its turn on the interrupt cycle.

Now, It used to be easy to change the IRQ.. just go into device manager, and change away, look for conflicting assignments, and off ya go. XP wont let me do this. It does nothing when I select the settings in the device manager.

Basically, Mythic told me thats how it is fixed. Dell said the IRQ aint important. So long as its in there. And unless there is something else crammed in 11, than cannot be switched, then it'll be fine.

Nothing should be requiring IRQ 11, seeing as how the computer itself only uses thru IRQ 7 to run.

Anyway, I think I just confused myself more..

My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt
posted 11-17-2001 08:21:17 AM
Like Dell said, the IRQ shouldn't matter, unless there is a conflict with 2 pieces of hardware sharing the same IRQ, similar to old issues with Serial mouses and modems.

You can try removing the video card and reinstalling it, it MAY adjust the IRQ it is on.

"Unlike adults, children have little need to deceive themselves." - Goethe
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"A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams." - John Barrymore
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Squire Twitch
posted 11-17-2001 08:53:21 AM
Cracking the case is going to be my last resort.. I hate doing it. And I can force it to take 11 that way.. Just enter setup, and mess with the reservations, and assignments. The card is plug and play, so it'll go to whatever I leave open.

But I didnt do that to make it NOT work. And it didnt do it beofre last night, so i think theres some foulplay going on.

No.. not a virus, unless somebody wrote a special one, just for me. But theres a new conflict going on that wasn't there yesterday.

My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt
Roll for initiative, Monkey Boy!
posted 11-17-2001 09:04:26 AM
Talorynn had this to say about Punky Brewster:
I have to, because of a problem with the IRQ of the video card, not being kosher with DAoC. I dont understand it myself, as I had no problems before. The people at Dell told me theres no problem they can think of. The People at Mythic, however, say they dont support XP, or Win2K. but they say that they are aware of my problem, and gave me a list of things to check. All were video card settings, and such.

The only one that doesnt match up, is the IRQ. They say it should be on 11, but my card is on 16.

wtf are they smoking.

AGP video cards get better access than anything on the PCI bus. IRQ has apsofuginglutly nothing to do with anything when it comes to AGP, and IRQ does apsofuginglutly nothing with true 32 bit operating systems like windows 2k and XP.

[ 11-17-2001: Message edited by: Blind Swordsman ]

On a plane ride, the more it shakes,
The more I have to let go.
Squire Twitch
posted 11-17-2001 12:10:58 PM
Umm, if it had nothing to do with it, it would not be there.

In the quest for making windows faster, they would have gotten rid of it if it did nothing. And since Mythic says it fixes the problem, apparantly it DOES have something to do with it.

My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt
posted 11-17-2001 02:26:25 PM
Mythic is smoking a bowl. You don't need to adjust the IRQ of your video card. In fact, I would strongly advise AGAINST that.

They're BSing you dude. Its classic Tech Support strategy. Try something else.

Tier the Genius™
Dark Elf Pimp
posted 11-17-2001 03:01:53 PM
IRQs 1-8 are monitored by the first 8259 chip. IRQs 9-16 are monitored by the second chip, linked to IRQ 2. If there would be a difference changing IRQs, it would lie there.

But since there is absolutely NO difference in whatever IRQ number your hardware has, it doesn't lie there.

posted 11-17-2001 03:04:18 PM
ACPI problems are SOOOO 1999. Unless you're using extremely outdated hardware in your system, there should be absolutely NO problem in the fact that all your devices are sharing an IRQ (in fact, it should actually make your system run BETTER).

Now, you CAN turn ACPI off, but I guarantee you, if you do, half your hardware isn't going to work.

What problem are you having, anyway, that's making you blame ACPI?

Squire Twitch
posted 11-18-2001 03:13:29 AM
DAoC locks when I'm in a city, or near buildings.

Anyway, I tried about a dozen thigs so far, and nothing has worked. Reinstalling the game dont work, reinstalling winblows dont work. Its like it suddenly decided that it doesnt like buildings. Thats why its so frustrating. Its a computer, its not allowed to make decisions like that for itself.

Oh, and yeah, turning ACPI off is a bad idea.. Tho it is kind of funny seeing "New hardware found, Processor" come up on the screen.

I dont reccomend it.

[ 11-18-2001: Message edited by: Talorynn ]

My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt
Koska Kintaro
Not Banned Yet
posted 11-18-2001 06:58:49 AM
Talorynn had this to say about Captain Planet:
Umm, if it had nothing to do with it, it would not be there.

It isn't there

Are you, by any chance, using a Voodoo card?

If not, are you using the reccomended detonator drivers? (not the latest, the reccomended)

[ 11-18-2001: Message edited by: Koska Kintaro ]

Squire Twitch
posted 11-18-2001 01:54:16 PM
No, not a voodoo..

And no, I'm not using the Detonators.. they told me not to.
I'm still waiting on the next email with thier next ideas..

My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt
posted 11-18-2001 02:30:04 PM

Reference drivers are there for a reason. Download the XP Detonators from nVidia.com and install them. You'll thank me, then you'll send Mystic an e-mail to tell them they're morons.

Squire Twitch
posted 11-18-2001 02:34:41 PM
I'm not using an Nvidia card..
My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt
posted 11-18-2001 02:44:04 PM
Sorry. You made it sound as though you were.

So what video card ARE you using?

Squire Twitch
posted 11-18-2001 02:47:25 PM
ATI Rage Pro Ultra...

it came with the machine, and I aint got the cash to get the new card yet.

My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt
posted 11-18-2001 02:48:11 PM
Talorynn had this to say about Pirotess:

There's your problem.

Atleast Verant tech support would come right out and tell you that your video card blows dead chickens.

[ 11-18-2001: Message edited by: Kegwen Tabibito ]

Squire Twitch
posted 11-18-2001 02:54:10 PM
Unless you can back that up, Feel free not to share your hatreds for hardware companies.

To be honest, I dont care what you read in a magazine, or what your friends told you was the best.

And just for point on ATI's side. The card in my laptop is ATI, is LESS than the recomended memory that Mythic says I need. And it runs great.

And, since you decided to add in an "EQ is better than DAoC" comment.. I shall politely ask you to refrain from posting anymore in this thread. Your opinion is not needed, wanted, and shall be ignored.

[ 11-18-2001: Message edited by: Talorynn ]

My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt
posted 11-18-2001 02:55:58 PM
Talorynn wrote this stupid crap:
Unless you can back that up, Feel free not to share your hatreds for hardware companies.

To be honest, I dont care what you read in a magazine, or what your friends told you was the best.

And just for point on ATI's side. The card in my laptop is ATI, is LESS than the recomended memory that Mythic says I need. And it runs great.

That's because up until VERY recently, the only noteworthy mobile graphics card was the ATI Rage. Generally, it outperforms ATI desktop cards.

"What I read in a magazine" is what I like to call a benchmark, bub.

Now nVidia, the people who drove 3dfx out of business and then bought them out, has topped them [ATI] in that market too.

[ 11-18-2001: Message edited by: Kegwen Tabibito ]

posted 11-18-2001 02:58:48 PM
ATI RAGE PRO Windows XP Display Drivers


The RAGE PRO driver included with Windows XP does NOT support OpenGL.

Windows XP Display Driver version 5.1.2001.0


This driver is available on the Windows XP CD.

You're screwed. Upgrade that card if you want to play DAoC, or any OpenGL game.

It looks to me like ATI has no intention of supporting that card in XP.

posted 11-18-2001 03:01:26 PM
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Prometheus was all like:
ATI RAGE PRO Windows XP Display Drivers

You're screwed. Upgrade that card if you want to play DAoC, or any OpenGL game.

It looks to me like ATI has no intention of supporting that card in XP.

Bingo. It seems to me that they've realized that their old cards blew, and they're trying their very best to kick some serious ass with the Radeon 7500/8500.


[ 11-18-2001: Message edited by: Kegwen Tabibito ]

Squire Twitch
posted 11-18-2001 03:03:10 PM
I intended to upgrade the card from the beginning.. Already have the XP drivers for it, but thanks for lettin me know where to find them anyway.
My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt
posted 11-18-2001 03:03:47 PM
Talorynn had this to say about Robocop:
I intended to upgrade the card from the beginning.. Already have the XP drivers for it, but thanks for lettin me know where to find them anyway.

... he was making a point.

posted 11-18-2001 03:06:17 PM
I'm just trying to help.

Personally, I prefer the GeForce line from nVidia. I know some people are strongly against nVidia, and I respect their opinions. The Radeon line-up has some strong merits, and is welcome competition in the industry.

To each his own.

It doesn't matter what you get, just get SOMETHING to replace that card.

Squire Twitch
posted 11-18-2001 03:06:22 PM
Kegwen,are you still here??

shoo, little doggy.. shoo..

[ 11-18-2001: Message edited by: Talorynn ]

My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt
posted 11-18-2001 03:10:17 PM
if DAoC supports it, my suggestion is a GeForce 2 card (whatever type you can get) or something using it's chipset (like the Hecules Prophet 2 line of cards) or, if you can afford it (and it's supported), then get a GeForce3.

also, if you get any of those cards, i suggest you get the Detonator XP drivers.

[ 11-18-2001: Message edited by: nosleep ]

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ph34r me
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Anthrax - The other white powder

posted 11-18-2001 03:12:19 PM
Firstoff Tal, I'd like to clear this up: I don't have anything against ya. You're a cool guy, and I'm sorry that sometimes it sounds like I'm trying to force my opinions on you guys.

But Prom is right, you will need to replace that card and I understand that cash is a limitation. I can only replace my computer parts during the summer when I work for my friend's dad, who owns (or is a VERY high up person, I'm not sure of his exact title) a local company whose name/website I can't remember at this point . I get to work in inventory there for a modest $8 an hour

(EDIT: bad link/company name. Removed)

[ 11-18-2001: Message edited by: Kegwen Tabibito ]

posted 11-18-2001 03:14:05 PM
The GeForce 2 MX 400 64MB is WELL worth the $50-$60 you might pay for it.
posted 11-18-2001 03:16:23 PM
Prometheus had this to say about Punky Brewster:
The GeForce 2 MX 400 64MB is WELL worth the $50-$60 you might pay for it.

Indeed. I have the MX 200 personally, as I was limited for cash when I was building my computer. It performs perfectly in all the games I play actively, including Max Payne (1024x768 res ), EverQuest, DAoC, Counter-Strike, etc...

posted 11-18-2001 03:19:48 PM
Prometheus wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
The GeForce 2 MX 400 64MB is WELL worth the $50-$60 you might pay for it.

i've only got a Hercules 2 MX(would've gotten something better, but it was all i could afford), but it still r0xx0rz, all my games run perfectly, and it was only $90(CND)
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ph34r me
This uselss post brought to you by:
Anthrax - The other white powder

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