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Topic: ...I see dumb people...
posted 10-03-2001 08:06:00 AM
Well, there I am, hunting spectres in Oasis, (Idiot-magnet of Marr) when I get a tell:

Malcaym tells you; 'crack plz'

Sooo, I decide a little fun with idiots is in order, so... I first do a /who on him.
He's a 31 Paladin.

You tell Malcaym; 'd00d trde sow 4 crack'
Malcaym tells you; 'iam paly cant sow dood'
You tell Malcaym; 'Well, I'm a Wizard. I can't cast Clarity.'
Malcaym tells you; 'no ur no i saw u say u will crack fr sow'

Well, At this time, I set the lamer alert on red.

You tell Malcaym; 'Well, I can't argue with logic. Incidently, I notice your lack of proficiency with d00dsp33k.'
Malcaym tells you; '?'
You tell Malcaym; '!'
Malcaym tells you; '??'
You tell Malcaym; 'I know what will come next, and so do you, if I answer that. Anyway...'
Malcaym tells you; '??'
You tell Malcaym; 'Well, d00dsp33k. to start with, you replace key letters with numbers.'
Malcaym tells you; 'what'

Note, no question mark. He appears to have lost it. Pulled it off, prehaps?

You tell Malcaym; 'For example: 'y0u 4r3 4 l4m3r'.'
Malcaym tells you; '?'

Oh, no, he didn't pull it off.

You tell Malcaym; 'Next part, for letters that there are no numbers corrosponding, use other buttons you find.'
Malcaym tells you; 'dood wtf'
You tell Malcaym; 'Getting closer, well done. Heres another example: |=|_|ck 0ff d00|)'

Luckily for my enjoyment purposes, he doesn't get the hint.

You tell Malcaym; 'The well placed use of d00dsp33k can be intensely annoying, and in some cases can, in time, lead to the existence of bitter, bitter people.'
Malcaym tells you; 'wtf shut up'
You tell Malcaym; 'As you can see, off to your left is a game named Ultima Online.'
Malcaym tells you; 'uo sucks'

Bing-ooo, can anyone say "Typical?"

You tell Malcaym; 'Ultima Online started off as a promising game.'
Malcaym tells you '?'
You tell Malcaym; 'But then, shock, people started using d00dsp33k. And then the grievers came! We are talking major bugger.'
Malcaym tells you 'what?'

Wow, that made sense! Give it an award for evolution!

Malcaym tells you; 'STFU! crack now plz!'

Ooh, I'm gonna haveta hurt him now...

You tell Malcaym; 'Eh? Oh yeah. I'm at the gypsies.'
Malcaym tells you; 'omw'

He's here. Now comes the really enjoyable bit.

You tell Malcaym; 'Oh yes, Clarity requires you be in the same group as me.'
Malcaym tells you; 'i didt no that'
You invite Malcaym to join your group.
You have formed the group.

Oh, Sweet!

Let the mayhem begin...

You tell the group; 'Clarity inc'
You begin to cast Nullify Magic
Malcaym looks a bit dispelled
Malcaym tells the group; 'THT WAS 60 DRUD SOW!!!'
You say out of character; '...I see dumb people...'
You tell the group; 'Sorry, wrong button, won't happen again.'
You tell the group; 'Clarity inc'
You begin to cast Translocate: Combine
You say out of character; '...They're everywhere...'

At this point, you'd expect him to twig that I was a wizard and was NOT going to clarity him, buuuuutt.....

Malcaym fades away.


You say out of character; '...They walk around like you and I...'
You disband your party
Malcaym tells you; 'tat not crack dood!!!'
You tell Malcaym; 'Well, duh!'
You say out of character; '...Some of them don't even know they're dumb...'
You say out of character; 'And... Some of them...'
You say out of character; 'They play EQ!'

Well, you'd think by this point Malcaym would have learned his lesson, but, five minutes later...

Malcaym tells you; 'i died u port to dl for cr?'

No folks, I am not making this up, despite Riffler's belief. (A cool british bard in Allied Fools)

You tell Malcaym; 'Certainly. Meet me at the docks.'

I am laughing soo hard right now, and I tell my guildmates 'bout it. (See Riffler)

Anyway, a few minutes later, the dickhead shows up at the docks.

Riffler is in an alt, but to avoid confusion, I changed the name of his alt back to Riff.

Riffler tells the guild; 'Naked Pally in Nektulos?'
Riffler tells the guild; 'Naked Pally in Iceclad?'
Riffler tells the guild; 'Naked Pally in Cazic?'
Riffler tells the guild; 'Nah, Naked Pally in port/death loop. After all, he did ASK to go to DL the second time.'

Ah, Riff. Always with good advice.

You tell Malcaym; So, here you are.
You invite Malcaym to join your group.
You have formed the group.

As I'm a vindictive bastard, I took the SoW that he used to get from Freeport back to Oasis off him. Again.

You tell the group; 'You're just a sucker for punishment, aren't you?'
You begin to cast Translocate: Combine.
Malcaym fades away.

You can tell what happened five minutes later, can't ye, all? He showed up again, asking for a port back. As Dreadlands was getting boring, I sent him to Toxxulia Forest then, and everyone had a good laugh. Except for Malcaym, the antipowergamer.
I did tell the guild later, that he didn't really NEED any crack, unless he just smoked it all.

[edit: what the??]

[ 10-03-2001: Message edited by: Pvednes Phoenixfeather ]

Steven Steve
posted 10-03-2001 08:07:00 AM

[ 10-03-2001: Message edited by: Fazumzen Fastfist ]

"Absolutely NOTHING [will stop me from buying Diablo III]. I will buy it regardless of what they do."
- Grawbad, Battle.net forums

"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums

Steven Steve
posted 10-03-2001 08:16:00 AM
"Absolutely NOTHING [will stop me from buying Diablo III]. I will buy it regardless of what they do."
- Grawbad, Battle.net forums

"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums

Super Kagrama
posted 10-03-2001 08:17:00 AM

But, be careful. I heard you can get PUNISHEDEDEDED for porting someone to another place against their will.

i shoueld joeg threw the foreast moer offeand!!11
Yes, I am a lawyer. No you can't sue them for that. Shut up, or I'll have your legs broken.
posted 10-03-2001 08:18:00 AM
Fortunately he was also too dumb to petition you, because apparently porting without consent is suspendable. It's a shame, I think it is a funny way to deal with griefers.
Evercrest Lawyer

Thinking about your posts
(and billing you for it) since 2001

posted 10-03-2001 08:20:00 AM
I TRANSLOCATED him. The point is, that I can't get suspended for that, as it has a consent window. And it's just hilarious that he clicked yes.

Not to mention, the next ones he asked me to port him.

Illanae's Stooge!
posted 10-03-2001 08:22:00 AM
hehe, too funny , reminds me of an incident I witnessed a while back. I was just explaining it to Pved in chat, so I'll cut and paste it here.

<KaLourin> reminds me of an exchange i saw once in South Ro..
<KaLourin> happened to be taking a break near the swamp zoneline..with me, an ogre sk and a human warrior
<Pvednes> Yes?
<KaLourin> warrior says Sow plz a couple times..neither one of us respond
<KaLourin> so he starts hailing the ogre , I do a /who... ogres an sk
<KaLourin> this goes on for a few minutes, finally the ogre says he cant cast sow
<KaLourin> human says "d00d, wtf! all ogre shamans have Sow"
<KaLourin> ogre says "You're right..but im a shadowknight"
<KaLourin> bright boy says "dood! you're wielding a staff, sk's use swords! your a shaman"
<KaLourin> at that point we both lost our minds, laughing our asses off
<Pvednes> Bwahahaha!
<KaLourin> we both had to school bright boy there that shadowknights also have 1 and 2hb..
* KaLourin just shakes his head and sighs..

*sees dumb people too*

Dont make me slap you so hard your bucket spins around, and around,and stops sideways,thus confusing you, and making you run about London wearing your bucket, a g-string, and carrying a stick,smacking the ground while yelling "MAGICALLY DELICIOUS! MAGICALLY FUCKING DELICIOUS!"- {Tal} to Mortious
Hebrew 9:3- 'And the Lord said unto me, "Dude, there isn't a K in covenant."' - Snoota

This beer drops trou and fucks your mouth with pure hoppy goodness. - Karnaj
posted 10-03-2001 08:24:00 AM
Thanks for warning me, for that's the way I've been dealing with dickheads in EQ since I was able to port...
posted 10-03-2001 08:30:00 AM
Dang it, this wound up posted to the wrong topic!!

[ 10-03-2001: Message edited by: Meridian ]

Meridian Ascendant
Lacking a witty sig-phrase since 2001.
Gaeadil Fyrecynder
posted 10-03-2001 08:38:00 AM
Heheh.. lovin' it
Espio Idsavant
You have gotten better at Being a Lush! (200)
posted 10-03-2001 08:52:00 AM
lol, that is classic.

I wish I had the log of the time someone was arguing with me that I should rez them...

I'm a half elf - how often do you see them rezzing - only half elfs that can are 59+ palllys.
I'm (at that time) level 30ish - even if I WAS a cleric, I couldn't rez you.
I'm a BARD, dressed in LAMBENT ARMOR. Since when could anyone dressed in full blueberry armor REZ you?

Then there was the enchanter that I had to teach mez tactics to, at level 49. Only reason why I did that rather then running away is because I was too far away from the zone and bards can't gate...

And you can still be free, If time will set you free
And going higher than the mountain tops
And go high like the wind don't stop...

[ My gooberish Live Journal thingy ]

Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 10-03-2001 08:56:00 AM
jejejejekekek!!~ XDDDDDD

I lost all my logs of stupid people, some of them were pure comedy gold.

"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
Gluttonous Overlard
posted 10-03-2001 10:14:00 AM
Demitri had this to say about dark elf butts:
jejejejekekek!!~ XDDDDDD

They do that, all the time, never stopping. I wouldn't mind, apart from the fact THEY'RE ALL IN THE SAME FEAKING GUILD!

/gu? What's that?

posted 10-03-2001 01:00:00 PM
I was playing my druid in Loio the other day with my boyfriend and a warrior alt of a level 54 chanter friend. The warrior alt was pulling and we had a chanter in our group. He says Inc 3, two times before the group of mobs gets to us.

The chanter in our group has a pet.....he starts nuking and running around with the adds on them.

Me, being a druid and the healer of the group casts my DS on the main tank, and then I heal, of course bringing the adds upon myself. To prevent myself from being run over by a group of sarnaks, i have to use root CC techniques.

After the fight we inquire as to why the chanter didn't mez anything, and he explained that he coudln't when he had a pet We suggest that he looses the pet and mezzes, being as he is the chanter that is his job. so he starts yelling at us. and actually said "i know how to play, look at my equiptment this isn't my first character you know!!"


~*Riversong Averangel*~
56th level wandering bard on SolRo

image from: BlueRaven's Vault

posted 10-03-2001 01:05:00 PM
Hey River:

/target Chanter

Glad to be of help!

posted 10-03-2001 01:11:00 PM
Wow, can't mez with an animation in a low MR area? Genious! No wonder those mobs used to stop! I don't think that was supposed to happen
posted 10-03-2001 01:34:00 PM
One day in North Karana:
A level 18 wizard walks up to me and hails me then sends me a tell:
<name> tells you: d00d give me sow and crack plz.
I do a who on myself I am not anon, I have on a full suit of crafted armor (warrior only) and a skull shaped barbute on.
I sent a tell back: Sorry dude, I can't cast clarity or sow, for one they can't even be cast by the same class, and two: I am not a casting class.
He sends me a tell back: You lieing basterd, I want crack and sow NOW, or I will get my high level guildys on you.
I do a who on him, and he isn't in a guild.
I do an ooc: Hey guys <name> expects me to give him sow AND clarity.
I get a few LOLs in ooc.
The guy sends me a tell back: d00d give me sow and crack now you #$#!%@ basterd.
Then I get another tell from a 13 enchanter:
Hey could I get sow and crack t00 please?
I see dumb people and they won't go away... ARG!!!
Fred Chook
Has a corpse rotting somewhere, even as we speak!
posted 10-03-2001 04:08:00 PM
Nice of you and Riff to play without me...

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid credit card! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Hobbits not happy!

I hope you at least set the MOTD I asked for? No...?

I <3 My Deviant
posted 10-03-2001 04:18:00 PM
Kagrama impressed everyone with:

But, be careful. I heard you can get PUNISHEDEDEDED for porting someone to another place against their will.

accually you can't it's acceptible if you have a good excuse (how do i know? GM said so!)

i've done it to.. a loser nekked DE enchanter was messing around while me and a friend were killing in EK (i was as my necro) and so after he pulled the druids on us... and got us killed a few.. we find out he is waiting for a rez in LGuk..

WELL why didn't he say so! I have a porting druid (jut.. not to Sro at the time)

I get her on, group him up (load up tox and gate) port his ass to Tox, gate disband and camp =)


posted 10-03-2001 05:49:00 PM
I plot revenge on you as we speak...

Not a girl, never will be, no matter how much you may hear differently
posted 10-03-2001 07:13:00 PM

I have yet to have anything that bad happen to me... I've had my monk asked for SoW before though, the guy accepted my explanation of "I'm a monk." though so... well, we'll see if it happenes later.

"What power would hell have if those imprisoned there could not dream of heaven?" -Dream, Sandman
"When the first living thing existed, I was there waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights, and lock the universe behind me as I leave." -Death, Sandman
"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot." Dream, Sandman
Full sigpic image
I'll take two of anything, please. To go.
posted 10-03-2001 07:21:00 PM
People are idiots. Sadly, some of them have a half decent computer and access to the internet.
Akiraiu Zenko
Is actually a giddy schoolgirl
posted 10-04-2001 12:32:00 PM
Sarzz is level 9...I'm almost afraid to play him, now.

sow plz k thx

The artist formerly known as Zephyer Kyuukaze.
Fred Chook
Has a corpse rotting somewhere, even as we speak!
posted 10-04-2001 12:36:00 PM
I've been quite fortunate in the SoW beggar front. My only SoWer has been asked maybe three times, all of them were polite and all of them paid. I've been asked for ports a few times, but never met anyone so cloddish as these...
Akiraiu Zenko
Is actually a giddy schoolgirl
posted 10-04-2001 12:38:00 PM
Maybe I should be more afraid for Zephy, since he's wearing a robe now.
The artist formerly known as Zephyer Kyuukaze.
eet bugz
posted 10-04-2001 05:17:00 AM
You never lived until you saw somoene beg a wolfie pet for sow
play da best song in da world or me eet your soul
posted 10-04-2001 05:31:00 AM
Mortious Shadowstalker impressed everyone with:

Snail: Buy girls with money and massage thier...(something they don't teach you in spanish class) with butter (I think)

Charlina: Where are you(plural)?
Charlina: It is I XDD

Wanderwind: <no clue, sorry>

Next pic:


Yihat: <Unete? Spanish l33t?> <something something> for free

Wanderwind: Ademas a valley discount on a McNugget happy meal


[ 10-04-2001: Message edited by: Maradon? ]

posted 10-04-2001 06:01:00 AM
Ok, this really happened to me the other night, but I can't remember the name of the person who did it to me.

I'm in NK with my newly portable wizard (can only go to GFay, Tox and NK) when someone spams the zone with "Will pay 20pp for a port to GFay or BB" so, since I am able to go to GFay, I give the guy a tell, we meet, I port him to GFay.

Well, we get there, he promply disbands, and runs off without payment, a thank you, kiss my butt or anything. So I do an /ooc to the zone saying "how rude". Get this, the SAME guy that I just ported asks "what?"

As if he didn't know...so I says " You know, you are the one I'm talking about".

So then he sends me a /tell saying "sorry, I'm in a hurry, thank you".

I sent him a tell back about him offering payment then running off without paying when I'm kind enough to port him where he wants to go(ok, I wanted the plats, I have spells to buy), but I never heard anything else from him on the subject.

I see stupid people everywhere....

Even in real life, just got back from taking my kid to school...someone almost creamed my car coz he wasn't paying attention when I stopped. And THEN immediately almost hit the car in the next lane when he changed lanes!!!

[ 10-04-2001: Message edited by: Wyndi ]

(not my first or highest toon,just my current favorite)
Squire Twitch
posted 10-04-2001 08:17:00 AM
So I was playing my monk the other day, just hit 20.. Name became "Nefarious Nadkikk"

I had to petition to get this surname. It was approved. It was granted to me. 1 hour later..

<Guide> tells you "Hello, this is Guide <withheld>, I'm sorry, but your surname has been deemed improper, and must be changed.

<Me> Oh really? I had to petition to get it, kinda odd that it can be approved, then taken away. May I ask why?

<Guide> Well, its sexually offensive.
<Me> Umm, no. It sounds painful maybe, but if it was sexually offensive, it would not have gotten approved, like I said, i petitioned for it.
<Guide> Well, that doesnt matter, we got a complaint, and we are going to change it.
<Me> ok, lemme think of another.. can I have 5 minutes?
<Guide> Sorry, no, we have a name for you already.

I type /who all Nefarious
my surname is changed to.... Badguy

Ok, now it was changed from somethign that was borderline, to obviously against the policy. So I send another tell.

<Me> Ok, you need to read the rules yourself, not only the game rules but also the policy and procedures of guides. The greeting is the only thing you handled correctly.

<Guide> Quit sending me tells, you dont know what you are talking about.

<Me> Really? I used to be a guide. And after this bit, I used to be a paying customer.

Well, ok, it wasn't just because of that. I havent played EQ in a month. DAoC is coming out next week. Last couple months I did play, I never did anything.. The game had lost its shine, and I needed the credit card space for new adventures. But my email to the servers GM didnt mention more than my encounter with the asshole guide. I even included logs, and screenshots. About this time, I remembered that only GM's and Senior guides can do names.. you would figure a senior guide would know better. Oh well, more than likely my email just got directed to the trash anyway.. Most complaints do.


My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt
posted 10-04-2001 10:04:00 AM
Picture me in my cultural armor which looks like purple chain. With a chetari ward staff (big stick with a skull on the end of it) standing at oasis docks with a lvl 49 necro pet behind me, dmfed.
Dumbazz: can you give me clairity?
me: who? me?
Dumbazz: yes.
me: well umm no
Dumbazz: I can donate
me: I can't clarity
Dumbazz: Okay can you give me cleric buffs?
me: no
Dumbazz: I can donate
me: /e sigh
me: do you see the really huge skeleton behind me?
Dumbazz: Yes
Me: Okay, really big skeleton pet behind me, staff with a skull on the end= Necromancer
Dumbazz: So can you give me a sow?
Me: sure type /d and I can do that for ya
Dumbazz challenges you to a duel
I hit him with the chetari which has knockback and sent him flying over the hut somewhere towards orc highway.
/ignore dumbazz
cause I knew he was gonna whine and bitch and moan

[ 10-04-2001: Message edited by: Sidhra/Sureal ]

Kelveron's Kitten
posted 10-04-2001 10:27:00 AM
Man, you guys have found all the REALLy stupid people! My only two semi-bad ones are both seriously lame in comparison.

Episode 1:
<idiot 1>: Can you sow me please?
<Tarissa>: No, I'm not old enough yet.
<idiot 1>: There's no need to be rude. If you don't want to sow me, say so!
<Tarissa>: What, do you think druids are BORN knowing how to cast SoW? Look at me, please. I'm level TWO!

Episode 2:
<idiot 2>: Can you give me clarity?
<Tarissa>: No, sorry. I'm not an enchanter.
<idiot 2>: Yes you are.
<Tarissa>: Why do you say that? (Once I hit level 14, I kept roleplay on out of self-defense.)
<idiot 2>: Because your name sounds like an enchanter! I need clarity, plz?
<Tarissa>: (Take roleplay off for a moment) Look again, please.
<idiot 2>: Oh. Do you know anyone who can cast clarity on me?

There really should be some type of intelligence test for people. I must be an enchanter because my name sounds like one?!? Geeze! At least they gave up quickly.

Katjya Sylvertongue
Young Shadowknight and Proud Owner of her own (_|_)
Tarissa Treerunner
Mid-life Crisis Druid of House Avendur
posted 10-05-2001 04:52:00 AM
These're great. Let's hear more!
Illanae's Stooge!
posted 10-05-2001 05:33:00 AM
overheard in EC :

duh auctions, 'Will donate for port to WC'
soandso says ooc, 'Uhh, dude? WC is one zone over'
duh says ooc, 'Uhh, since when is WC one zone away from Gfay?'
soandso #2 says ooc, 'It's not..but you're not in GFay either'

silence on duh's part followed, ensued by laughter from everybody else

and then there was the time myself and all of Misty Thicket were being "informed" that you can go directly to EK from Misty, by a lv 13 noob. 10 people telling this kid he's wrong

his response "I've played since beta and I have the map, I know what I'm talking about"

laughter ensues..

Dont make me slap you so hard your bucket spins around, and around,and stops sideways,thus confusing you, and making you run about London wearing your bucket, a g-string, and carrying a stick,smacking the ground while yelling "MAGICALLY DELICIOUS! MAGICALLY FUCKING DELICIOUS!"- {Tal} to Mortious
Hebrew 9:3- 'And the Lord said unto me, "Dude, there isn't a K in covenant."' - Snoota

This beer drops trou and fucks your mouth with pure hoppy goodness. - Karnaj
Gluttonous Overlard
posted 10-05-2001 06:38:00 AM

posted 10-05-2001 08:46:00 AM
KaLourin DthBlayde had this to say about Pirotess:
overheard in EC :

duh auctions, 'Will donate for port to WC'
soandso says ooc, 'Uhh, dude? WC is one zone over'
duh says ooc, 'Uhh, since when is WC one zone away from Gfay?'
soandso #2 says ooc, 'It's not..but you're not in GFay either'

silence on duh's part followed, ensued by laughter from everybody else

and then there was the time myself and all of Misty Thicket were being "informed" that you can go directly to EK from Misty, by a lv 13 noob. 10 people telling this kid he's wrong

his response "I've played since beta and I have the map, I know what I'm talking about"

laughter ensues..

About the part when he said he was from beta, I remember a necro asking me if he could buy my greater lightstone as my alt Gonden (Note: At the time of this conversation EQ had only been out for about two years and Velious had just recently come out.)
(The lines with Quotation Marks is me speaking.)
Dude do you have a greater lightstone?
"Um, yah i do."
Could I buy it for 5pp please? I really need it.
"No because they usually sell for 8pp, and I don't want to sell mine."
They do not.
<Soandso> auctions, WTB Greater Lightstones for 8pp
"See that guys just auctioned and wants to buy them for 8pp."
Well he is getting ripped off.
"Doesn't matter, if I wanted to sell my GLS I would sell it to him."
Ok, I will give you 6pp 5gp and a lightstone.
"No, because I would still be getting ripped off compared to that other guy."
Lightstones sell for over 2pp.
"Sorry, they don't they sell for around 7gp."
Then your charisma must be very low.
"It is 75, higher than a dark elf necro."
Have you tried selling them to your guild?
"Yah, I get 7gp."
Then your faction must suck.
"I am amiably >:/"
Trust me, I have been playing this game for four years, I know what things sell for! This is the only character I haven't gotten to level 60!

Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 10-05-2001 03:45:00 PM
I laughed my ass off the time I was in Highpass. Barb Shaman was there with his wolf pet killing goblins in the back of the basement for some bronze for a guildie and was buffing those of us at the front of the basement. Nice guy. Really didn't deserve it when some lame ass little dark elf comes running up to him and is pestering his pet for a SOW.
<DE> SOW plz
<Barb> Uh...that's my pet. He can't SOW you.
<My Group> *all laugh*
<DE> Hey Jebaner SOW plz
<Barb> I can SOW you though, hang on.
<DE> STFU, n00b, what you take me for? you're a warrior

Okay...Totemic helms on Barbs look like the plate helm for barb warriors...never mind the fact the guy's got a spear in one hand and an IDOL in the other hand. Plus his armor is that brownish color.

<Barb> look do a /who all on me. I'm a barbarian shaman
<DE> Jebaner! sow plz

And it kept going on like this. That was the single most patient shaman I think I've ever seen. It got to the point where I thought the DE was joking just to be difficult, but the guy was vehement. Horned helms, in his mind, equated to a warrior.

Makes me hope he never gets around dwarves. Probably thinks the stories of the elusive dwarven clerics and paladins are myths.

Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

Random Insanity Generator
Condom Ninja El Supremo
posted 10-05-2001 04:06:00 PM
Dumbass: Can you port me to N Ro?

Me (Standing with a Scythe in one hand in an Oracel Robe): Nope. I can't port.

DA: Yes you can, lair. Port me!

Me: The only place I can send you to is your bind point.

DA: Fine. That's close enough anyway.

Me: You have to /d me first.

DA: Huh?

Me: The only way I'm able to send you to your bind point is if you /d me.

DA: Oh. Ok.

Duel begins.

Me: You want to go to your bind point?

DA: Yeah. Start casting.

Me: Ok.

5 DoT spells later the wanker dies.


Me: How else did you think a NECROMANCER was going to send you to your bind point?

* NullDevice kicks the server. "Floggings will continue until processing power improves!"
"That was black magic, and it was easy to use. Easy and fun. Like Legos." -- Harry Dresden
That's what playing Ragnarok Online taught me: There's no problem in the universe that can't be resolved by the proper application of daggers to faces.
All times are US/Eastern
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