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Topic: Dammit!
Vampiric pixie that might eat your face, if you're lucky
posted 08-16-2001 10:17:00 AM
Two weeks until school starts! I'm restless...

I wanna go to school! I never thought I'd say this, but I wanna go.

Inject me with some sense, please?

Shhh. Everyone will hear us. Everyone will know.
I'll take two of anything, please. To go.
posted 08-16-2001 10:18:00 AM
You scare me.

(That good enough?)

posted 08-16-2001 10:23:00 AM
Well, I dunno. If you've spent all summer doing nothing, then getting back to school can be a step up. But if you're like some people who party all summer, tis a real downer. Personally I've been doing an internship at a computer company this summer and I can't wait to get back to going home at 3. More time = more EQ
-"Why do you have a huge spoon?"
-"I'm just lucky, I guess"
My very non-uber monk
Do not taunt the happy fun ball.
posted 08-16-2001 10:31:00 AM
just wait until you have no more school and have to work all the time.

no more summer.

no more 'lack of responsibilities'

i'd kill to be young and back in school again

Pass the cookies!
Vampiric pixie that might eat your face, if you're lucky
posted 08-16-2001 10:53:00 AM
Nah, s'just that I left all my friends behind and went to a new school. I'm hideously lonely, and my new school is... heaven. you can play EQ on the school computers ("DAMMIT STOP TRAINING ME!" is yelled accross the halls, met only with giggles. Then the trained person stomps into the other guy's room, takes over and kills his character five times ). The work is actually stimulating, not like the crap in normal schools. And it's populated with freaks like me! I WANNA GO!
Shhh. Everyone will hear us. Everyone will know.
posted 08-16-2001 10:56:00 AM
That sounds like hella fun. I forsee my college days as a hideous EQ fest. In the meantime I have enough time after school to do most of what I want, but my friend has to go back to boarding school where he needs permission to use the school internet for stuff like EQ. I pity da foo!
-"Why do you have a huge spoon?"
-"I'm just lucky, I guess"
My very non-uber monk
Do not taunt the happy fun ball.
Dead Tired
Is usually a girl
posted 08-16-2001 11:07:00 AM
Originally posted by Felocity:
just wait until you have no more school and have to work all the time.

no more summer.

no more 'lack of responsibilities'

i'd kill to be young and back in school again

I hear ya.

posted 08-16-2001 11:14:00 AM
I miss summer vacations
~*Riversong Averangel*~
56th level wandering bard on SolRo

image from: BlueRaven's Vault

The Flying Zebra
posted 08-16-2001 11:14:00 AM
I dislike school. New school, new people, and new teachers are all bad. Privite school is evil because they A) Put me in advanced english (not quite sure how that happend I'm not that good in english) and B) I can have only a few assingments late and miss a very very small amount of school C) Most decent forms of clothing are not allowed in school......I could go on like this for an hour
posted 08-16-2001 11:15:00 AM
That is when you find some nice internet job that allows you to work from home, and play eq a bit..
Falaanla Marr
posted 08-16-2001 11:17:00 AM
Nah, s'just that I left all my friends behind and went to a new school. I'm hideously lonely, and my new school is... heaven. you can play EQ on the school computers ("DAMMIT STOP TRAINING ME!" is yelled accross the halls, met only with giggles. Then the trained person stomps into the other guy's room, takes over and kills his character five times ). The work is actually stimulating, not like the crap in normal schools. And it's populated with freaks like me! I WANNA GO!

I wish i had an opporotunity like that.

I wish my parents had helped me to find opporotunities like that.

But no. I got to go through the OH SO WONDERFUL american public school system, where the intelligent kids are harassed endlessly, have things thrown at them during lunch, get shoved to the ground while teachers turn a head and suspend the kid that defended themself...

I could care less about being able to play games during school hours or what not. What I wish I had a chance at was to be among others who feel like me, not who get mad at you for answering a question in class, or when you get one wrong and the class ends up getting a pop quiz.

Sol, you are extremely lucky. I envy you.

[ 08-16-2001: Message edited by: Falaanla Marr ]

posted 08-16-2001 11:19:00 AM
Originally posted by Falaanla Marr:
I wish i had an opporotunity like that.

I wish my parents had helped me to find opporotunities like that.

But no. I got to go through the OH SO WONDERFUL american public school system, where the intelligent kids are harassed endlessly, have things thrown at them during lunch, get shoved to the ground while teachers turn a head and suspend the kid that defended themself...

Sol, you are extremely lucky. I envy you.

teh truth

Jete D'Paintedtoes
Pint-sized Pursesnatcher
posted 08-16-2001 11:34:00 AM
I'm on the "digital culture" floor at a very geeky/artsy college this year..

you BET im excited!

Jete D'Paintedtoes
Randomly Occurring
the new site
Peels like a tangerine, but is juicy like an orange.
posted 08-16-2001 01:53:00 PM
I wish i had an opporotunity like that.

I wish my parents had helped me to find opporotunities like that.

But no. I got to go through the OH SO WONDERFUL american public school system, where the intelligent kids are harassed endlessly, have things thrown at them during lunch, get shoved to the ground while teachers turn a head and suspend the kid that defended themself...

I could care less about being able to play games during school hours or what not. What I wish I had a chance at was to be among others who feel like me, not who get mad at you for answering a question in class, or when you get one wrong and the class ends up getting a pop quiz.

Sol, you are extremely lucky. I envy you

So so so so true, It's that way in Iowa Land too... =(

..:: This Is The Sound Of Settling ::..
Kelveron's Kitten
posted 08-16-2001 02:22:00 PM
GOD, what I wouldn't do to have summer vacations again!! I really wish I understood just how much fun I was having while I was in HS back when I was IN high school. *sigh*

But as to schools, I think I got really lucky with my public school. We had a REALLY sucky football team, so sports really were not the be-all and end-all of student cariculum. However, our marching band, jazz band and drama clubs all took home 1st or 2nd, with a rare 3rd place prize in state competitions. Choir was almost as good, but I think they were more 2nd and 3rd place, without many 1sts.

So although we were still the "geeks" and got picked on by the football team and cheerleaders, we also knew that we had something we could be proud of. And, considering that between band/choir/drama/stage crews, we encompased more than half of the student population.... well, we had a bit of force behind being able to simply ignore or fight back (rarely) against the "popular" crowd.

And we were always the pets of the teachers, so any fights that did occur, were usually not blamed on us.

Katjya Sylvertongue
Young Shadowknight and Proud Owner of her own (_|_)
Tarissa Treerunner
Mid-life Crisis Druid of House Avendur
Dr. Gee
Say it Loud, Say it Plowed!
posted 08-16-2001 03:45:00 PM
i'm doing the only option available to deal with the public school system.

i'm taking my HSEE and getting the hell out of High School and into Comunity College

Hungry Hungry Hippo
posted 08-16-2001 03:52:00 PM
Originally posted by Geeorn:
i'm doing the only option available to deal with the public school system.

i'm taking my HSEE and getting the hell out of High School and into Comunity College

Not a day goes by I don't think of doing that.

But I suppose this school year is different.

1. I'll have access to Code Red Mt. Dew at all times.

2. I'm taking some lovely electronics classes.

3. No math classes. The sheer overload of homework in those classes drained my will to do any work for any other classes. I figure I'll just teach myself calc since I practicly did that with pre-calc last year.

I don't know how to be sexy. If I catch a girl looking at me and our eyes lock, I panic and open mine wider. Then I lick my lips and rub my genitals. And mouth the words "You're dead."
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