EverCrest Message Forums
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Crunchy, tastes good with ketchup
posted 09-15-2003 03:33:46 AM
Okay, one of the major problems new people have here is that, essentially, they don't know all the weird little quirks in how the people on the forums work and what is expected. So, I've decided to make a little rules list on what to do and not do, so that everyone new might have a greater chance of coming through their arrival without being frightened/confused/banned. Please read it all, to make sure you can smoothly slide into board life with the least amount of annoyance to everyone.

1.) Read the rules. It's funny, really. That little link to the rules is up on every page in this forum, and very few people read it to begin with. You really should, because this forum is not exactly like every other one on the Internet. Drysart has spent large amounts of time customizing this board and its rules to fit the rather unique situation we have here, so there are some things on there that you won't find anywhere else. And you want to know about them, so you won't get banned unexpectedly for doing something you can do other places online.

2.) Be yourself, but try to work with us. Yes, we do appreciate a level of individuality here at EverCrest. Feel free to be your own self, like the things you do, talk about the things you enjoy, and so on. Personal differences are the thing that makes this forum work - getting a bunch of different people in one area, more or less respecting one another, to joke and talk and express themselves.

However, there are a couple things you really should do to help you integrate well into the mass of people we have here. For one, try to use proper grammar and spelling. We all make mistakes, and a couple people here do have terrible writing skills due to second languages or such things - one person's even made a name for himself for it. But still, it's not something you want to chance. A lot of people here, myself included, get at least slightly annoyed when we see someone not even trying to make coherent posts. Call it OCD, call it pedantry, but it'd really help if new people would at the very least use capitalization and punctuation.

3.) Don't try to make a name for yourself. I don't know how many people fall into this trap. Don't try to stand out, or someone else will try to pull you down off your little pedestal. It's okay to be different, it's okay to follow an alternate lifestyle or philosophy, it's okay to be your own self. But please, don't make a show out of it. We really don't care that you're the only tri-hetero-gothic-fairyfolk in Wisconsin. Really. We care if you can talk, and joke, and present yourself intelligently. Most of us don't even make a point about presenting "who we really are" in most cases, so you don't have to either. If it comes up in conversation, go ahead. But I probably wouldn't advise it too much. Just let your personality, and not your persona, show first.

4.) Don't take things too seriously. There is no way I can emphasize this enough. But I will try. Don't take things too seriously! People will probably make fun of you at some point. It's not a serious show of enmity. Laugh it off. Everyone here has been made fun of at some point. Everyone will be made fun of a lot more in the future. It's a given. It will happen. Don't let it get to you.

On a related note, don't let people here become enemies to you. It's silly. This is a forum online. Relationships can form, people can meet, and so on. But c'mon, this sort of thing really isn't something to hate someone over. You turn off the computer, this whole thing vanishes. The people here retreat to the various corners of the globe they live on, and there's no good reason to be bringing enmity into that.

5.) Watch how things are done first. I know, I know - you joined to talk to people, and talking to people is what you're going to do. But it's important to know peoples' quirks first, unless you want to go doing some very weird things (like hitting on Falaanla) or some very suicidal things (like insulting the military in one of Bloodsage's threads, or anywhere near Bloodsage for that matter).

6.) Don't be confrontational yet. It's unfair, really, but a general truth - people are far less forgiving of those people who have not been here long. Wait at the very least until you have found some sort of niche you fit into before you start arguing in the debate threads or calling out someone who has been here a long time. It will certainly help your chances for survival if you don't get ahead of yourself here.

7.) Don't expect much in the way of accomodation. We aren't really here to make you comfortable. If you're friendly, most of us will be friendly in return. But there's no real obligation involved. We don't HAVE to do things for you, just as you don't HAVE to do things for us. Unless you're talking Drysart, in which case you'd better do it quick - he pays for this, which means we're ALL obligated to him for providing us this nice place to talk in.

8.) Don't try to sneak your way around the rules. Really, don't. People try this more than you'd think, which is why the rules are as complicated as they are. Keep in mind that Drysart can and does change the rules with little notice, and is perfectly in his rights to ban you just because he doesn't like you. In fact, we've gone through a couple runs of "The People's Republic of EverCrest" where he's done almost that. So really, don't be stupid about it and try to weasel your way around the rules so that you can do something stupid. It's not worth it.

9.) Give Parcelan space. And cookies. Parcelan is... himself. He says things, and does things. Most of them are things you don't want directed at you. But don't expect him not to try you at some point. He's something of our bouncer - those people who are not laid back enough to let him be or avoid him, he'll eventually chase out. It's not a position that's made him many friends, but I somewhat think he likes it that way. And he's not all bad, either. Just give him some room. Oh, and cookies.


If anyone else has something to add, go ahead and post it. I can't think of anything else of importance right away.

Newcomers, don't be too scared. Just follow the golden rule above all else, if that stuff above gets too complicated. The golden rule is as follows:


If you can do that, you'll be fine. If you can't... well, it won't be pretty. So at least try.

posted 09-15-2003 03:37:41 AM
you will be contacted shortly by Mr. Parcelin's attorney for copyright infrigement and purgery
Elvish Crack Piper
Murder is justified so long as people believe in something different than you do
posted 09-15-2003 03:41:52 AM
Nah, Parcelans version of this has b& written all over it so it'd be a bit hard to read.

Hitting on Falaana or Fae are the two big ones, I guess Nina/Tier counts now too.

(Insert Funny Phrase Here)
The Outlaw Torn
posted 09-15-2003 04:10:54 AM
10.) Before you speak, taste your words to make sure they are palatable.

Time was never on my side.
So on I wait my whole lifetime.

Doesn't Like You. Specifically you.
posted 09-15-2003 06:17:31 AM
Duck is tasty with orange sauce.
Mr. Parcelan
posted 09-15-2003 10:38:32 AM
All newbs shall henceforth be called: "Mr. Wong".
Road Warrior Queef
posted 09-15-2003 10:43:47 AM
Batty still thinks SARS jokes are topical, as evidenced by:
Duck is tasty with orange sauce.

I thought it was their cocks which were orange.

That's the American Dream: to make your life into something you can sell. - Chuck Palahniuk, Haunted

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith


SCA babe!!!
posted 09-15-2003 11:03:24 AM

The name system goes like THIS:

Pink - 24 hours or less.
Cyan - 24 hr -> less then 1 year.
Copper - 1yr -> 2years
Silver - 2yr -> 3years
Bright Yellow(Gold) - 3yr+
Yellow S next to name = Subscriber
Green M next to name = Mod
Gray A next to name = Admin
Red dot next to name = That person is ignoring you!

NOW! What does this mean to you?

Usually, gold names have been here the longest Of them all, which means they USUALLY know what's going on, and they are definatly the people who you can ask questions of. This goes to silver, too - most of the gold and silver posters who are still around are definate regulars.

If you have another pink person telling you what's what, you may want to be sceptical, and check out the rules.

The Yellow Subscriber only means that particular person pays Drys money every month. The server is EXPENSIVE, and people will go on about weather you have the right to bitch without subscribing - it's only 5 dollars a month! But even if you aren't, it's A-ok.

Other Guidelines

Don't start shitstorms with the mods or admins - you are only asking for trouble. That DOESN'T mean that you can't debate a topic with them. It means you don't cuss them out.

Don't post anything that has already been posted on the front page.

No personal "Your boyfriend/face/job/family/kids/car/whatever sucks, even though you didn't bring it up, and I only know about it vaugly." attacks.

While you know the ropes, it's BEST to avoid starting posts about: Religion, politics, and anything metaphysical unless you are SURE what you are talking about. We have people here walking about with 3 or 4 Masters and/or PHDs. Don't mess with them. Post in the threads already made with caution, as well. BE TOLERANT OF OTHERS. Be scared of starting an arguement of the things above with Bloodsage. He'll eat you for breakfast unless you are standing on solid titanium facts.

Don't post All Your Base, Domokun, or that stupid fucking kitten picture, or any combo of the 3. We've seen it. Really. If you think the boards are active now, you didn't see them a year ago. We've done pretty much all of the internet crazes except for flashmobbing (Thank god)

Don't link to goatse.cx. It's not cute, and unless it's a NSFW thread, it could get you fired. No one wants to see that.

Don't post about how goth you are. Believe me, there are people who are more goth then you. All you'll get is poeple making fun of you.

DO NOT OVERUSE SMILEYS. There should never be a row of judge smileys, or evil smileys. The evil smiley makes you look stupid, not evil or cute. it says "hehehehe... I think I'm so evil..." If you are evil, you don't need smiles.

Someone may seem like they completely understand everything, but they only have a cyan name. What's up with that? Well... they may have gotten banned, and come back. When you get banned, you start all over. Oh, and this is importnat:


Boom. No more EC. If you have brothers or sisters who come to the forums, they will be MIGHTY pissed at you, because they won't be able to get there either. So if a mod: currently Log, The Government, and Abbikat (admin) happens to tell you to cool it, DO IT.

If all your posts disspear when your sister logs on, congrats! You've been blacklisted. Blacklisting is when there's a large enough problem with your posts that now only mods can see them, so one of the admins can review your conduct and see if a ban is nessecary.

How do -I- get a spiffy custom title?

You don't ask for it. Really. You ask for your title, and you'll get something stupid, if anything at all. The mods descide what and when - and usually it's after you've said something embarassing, and they just stick it up there. You'll notice some yellow or silver names have no titles - they were a: lurkers, or b: they just were so bland they never stuck out. The default changes form time to time... but.. this is a reminder. NEVER ASK FOR ONE. Unlike many other forums, you CANNOT DEFINE YOUR OWN TITLE.

[ 09-15-2003: Message edited by: Gikkwiny ]

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