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Topic: LiquidGaming - Changes
eet bugz
posted 05-08-2002 06:29:13 PM
Liquid Gaming is going to be going through some changes in the coming week.

The counterstrike server will be going offline. It will be replaced by WR, TheGaming.org, and GamersNews.org

In the place of the counterstrike server will be the Everquest Shard Realm "Winter's Roar." The 5-9 rule still will apply and will be hardcoded into the source. This will mainly be for testing the shard.

Once the shard is stable, and if enough people are interested, we will try and rent a dedicated server. If enough people donate $10 a month, we should be able to afford something pretty hefty. Personally, I don't want to be the person in charge of that part, but I will be if no one else wishes to.

Also replacing LiquidGaming.org will be two other websites, TheGaming.org and GamersNews.org

TheGaming.org is simple. When someone wants to host game x at time y, they submit it to the site. It will be posted to TheGaming.org and there will be a section to comment on it. There also will be ultramode.txt. This will allow any website to easily link to TheGaming.org kind of like how EC links to fark.com

GamersNews.org is a gaming news site. For gamers by gamers. Anyone can submit a review on game or the like. There will be a calendar showing release dates of games.

This is the plan at least. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

edit: Spelling

[ 05-08-2002: Message edited by: diadem ]

play da best song in da world or me eet your soul
Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 05-08-2002 06:36:03 PM
I can't feel my penis. Get some pr0n in here, stat!
"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
Tier the Genius™
Dark Elf Pimp
posted 05-08-2002 06:37:56 PM
You mean... It's gone? The evil CS1.4 has vanished?
Swims in Erotic Circles
posted 05-08-2002 06:41:13 PM
Diadem. You fucking rule.
Tier the Genius™
Dark Elf Pimp
posted 05-08-2002 06:53:26 PM
As for the 9AM-5PM rule... I haven't actually measured it, but I don't think an EQEmu connection requires much stress. Think it'd be possible to therefore code a player limit at these times rather than shut it down?

Just a thought.

Naota Nandaba
Don't ask me about any goddamned bannings!
posted 05-08-2002 08:30:17 PM
Liam had this to say about Pirotess:
Diadem. You fucking rule.
Nothing amazing happens here.
Only the ordinary.
very important poster
a sweet title
posted 05-10-2002 03:57:23 PM
Sounds coo'. I'll be sure to pay my 10$ a month.
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