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Topic: Rules and FAQ redrafted!
I love democracy
posted 04-30-2002 08:34:52 PM

The Rules

General Overview
These forums are up and have continued to stay up because I, Tim Fries, have decided to pay for the bandwidth, server bills, and equipment costs out of my own pocket. I lose money from my paycheck every month by hosting these forums. These are my forums that I pay money to host, and I have free control over them. I will ban who I see fit. I will ban you if I don't like your name, or the way you spell "potato". I will ban you if I play a word in Scrabble that gives me Triple Word Score with the first letter of your username. I, and the rest of the moderators, will ban who breaks my rules. If you think these rules are unfair, you can either leave or pay me the cost of my server/bandwidth bills every month. These boards are a free service to you which causes me to lose my money each month.

General Conduct
You are not permitted to post porn or any "questionable" material you would feel uncomfortable viewing at work in any forum that does not explicitly permit it. Questionable material may be linked with an appropriate disclaimer, but this is only permitted for merely questionable material, not explicit material. The "questionable" rating of something is solely my decision -- a good rule of thumb is that if it has fur, you're probably better off linking it.

Bragging about, or otherwise drawing any attention to your post count will cause you to either lose your post count or be banned.

Bitching about a custom title (either having one or not having one) will not get you a different custom title.

Impersonating another poster is not funny. In fact, it is the total inverse of funny. If a moderator doesn't make your life hell for doing it, the rest of the forum will.

Intentionally trolling or spamming will not be tolerated and will be dealt with, with extreme prejudice.

Hate-mongering is not permitted. If you have a problem with someone else, work it out with them in a mature, civilized matter, or take it up with Drysart. No reasons are acceptable for any sort of other actions.

If you're caught doing one of the above, don't whine about free speech and how this forum infringes upon your rights as an American/human being/jackass. This is a private forum and these rules are limits on what can be done by its participants. If you've broken a rule and are banned, you are obviously not wanted here.

If a post of yours has been edited, it's been edited for a reason.

Posting that you're leaving the EverCrest Forums because things aren't the way you want them to be will result in a ban, since you obviously don't need to use your account again. This is to stop pathetic grandstanding and manipulation by attention whores.

Gimmick posters and throwaway accounts, unless intensely humorous, will be banned and shot in the face if at all possible.

***Do not claim another's death. This is grounds for a banning.

***Do not post a timeline. No one cares if you've seen it before, and you're just spamming when you do it. Stop it.

Bitching about moderators, an act of moderation, or the rules will probably result in a ban. If you have a problem with a moderator, an action a moderator's taken, or the moderation policies in general, send a private message (preferred) or an email to Drysart. Send it directly to Drysart. Do not send it to other moderators. Do not post threads whining about it. Do not go to chatrooms and bitch about it. Send it to Drysart. Not other moderators. Drysart. Not other moderators. Other moderators are powerless to do anything about it anyway. And posting about it just causes flamewars and doesn't solve anything. Also, it makes you look like an ass.

No warez. No serials. No cracks/cracking programs. Anything that can be used in software piracy or other illegal software activities will result in a ban. Same goes for abusing programs like mailbombers, forum and usenet flooders, and email harvesting bots.

Keep your signature as short as possible. Since this signature is applied to all your posts in every forum, brevity is a virtue. If your sig is over 100 pixels high at 800x600 resolution, or contains excessive amounts of HTML, it may be deleted. If your sig contains more than 60k worth of images, or more than 3 seperate images, it may be deleted.

Your profile image is also seen with your posts in every forum, and should conform to the rules of every forum. If your profile image violates these rules, the least that will happen to you is that it will be removed.

Restoring your profile that has been changed by a moderator to its pre-edited state for whatever reason will result in a ban.

Moderators are required to follow these rules and are not permitted to use their powers for anything beyond what you see here. All moderator actions are logged. If you believe a moderator has violated these rules, contact Drysart with details and quote which specific rule you believe the moderator violated.

Moderators are regular forum posters with a special moderation account. They are not permitted to engage in normal posting with their moderation account, nor are they permitted to make known or acknowledge the fact that they are a moderator known in connection with their normal posting account.

If someone claims to know who the moderators regular identities are, they're lying. I am the only person who knows who they are... not even other administrators have the ability to find out who they are.

Claiming to be a moderator is grounds for immediate banning. Likewise, you can be assured that if anyone claims to be a moderator, they aren't one... or if they are, they won't be one for long.

Speculation as to who the moderators are is not encouraged and threads about it will likely be locked and their originators will likely be subjected to torture by wild snakes.

If someone is making you feel uncomfortable on the forums because of directed harassment, take the issue up with them via private messages or via email. If it continues, or if it is egregiously blatant, contact Drysart directly.

If you choose to meet with a fellow forum poster in real life, you do so of your own accord and will not hold anyone in connection with the forum responsible for anything bad or horrible which may occur on your meeting. If you do hook up and decide to get married, Drysart expects to be flown out to the wedding and be given nice hotel accommodations.

Blatant violations of the rules may result in the disclosure of your account information, including IP addresses and any private email addresses used to register.

If you do not agree to these rules, you're free to no longer visit these forums.

Addendum to FAQ. To see what's there currently, click here

Additional UBB code for EverCrest Message Fourms.For all of these, replace "{}" with "[]"

    To do a strikethrough (like this), use the code {strike} before the part you wish to strikeout and {/strike} at the end of the strikeout section.
    To make textbig, use the code {big},{/big}
    To make text small, use the code {small},{/small}
    To make colorized text, use the code {color=x},{/color} where x is the color or number form of the color you wish to display.

What is roofle? A WTFY?
Claiming a death is claiming to have killed someone who has not posted in a while.
Karnajing is the act of blood and organs exiting one's anus.
L33t is "elite", denoting high skills.
Lurkers are members who do not post often.
A n00b is a newbie, someone who is new.
Roofle is a somewhat changed form of "ROFL", or rolling on the floor laughing.
Timelining is the act of showing someone who has posted something that what they posted has been posted before, making it old.
WTFY stands for What The F*ck, Yo, a common statement to as what is going on or denote strangeness.

Anything I miss? I realize it isn't comprehensive, but I think it'd be a good start to helping people get oriented faster, and the rules have changed slightly since they were made, now including new bannable offenses.

Yes, that's right, hot live sex!
There's a raptor behind you.
Resident grammar whore.
Warning, flames imminent!
posted 04-30-2002 08:37:00 PM
Road Warrior Queef
posted 04-30-2002 08:43:14 PM
Works for me.
That's the American Dream: to make your life into something you can sell. - Chuck Palahniuk, Haunted

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith


I love democracy
posted 04-30-2002 08:48:34 PM
Hmm...I realized I missed flaming. A definition for it should be included, too.
Yes, that's right, hot live sex!
There's a raptor behind you.
Resident grammar whore.
Warning, flames imminent!
Delphi Aegis
posted 04-30-2002 08:52:14 PM
I was due for another rule-reading. Saves me the time to hit that "Home" button. Thanks.

I agree with these changes, btw.

I walk in the Light
Facing the Darkness Boldly
I fear no Evil
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