Kegwen had this to say about Cuba:
Bajah, hewarezed the gamelost the manual.
Mebbe, mebbe not. Benefit of the doubt and all.
Bajah had this to say about Punky Brewster:
Mebbe, mebbe not. Benefit of the doubt and all.
I sent it to him I stole his manual and sold it to gypsies.
*gives Piper the puppy eyes*
Blue. Light style. Saber is held low and to the right, ready to deflect most attacks.
(No, I'm not copy/pasting). All moves are quick slashes. Few spins are in this style, it is designed for very fast hits, and leaves little as far as saber to saber defence.
Yellow. Medium Style. The default style. The saber is held down and to the left, ready for most anything. General spins are incorperated into this style. It is very versatile, and has a nice balance between offence and saber defence.
Red. Strong style. The saber is held high and to the right. Poor blaster defence (Though no noticable difference that I saw.)One of the more fun styles, albeit slow. Very hard to control, it takes a lot of practice to know what you're swinging before you swing. The overhead swing is virtually useless, and the horizontal takes too long to execute.. For saber battles, however, there is almost no equal, for any attack will most likely be parried, as long as you're in the ready stance.
For single: Once you get light style, why bother changing? The reborn and shadowtroopers are a cakewalk with speed and light paired, and the stormtroopers require one swing, if that, to die. No sense in making a huge swing when ya dont need it..
As for multi: Consult fansites. They'll have better guides for it.
The logic train ran off the tracks when Piper said:
High delay on that banstick, huh, Piper?