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Topic: Query about Windurst
posted 11-01-2003 01:42:08 AM
Windurst is in 3rd for Conquest (which we aren't good enough for yet).
Windurst is the home of Tarutaru and Mithra.

The point behind choosing Windurst is we supposedly had a lot of people playing Tarutaru and Mithra.

With the exception of Joojoo restarting his Hume as a Tarutaru, I've only seen ONE of us playing Tarutaru (Falaanla) and ONE of us playing Mithra (Faelynn). Everyone else is Hume or Elvaan... except Talonus as a Galkan.

Please tell me again why we picked Windurst? Those rings are mighty sweet as a newbie :/

Falaanla Marr
posted 11-01-2003 01:58:53 AM
Because I thought we had ALOT more planning to play as Taru :/

And because I said so

Falaanla Marr
posted 11-01-2003 02:03:37 AM
So quoth Naimah:
Oh, guessed I backed out of that one, wait no I'm playing a Tarru Warrior. Knee bitter extordenaire.

Hey, why dont you stop constantly bringing crap up. I explained to you numerous times about hte world pass thing. Stop whining about it.

Falaanla Marr
posted 11-01-2003 02:15:58 AM
From the book of Naimah, chapter 3, verse 16:
Nah, I think I'm fairly comitted to this.

Good. Then keep your whining about it off my forum. Thanks.

posted 11-01-2003 02:39:43 AM
Out of a possible 10, Naimah scored a straight 1 with:
I'm discussing how this game is awsome, but how it would be even better if I wasn't playing with a bunch of random people because you backed out after you realized that it would take you a couple of hours to generate the cash needed to get a worldpass on one of the more populated servers. As is, I'd need two WP slots because I've pulled a friend over, which I gathered the money for alone. It isn't that difficult to do. It just takes you giving a damn.

You do realize that NONE OF US got World Passed to the server, yet we're all here, right?

You're just too damn lazy to use the recreate method that everyone else did. It's takes a lot more than a 'couple of hours' to generate the cash, especially if it's just for YOU AND TWO OF YOUR FRIENDS WE DON'T KNOW. The rest of us got onto Ragnarok fine.

Stop whining already.

Falaanla Marr
posted 11-01-2003 02:45:58 AM
Hi Bajah. I love you, have my babies.
In a Fire
posted 11-01-2003 02:47:42 AM
I landed before any of you guys. I was told, by fal, that after you had been on a server for awhile you could no longer reland. When I got the patch done I went into the game with the understand of the previously stated plan of landing then passing people over to whereever the most went. I then played for the rest of the night and checked and found out about the random method. Note, I found out about the random method after I had landed.

6 chars or however many are playing should be able to generate 1200gil pretty quickly. Considering all you need to do is harvest 12 gems of the same type to get 2k as stated in another thread.

posted 11-01-2003 02:53:03 AM
Fal was wrong, as was admitted in another thread. If you delete and recreate, you can still land on other servers. Then you can do that until you get to Ragnarok. Everyone else has had to do that.

To use a World Pass, you'd need to delete or buy a new content ID anyway.

So you might as well just delete and do the recreate method that everyone else did. Otherwise, stay on your damn server.

In a Fire
posted 11-01-2003 02:59:58 AM
Could I make another character then get it to land on Rag then deleate my other char without having to pay extra?
Faelynn LeAndris
Lusty busty redheaded wood elf with sharp claws
posted 11-01-2003 03:02:43 AM
Naimah wrote this stupid crap:
I landed before any of you guys. I was told, by fal, that after you had been on a server for awhile you could no longer reland. When I got the patch done I went into the game with the understand of the previously stated plan of landing then passing people over to whereever the most went. I then played for the rest of the night and checked and found out about the random method. Note, I found out about the random method after I had landed.

6 chars or however many are playing should be able to generate 1200gil pretty quickly. Considering all you need to do is harvest 12 gems of the same type to get 2k as stated in another thread.

You can't turn in Gems until you are National Rank 2... You cant get National Rank 2 Until you complete a few national Missions... You can't complete a few national missions until you have quite a few levels... Raising 1200 gil is not that easy.

My LAUNCHCast Station
"Respect the Forest, Fear the Ranger"
I got lost for an hour and became god.
In a Fire
posted 11-01-2003 03:05:08 AM
You auction the gems off. Turning them in gives you conquest points.

And you can do the waters to sabu quest fairly easy for quick conquest points. Took me a total of maybe 10min.

However, that is no longer the topic of conversation.

In a Fire
posted 11-01-2003 03:18:44 AM
When the babel fish was in place, it was apparent Bajah said:
Fal was wrong, as was admitted in another thread. If you delete and recreate, you can still land on other servers. Then you can do that until you get to Ragnarok. Everyone else has had to do that.

To use a World Pass, you'd need to delete or buy a new content ID anyway.

So you might as well just delete and do the recreate method that everyone else did. Otherwise, stay on your damn server.

The problem is I've already invested 20+ hours into this character and doing the recreate method has no garuntee of working. I just can't convince myself to deleate that much work on the chance that I might get to play with you guys.

posted 11-01-2003 07:05:58 AM
Naimah had this to say about Knight Rider:
The problem is I've already invested 20+ hours into this character and doing the recreate method has no garuntee of working. I just can't convince myself to deleate that much work on the chance that I might get to play with you guys.

20+ hours in an MMORPG is NOTHING.

[b].sig removed by Mr. Parcelan[/b]
posted 11-01-2003 09:20:14 AM
As a note to make life easier for folks, if you can spare an extra dollar or two I recommend making an alt human thief in Bastok. You can deliver items between the two kingdoms relatively easily, making up for the lack of weapons/armor in Bastok, and a thief character will earn money really easily there. Its also good for buying/selling in the AH.

Wee, I'm the only Galkan too! I'm special.

posted 11-01-2003 11:01:41 AM
I was wondering why too. I came to Windurst to be with you folks, but it's only gone moderately well so far. But it's fine, the newbie ring isn't going to affect us when we get to some higher levels.
Falaanla Marr
posted 11-01-2003 12:31:57 PM
Look guys, I really am sorry about the Windurst thing. I did NOT expect as many humes and elvaan as we have. :/ It looked like, at first, most were gonna be mithra or Taru :/
posted 11-01-2003 12:51:03 PM
Falaanla Marr had this to say about Optimus Prime:
Look guys, I really am sorry about the Windurst thing. I did NOT expect as many humes and elvaan as we have. :/ It looked like, at first, most were gonna be mithra or Taru :/

Its fine. We'll end up in Jeuno later on anyway. But its something we can harp on you about for fun though ya little footstool taru.

I like pizza.
posted 11-01-2003 03:01:21 PM
I am also a mithran...
The Unholy
posted 11-01-2003 04:02:02 PM
I could care less about getting a particular item, I just want to be able to play with group of people I know and have fun.
"Who is he?"
"He's an ***hole sir."
Faelynn LeAndris
Lusty busty redheaded wood elf with sharp claws
posted 11-01-2003 09:42:07 PM
The Unholy stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
I could care less about getting a particular item, I just want to be able to play with group of people I know and have fun.

You wont even talk to me, wtf.

My LAUNCHCast Station
"Respect the Forest, Fear the Ranger"
I got lost for an hour and became god.
Total Crap
posted 11-01-2003 11:14:19 PM
What is this Windhurst you speak of? I definalty started in the B city(totally forgot the name). I love my ring.
Faelynn LeAndris
Lusty busty redheaded wood elf with sharp claws
posted 11-02-2003 12:12:57 AM
The Monks and Mages lose out in the other cities, the Warriors, Thieves and such lose out a bit in Windhurst.

I have a character in both Bastok and Windhurst. I have visited the Auction houses and Item shops in each area... I have seen no benefit to one or the other except for personal preference. The prices were no cheaper (A LOT of stuff I could get a LOT cheaper in Windhurst), and in fact stuff for my Monk was a lot more scarce there, and my RedMage would get jipped.

Windhurst is behind on Conquest though... The other cities are more melee based though, and do a lot more fighting period.

If you are a Warrior or Thief though, the mule thing through Bastok makes a bit of sense, because there is more weapon/armor variety for those classes. For everyone else, you're just as well off in Windhurst, with Monks and Mages having it a bit easier.

My LAUNCHCast Station
"Respect the Forest, Fear the Ranger"
I got lost for an hour and became god.
posted 11-02-2003 07:00:00 AM
Down with Windhurst, long live Bastok!
posted 11-02-2003 07:52:21 AM
Actually Fae, I found a better spell selection for mages in Bastok (didn't check San) than I did Windurst. Banish wasn't available off merchants and cost 1k in Windurst only cost 100g in Bastok. Just an example. I really recommend everyone have a mule to check out a merchant in Bastok or San before buying stuff on the AH.
posted 11-03-2003 07:56:28 AM
For the record, melee merchants are as follows:

Great Axes
Ranged Weapons

San d'Oria

The other types I believe are in both places.

As for spell selections and the like, well I haven't really looked into those, being a warrior and all

My hair is a deadly weapon
posted 11-03-2003 10:11:21 AM
Faelynn LeAndris had this to say about Pirotess:
You can't turn in Gems until you are National Rank 2... You cant get National Rank 2 Until you complete a few national Missions... You can't complete a few national missions until you have quite a few levels... Raising 1200 gil is not that easy.

I Delphi. He helped me TONS last night with the first two missions, He said he'd get me through the third one today, and after you get the first three, it's enough to get rank 2.

posted 11-03-2003 12:58:40 PM
Don't forget. The more land we have claimed, the more stuff our merchants in town get.

That is according to the manual, at least.

Faelynn LeAndris
Lusty busty redheaded wood elf with sharp claws
posted 11-03-2003 01:12:43 PM
Talonus spewed forth this undeniable truth:
Actually Fae, I found a better spell selection for mages in Bastok (didn't check San) than I did Windurst. Banish wasn't available off merchants and cost 1k in Windurst only cost 100g in Bastok. Just an example. I really recommend everyone have a mule to check out a merchant in Bastok or San before buying stuff on the AH.

I dunno how you could be having so much trouble with spells in Windhurst... For one, I've had several spells just drop for me. I currently have, Sneak, Banish, Blind, and Pralyze sitting in my Mog Bank that I got as drops, just waiting for my Redmage to get high enough level to use em. I also got Stone, and Cure from drops which my Redmage knows now. I haven't had to buy a single spell.

I also haven't paid more than 400 Gil for ANY piece of armor I am wearing. Which is a good thing, cause I'm poor. And its all the lvl 11 Monk Gear too.

Also there are like 4 merchants in Windhurts that are waiting for certain areas to be claimed by Windhurst so they can start supplying goods, and at least two normal merchants in Windhurst who are asking for areas to be claimed so they can supply more than what they currently have.

IF people would actually get Signet on, and participate in the conquest, Windhurst would have more or less, the same as Bastok or San do for the warrior/thief community. The nation doesn't suck, its the fact that, as far as I can tell, Windhurst is more american than Bastok was, and is mostly newbies. They aren't doing the conquest thing...

Also, just for everyones reference, last night in West Sab, there was an Elvann from San who was like hitting stuff for 78 a pop, most everything he touched died in one hit... You KNOW he was not getting exp from that stuff anymore, he was just going around and killing stuff, and moving on, killing, and moving on. So there are people from the other two nations actually DOING the conquest, even in our OWN area... Somehow, we need to get more people out there conquesting with SIgnet on.

My LAUNCHCast Station
"Respect the Forest, Fear the Ranger"
I got lost for an hour and became god.
posted 11-03-2003 01:20:47 PM
Fae, was talking about from shops. Spell selection Windurst sucks in general, hence why I buy from Bastok. I haven't seen dia, banish, aquaveil, cure2, etc drop in Windurst either, so I had to buy them.

As for armor, you're lucky. I've put down a lot for armor, because the mage selection sucks in general for all three towns on merchants. Heck, I'm still using my level 1 armor because I've seen no armor for sale for me before 11.

As far as signet goes, agreed. People have to start getting it more and die less. Can't control a lot of areas though, simply because we don't have nearby outposts to get signet from or the levels needed to hunt there.

posted 11-03-2003 01:53:43 PM
can get auqaveil for 200ish gil in port windurst. one of the 3 ships lined up.
The Unholy
posted 11-03-2003 01:58:20 PM
Faelynn LeAndris stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
You wont even talk to me, wtf.

Ok ill make it a point to try and contact you whenever im on and the rest of you Ive only got about 5 on my friends list.

"Who is he?"
"He's an ***hole sir."
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