View Recent Posts: m0x
Initial D? (post #4) 2005-07-03 23:18:14
It's a pretty good anime. I don't like cars very much, and I still don't, but Initial D is my favorite anime series. I would highly suggest watching it. This is the only anime, AFAIK, that could ac...
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Favorite albums? (post #10) 2004-04-27 17:30:20
Tiamat - WildhoneyOpeth - Blackwater Park
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
FFXI versus CoH. (post #5) 2004-04-21 22:34:04
Friend here! (wow, I haven't been here in like one or two years and it's still exactly the same people, some things never change...)But seriously, CoH sounds really fun, but does it get old fast? I ...
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
DOA:XBV nude patch released! (post #19) 2003-03-24 17:23:50
Right... (hey, what the hell am I doing here? That should be good enough for my annual post)
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
So I said to myself I said "Self, you are one God Damn Good Looking Person& (post #72) 2002-11-25 20:35:54
I KNEW I should never have come back here...
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
So I said to myself I said "Self, you are one God Damn Good Looking Person& (post #68) 2002-11-25 20:24:30
Even though most of you don't know me, I think this is one of the most disgustingly weird thing I've seen in my life...
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
New computer desk! (post #8) 2002-06-10 15:41:03
It's been a while since I've been able to see what mine looks, with all the crap covering it...
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
FFX Question (post #3) 2002-06-10 15:01:55
Send Tidus on Auron's and Rikku on Wakka's. Kimahri's sphere is too small and rather devoid of anything.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
my computer = FUBAR (post #13) 2002-06-08 23:38:35
Is EQ the only game you have problems on?
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
PvP (post #9) 2002-06-04 20:14:42
I admit he's often stupid but I think the best thing to do is just forget about it. He WANTS people to talk about how controversial he is so we should just ignore him, simply.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
PvP (post #3) 2002-06-04 20:09:23
Some people are so easily offended. If you think Scott Kurtz is an idiot then simply don't post about it, forget about him and stop reading his strip, as simple as that.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Another reason for me to grow angry at customers (post #15) 2002-05-27 00:28:25
Computer StupiditiesHave fun and unleash all your anger. I'm sure it can make you feel better.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
A poll of epic proportions! Kind of... =) (post #29) 2002-05-21 11:36:17
Just put on a fake moustache while waiting for the real to grow, that way you don't have to shave it nor do you have to look that way.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Neat. (post #12) 2002-05-19 13:56:40
Bah, I'd take a jetpack anyday over any kind of car.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
We got Death Star! We got Death Star! (post #23) 2002-05-19 13:40:03
As far as Star Wars song go, I honestly prefer Star Wars Cantina (not the song played in the movie, but the parody).There it is in a crappy .wav though
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
In light of the Red Wings winning their game (post #17) 2002-05-19 13:23:01
Am not.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
The worst Star Wars joke ever. (post #7) 2002-05-19 13:22:12
ROFLOL. It's so terrible but funny at the same time.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
In light of the Red Wings winning their game (post #14) 2002-05-19 01:10:00
Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!Oh man, I forgot again, we're already out.Oh well, now I just hope Toronto is going to win, or maybe Colorado, or maybe I don't care anymore...
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Anyone here have HP CD-Writer? (post #7) 2002-05-17 20:27:44
Just what I was going to suggest
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Games! (post #18) 2002-04-24 15:01:19
JK2, without a doubt.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Talk about a long shift... (post #6) 2002-01-01 13:37:50
Sucks, I know. I had to work this morning too...
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Cover himself head to toe with kevlor (post #32) 2002-01-01 13:35:13
The problem with shooting a bullet in the air is that it's going to to arrive on the ground at the same speed (minus small friction) that it was shot. That's why it's stupid to shoot in the air (I me...
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Something MORE important then new years happened this day! (post #10) 2002-01-01 13:30:44
number : 71911-26-2000 Wow, I've been lurking here for more than a year! Impressive!
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Just a little poll... (post #22) 2001-12-31 21:05:17
Well, I didn't intend to but since I got nothing else to do...
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Just got FF10! (post #10) 2001-12-31 21:03:23
NAH!Go with Rikku all the way. She's WAY hotter than the other 2 females.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Metal Gear Solid 2! (post #2) 2001-12-25 19:45:45
Well, welcome to the club of "people who fell ripped-off by Hideo Kojima because you don't play as Snake the entire game"
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
PS2 problem! (post #12) 2001-12-25 19:43:14
First time I hear someone say the PS2 play copied games out of the box. I don't know who told you that but he must be pretty fucked up. Sony makes MOST of their money with the royalty games-makers p...
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Serious Sam - The Second Encounter. *demo* (post #1) 2001-12-15 09:14:10
Yes, the first game was as good, but the second seems a lot better, graphical wise and all. But the fun is the same.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Not another teen movie (post #3) 2001-12-15 09:13:07
The name IS "Not another teen movie"
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
What I dislike about the Playstation 2. (post #42) 2001-11-19 19:57:08
Bah, I have Metal Gear Solid 2, I can't be happier. 80% of my console games are RPGs, but Metal Gear Solid 2 is just too good, the deciding factor in my choice of console. Though the Xbox looks nice...
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
What's everyone's name IRL? (post #117) 2001-11-19 19:33:12
Simple, sounds better pronounced in french (duh)Simon Favreau-LessardSimon is from Jesus' gang, Simon the zealot if I remember correctly. Other than that I don't know.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Fat32 or NTFS (post #1) 2001-11-03 21:02:00
NOT compatible with Win9x/DOS, so you can't go into DOS when you can't boot and have problems. Other than that, I don't see a lot of downside.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Finally... (post #13) 2001-11-03 20:31:00
I don`t, not with explorer, not with Mozilla.And at last for you Maradon, you finally got it. I mean, what were you doing all this time?
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
What is YOUR favorite game? (post #2) 2001-10-14 14:10:00
I'd say:Console: Same thing as Demitri: Metal Gear Solid or Final Fantasy Tactics, but more MGS I thinkPC: Probably Baldur's Gate 2
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
New Sigpic! (post #4) 2001-10-11 18:49:00
Nothing can beat FFT, must go back to playing it.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
EC Faces Part (Does anyone really remember? ::blinks:: ) (post #56) 2001-09-24 20:01:00
Huh, I got no scanner. Anyway... I guess you mean bringing your cam...
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Wolfsten (post #6) 2001-09-24 19:41:00
I got it somewhere on a CD. I could find dig it up if you really want it. Just ICQ me.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
But I haven't set you on fire yet! (post #7) 2001-09-24 19:37:00
That's so funny, I'll give the link to my local game store I think.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
EC Faces Part (Does anyone really remember? ::blinks:: ) (post #49) 2001-09-24 19:26:00
<---------------SeriouslyAlsoAnd another variation
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Typing of the Dead (post #16) 2001-09-24 04:23:00
Yeah, I should try to find an arcade that has this game. There seems to be a 2 player mode but I don't see how that can work on one computer...
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Help Stop Inhumane Acts Against the Dead (post #3) 2001-09-23 18:42:00
Does the term Dead includes Undead?
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Slight goober..I mean newbie question.. (post #2) 2001-09-23 18:31:00
You do not MAKE a title, you EARN a title, at least, someone else has to make it for, Drysart or someone with admin power I guess.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
God I feel like such a bastard... (post #8) 2001-09-23 18:20:00
Don't worry, I feel your pain.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
I just reinstalled and patched HL,TFC and CS (post #10) 2001-09-23 17:55:00
But it's not the same thing, Max Payne is incredibly cool but there's no multiplayer (not complaining, just stating facts).
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
I met the most idiotic person ever today! (post #13) 2001-09-23 17:50:00
Now, that's one stupid person...
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Typing of the Dead (post #10) 2001-09-23 16:49:00
You simply got the zombie skin, that's all. An item you can get. You can also have Big-Heads.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Person Above you part II (post #60) 2001-09-23 15:47:00
is pissed of about and want people to stop talking about his eye (tell it to stop looking at me and I will)
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Cleric petition! (post #5) 2001-09-23 15:44:00
Well, I say, Magician out-heal every other classes. They can SUMMON BANDAGES! (I once was in a group of 4 mage and 2 monks (me=monk), so you understand)
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Typing of the Dead (post #7) 2001-09-23 15:41:00
But, but. Your character has a dreamcast on his back and he types word to blow up zombies! How can this NOT be making sense.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Person Above you part II (post #57) 2001-09-23 15:06:00
is the almighty eye of god, or not...
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute