Movement: 1d50 => 40
Possible attack: 1d20 => 13
Potential Thiefly: 1d6 => 3
Possible monster: 1d10 => 3
Possible trap: 1d30 => 3
Possible treasure: 1d20 => 16
Already visited squares: 24, 14
Already fought monsters: ROCK LOBSTAH
If needed Human roll: 1d6 => 5
Batty fucked around with this message on 02-23-2007 at 09:53 AM.
Name: Densetsu
Race: Human
Class: Cleric
GP: 20
ARMOR: +2 Shield
Cheeks are on the seat and I'm feelin' good!
MOVEMENT: 1d50 => 40
MONSTER: 1d10 => 8
ATTACK: 1d20 => 15 +2(+4 vs. undead)
TRAP: 1d30 => 30
TREASURE: 1d20 => 6
HUMAN: 1d6 => 4
Human Racial: Previously encountered rooms 44, 30. Previously fought the 4-headed dog.
Movement: 1d50 => 22
Attack: 1d20 => 1
Assassin: 1d6 => 6
Monster: 1d10 => 4
Trap: 1d30 => 4
Treasure: 1d20 => 9
Movement: 1d50 => 4
Possible Monster: 1d10 => 4
Possible Attack: 1d20 => 3 + 1d6 => 3
Possible Trap: 1d30 => 25
Possible I AM BETTER: 1d6 => 1
Possible Treasure: 1d20 => 9
Movement: 1d50 => 18
Attack: 1d20 => 17 +2
Monster: 1d10 => 2
Trap: 1d30 => 15
Treasure: 1d20 => 8
Naimah is diseased! Lesser Impotency will cause him to suffer a -1 to all 1d6 rolls!
Delidgamond fights a Barghest and loses! He's at level 1! Since Elves start at level 2, he's really suffering!
Rari finds a potion and is cured of her disease! Congratulations, Rari! Bajah fucked around with this message on 02-23-2007 at 11:39 AM.
Movement: 1d50 => 36
Sigpic shamelessly stolen from Kate Beaton.
Forgot my ITEMS: Potion of Scorn up there Sentow, I Guess fucked around with this message on 02-23-2007 at 01:21 PM.
Sigpic shamelessly stolen from Kate Beaton.
MOVEMENT ROLL: 1d50 => 2
Since I tied the Ironclad Mauler at 20 to 20, I am going to shield and hearth out
.... UNLESS some other paladin lands near me and wants to gain an easy level by giving me a blessing
Man, up to -7 on monday so far O_o
Movement: 1d50 => 24
If needed:
Treasure: 1d20 => 3
Better than You: 1d6 => 2
Vorago needs to check his math, I show him at a 21 versus the Mauler's 20! This nullifies his ability to shield and hearth. But he wins unless someone screws him over with a Single Use Item! As of now he's gained 1 level and 20 gold coins, but still needs to roll for treasure!
Norim defeats the Rock Lobster and gains 1 level and 10 gold coins! He's also earned a +1 Oozebane Wand!
Movement:1d50 => 42
1d50 => 30+5 Jajahotep fucked around with this message on 02-23-2007 at 04:51 PM.
Movement: 1d50 => 35
Attack: 1d20 => 4 - 5
1d10 => 7
Jajahotep attacks an angry kobold! She does not win, but has no items to lose, so she only loses 1 level!
nem-x's misfortune continues as he is slobbered all over by a 4-headed mutant dog! While nem-x has no levels to lose (remaining at level 1), he loses his turn for the next day
Move: 1d50 => 28
Monster: 1d10 => 5
Trap: 1d30 => 8
Attack: 1d20 => 19 -5
Death Knight: 1d6 => 2
Elf: 1d6 => 4
Treasure: 1d20 => 12
If it can, I'll use it. If it can't, I won't.
Mad props to the secret benefactor that pointed out I fail
TREASURE ROLL: 1d20 => 1
I AM BETTER ROLL: 1d6 => 6
MOVEMENT ROLL: 1d50 => 47
MONSTER ROLL 1d10 => 3
ATTACK ROLL 1d20 => 1 +2
THIEF ROLL 1d6 => 1
Name: Palador
Race: Halfling
Class: Assass1n
GP: 10
STATUS: Healthy
MOVEMENT ROLL: 1d50 => 6
Trap avoidance attempt, works on a 5 or 6.
1d6 => 1
And the trap.
1d30 => 2
1d50 => 7
Monster: 1d10 => 10
Atk: 1d20 => 18
Treasure, maybe?: 1d20 => 5
Move: 1d50 => 25
Atk: 1d20 => 7