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Topic: Public Speaking
Not gay; just weird
posted 04-29-2002 04:27:00 PM
Please answer the following question from the following and explain why.

Do you like public speaking (that is giving speeches in front of people)?
A) Yes.
B) No.
C) Like... speaking in front of people?
D) If I answer, will you shut up and die?!

Remember to explain why. Thank you.

I suffer from CRS: Can't Remember Shit.

Sig pic done by the very talented SJen!

posted 04-29-2002 04:28:12 PM

I'm always so shy and nervous, but I useally do decently.

Vidi, vici, veni.
Nae's Stooge
posted 04-29-2002 04:28:33 PM
A) Yes.

Whay can I say, I'm a ham.

Veni, vidi, vici
Mr. Duck
Likes to ____!
posted 04-29-2002 04:29:29 PM

I rarely talk, so that gives me bad experience when talking with people

[ 04-29-2002: Message edited by: Mr. Duck ]

Delphi Aegis
posted 04-29-2002 04:29:47 PM
I'd love to act, in say, a play by shakespeare, but I dont memorize well. I'd have to spend hour upon hour with Juliet, memming my lines
I walk in the Light
Facing the Darkness Boldly
I fear no Evil
Azrael Heavenblade
Damn Dirty Godmoder
posted 04-29-2002 04:29:53 PM
A. Yes, when I know what I'm talking about, and have a receptive audience. Would prefer to have a speech prepared, but I can do improv just fine. I don't really get stage fright, except for some butterflies before I go up, but once I start typically I'm fine, in fact, I prefer acting to speech-making
"The basic tool for manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them." - Philip K. Dick
A completely different kind of Buckethead
posted 04-29-2002 04:29:57 PM
2) No.

I can do it fine, won the city-wide speech competition a few times
But I absolutely hate it


Why's everybody always hittin on me?
posted 04-29-2002 04:30:37 PM

But only if I'm reading something that I feel represents me well or that I can relate to... Like, if I read my poetry to the class, for example. Sometimes I'm a little shy, but if I'm reading something I can relate to, I usually read it with feeling/confidence, and have no problem doing so, no matter who is in the audience.

Should've done something, but I've done it enough
By the way your hands were shaking
Rather waste some time with you

Should've said something, but I've said it enough
By the way my words were faded
Rather waste some time with you...

Smurfberry Moneyshot
posted 04-29-2002 04:34:46 PM
Suddar Williams
posted 04-29-2002 04:36:35 PM
I hate public speaking with a passion, though I CAN do it well (or so I thought I could). I rarely fuck up while reading, but I'm way way too shy to be doing it. I remember one time in 7th grade I had to stand up in front of my class and read some stupid thing to them; the assignment was an "election speech" for presidency...of the world. In the future. We had a choice of doing what we actually thought the world would be like at that time, or we could be creative with it for drama. I chose the dramatization.

Now, I got an A on it, so obviously I didn't do badly with it, but jesus it was the scariest thing I'd done in my entire life. I nearly fainted and I'm sure my voice wasn't exactly the most solid thing in the world. But I did well enough for an A, so eh.

posted 04-29-2002 04:37:29 PM
Depends. If I'm supposed to talk about a subject, and I'm not 100% sure that I know what the heck I am doing I get pretty shy.

If I'm sure of my knowledge of the subject at hand, I don't have any problems whatosever.

Life... is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. You're stuck with this undefinable whipped-mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while, there's a peanut butter cup, or an English toffee. But they're gone too fast, the taste is fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits, filled with hardened jelly and teeth-crunching nuts, and if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you've got left is a... is an empty box... filled with useless, brown paper wrappers.
posted 04-29-2002 04:46:54 PM
Azymyth had this to say about Captain Planet:
Please answer the following question from the following and explain why.

Do you like public speaking (that is giving speeches in front of people)?
A) Yes.

As long as I'm prepared and know what I'm talking about. I love being seen as an authority on something. I also used to be on-air talent at a #1 rated radio station, so it's not like I'm concerned about how I sound.

Not gay; just weird
posted 04-29-2002 04:47:38 PM
Forgot to mention, this is for a speech I'm giving so yeah, please answer and give reasons.
I suffer from CRS: Can't Remember Shit.

Sig pic done by the very talented SJen!

Suddar Williams
posted 04-29-2002 04:51:43 PM
Oh, sorry...reasons.

I just...don't like being such a center of attention. I even moreso do not like people being uninterested because that means it sounds boring. It's an insecurity thing; I can't tell myself "don't worry, you sound fine" even if I know I do. I take in everybody's reactions. And while I realize that a 7-8th grade audience isn't the best for attention span, I can't help it.

[ 04-29-2002: Message edited by: Suddar Williams ]

King Parcelan
Chicken of the Sea
posted 04-29-2002 05:06:57 PM
I love Public Speaking, whether it be speeches, arguing, or acting.

I'm smart enough to know what I'm talking about during speeches.

My wit is sharp enough to shoot down the opponent in an argument.

I have the charisma to make people love me on stage.

And I'm funnier than a wildebeest fighting the Pope on PS2.

Agent A
Underpowered on Purpose
posted 04-29-2002 05:08:53 PM
B) I don't like to but I have to. I'm the president of the Home Ec. club and the teacher forces me to. I don't like people having to look at me for a long period of time. Plus I think my voice is really stupid and when I get nervous I start to studder. Sometimes I start rubbing my eyes which end up with me loosing a contact which is not good at all.

[ 04-29-2002: Message edited by: Mad Psycho ]

"How do you all feel about beastiality with taxidermy? It seems like most people aren't very down with it, in fact, alot of people are only medium down with it. But if you only get to second base, where's the harm, right?"
- Melora Creager
Comrade Snoota
Da, Tovarisch!
posted 04-29-2002 05:09:03 PM
I'm completely indifferent to public speaking, but I'm great at it when I have to do it.
You smell that? Do you smell that? ...Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed for twelve hours. When it was all over I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory.

posted 04-29-2002 05:12:12 PM
Comrade Snoota thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
I'm completely indifferent to public speaking, but I'm great at it when I have to do it.
I plot revenge on you as we speak...

Ruvie's Alt
Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
posted 04-29-2002 05:16:59 PM
C. I rarely speak at all, mostly because I never really have anything to talk about. There's also stage fright, and all that other crap.

In my opinion, it's far easier to write or speak with voice chat.

Falaanla Marr
posted 04-29-2002 05:17:00 PM
LordVladdDracul had this to say about Punky Brewster:
[QUOTE]Comrade Snoota thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
[qb]I'm completely indifferent to public speaking, but I'm great at it when I have to do it.



As for Azy's question -- A if i know WTF im talking about, B if i dont (or dont feel confident i can BS my way through)

Sentow, Maybe
posted 04-29-2002 05:22:52 PM

First of all, in person, I'm very inarticulate. It's a lot easier to be witty and insightful in text, ya?

But more importantly, I get very stagefright. I believe it's because subconsciously I'm very concerned about how people think of me, and I'm deathly afraid of being thought of poorly. Used to get picked on at school unmercifully, blah blah, what else is new. Anyway, that's the way it is.

Though like Drysart, I love it when people consider me an authority on something. Being to able to know what I'm talking about inside and out is a really cool feeling to me.

[EDIT] T-t-typo!

[EDIT 2] On a random note, although I don't like being the center of attention, having a deep voice like I do makes it hard not to be, ya? Oh, the irony... damn you, O. Henry!

[ 04-29-2002: Message edited by: Sentow ]

Once more into the breach, my friends, once more. We'll close the wall with our dead. In peace, nothing so becomes a man as modesty and humility, but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with rage and lend the eye a terrible aspect.
Poing! Poing!
posted 04-29-2002 05:44:33 PM

I'm insane.

Road Warrior Queef
posted 04-29-2002 06:01:11 PM

I have no shame.

That's the American Dream: to make your life into something you can sell. - Chuck Palahniuk, Haunted

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith


Crazed Ex-Angel
posted 04-29-2002 06:43:04 PM

I hate speaking in front of people, I am horribly shy. If I am prepared and/or know what I'm talking about, I can get through it, but it's never a pleasant experiance.

"I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. " - the "Professor" - The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
Tier the Genius™
Dark Elf Pimp
posted 04-29-2002 06:46:32 PM
Speaking in front of people? Not really. I like speaking with a lot of people, but if I say something stupid when I'm the only one talking, it comes out much more than not. That's it in a nutshell.
Upset about being titless
posted 04-29-2002 07:17:49 PM
No, I don't feel comfortabble expressing myself to others.
Gully Foyle is my name
And Terra is my nation
Deep space is my dwelling place
The stars my destination
Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 04-29-2002 09:10:54 PM

and B

I despise it

[ 04-29-2002: Message edited by: Lyinar ]

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 04-29-2002 09:11:45 PM
A. Yes

Though your options pose an interesting bit of humor. If people are terminally shy, will they stand up in front of others to admit it? Probably not.

And I enjoy public speaking. Got an A in my public speaking course and my performance course. I'm generally fairly quiet, but get me going and I won't shut up, as the infamous DethEssays no doubt would indicate.

Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

Death of Rats
posted 04-29-2002 09:16:28 PM
c. im soo nervous if i have to talk to large groups formaly, its almost funny. ithough i am gettting better, i still hate pubblic speaking
A particularly crafty sea lion is befuddling the Army Corps of Engineers, who have come to believe the 1,000-pound mammal is either from hell -- or from Harvard.
posted 04-29-2002 09:23:27 PM

It's something I can do, but I don't like to. I think I liked it more before being exposed to mandatory classes telling me exactly how to do speaking right.

I didn't even do most of the negative behaviors, but now I get preoccupied thinking about not doing those things and find it harder to concentrate on my speech.

And, being fairly quiet normally, I feel like I'm shouting at the audience.

Vise the Stompy
Title now 100% ass free!
posted 04-29-2002 09:31:42 PM
B-Whenever I speak in public it tends to end badly for me and any small animals in the genral area.
posted 04-29-2002 09:36:45 PM
Eh...I'm not really sure where I stand on it. If it's say, a speech, yeah, I can do that. I don't write speeches without doing some research, usually, so I usually have some idea what I'm talking about.

Another thing is acting. I used to have to memorize lots of monologues for Drama. Acting gives me a HUGE rush--I absolutely adore it. Unfortunately, I had to quit Drama after the first semester. One, I was having problems with She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named during first lunch, and two, I was the only person who didn't join the class because I thought it'd be easy. (And this drove me absolutely insane--especially when the teacher bitched out Kimberly for not having her monologue ready, and telling her that she had the most talent out of all of us...)

Wasn't always okay with public speaking, though. I had to read a story I wrote for my English class in 7th grade. I almost had a panic attack, and read it so fast that no one had any idea what I was saying.

Edit: To better explain the 'quitting Drama' thing, the teacher was playing favorites and it was affecting my grade. Kimberly's a damn good actress, but she only got good grades because she kissed ass. She hardly ever actually did any work because she was a lazy fuck.

[ 04-29-2002: Message edited by: Kloie ]

Heart Attack
posted 04-29-2002 09:47:30 PM
A. I enjoy public speaking. I've spoken before audiences as large as just under 1000 or so. I've written speeches others have delivered to much larger audiences.

Don't act, though. My sense of self is just too strong.

Why do I like to speak in front of people? Because so many others are afraid to--being not only willing and able, but good at, something others are terrified of is a fast track to opportunity. Additionally, public speaking represents power.

And it's all about the power, baby. See the .sig for further details.

To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.

--Satan, quoted by John Milton

posted 04-29-2002 09:52:15 PM
A is me!

Public speaking has become an obsession with me. Religious member with the debate team.. prepared speeches actually make me do worse, i've become so obsessed with improv speeches. I'm a charismatic and convincing speaker.

posted 04-29-2002 10:56:00 PM

Which is incredibly bizarre, since I put on rather good presentations and speeches, but when it comes to one-on-one or one-on-several personal relations I completely and totally suck. I only have a few close friends, and I'm horribly reclusive around everybody I don't know very well.

posted 04-29-2002 11:38:51 PM
Maradön? Model 2000 was programmed to say:

Which is incredibly bizarre, since I put on rather good presentations and speeches, but when it comes to one-on-one or one-on-several personal relations I completely and totally suck. I only have a few close friends, and I'm horribly reclusive around everybody I don't know very well.

Same here, really.

SCA babe!!!
posted 04-30-2002 01:07:46 AM
B. I get incredably nervous, do fine, then am incredably nervous about how I did.

posted 04-30-2002 09:01:43 AM
I used to hate public speaking. Every time I had to give a presentation, I got nervous. It was even worse if I had to present on a topic I was not completely fluent with. It's the perfectionist in me. I hate making mistakes, can't read fast enough to present off flash cards, and I always feel that people are going to judge me on my performance.

Oddly, any time I do have to speak publically on a topic I'm even remotely familiar with, I seem to do well. I've found a few tricks to control my nerves, and it seems that I have a talent for pulling off the improbable when I'm in a tight spot. For example, I had to make a presentation for a group project in a Software Engineering course. Our nominated speaker had to cancel last minute, so I had about 12 hours notice. I only made one half of a trial run, and studdered through it before the professor showed up and we had to do the actual presentation. I looked at the professor, gave a quick glance at the screen to reset the powerpoint presenation for our live run, then managed to do the whole thing all professional-like.

During college, I spent a semester as a TA (teaching assistant) with a recitiation (mini-class) section to conduct. That, despite any fears I might have had, was a fun experience. With an enrollment of 28 people, my lowest attendance for the semester was 19, and my highest was 47 (no kidding). I had borrowed the teaching technique from a professor I had my freshman year, and it went over unexpectedly well.

So, on the whole, it comes down to this. If it's a topic I know well, and I have some liberty to present it, then I enjoy the showing off aspect of public speaking. In all cases, it makes me nervous, so I try to avoid it on any topic where I'm not fluent.

Rollin' rollin' rollin'
keep them doggies rollin'
boy my ass is swolen, rawhide!

The universe is obsolete.
Hires people with hooks
posted 04-30-2002 09:25:58 AM
I can speak in public and when I know my subject matter, I've been told I'm quite good at it. I even used to teach two blocks of instruction at the Air Force's Fighter Weapons School and gave numerous impomptu "dog and pony" briefings to every from the Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force on down.

Left to my own devices I'd just as soon not talk to anyone I don't have to. Partly from being an anti-social bastage and partly from the fact that I've always been a "man of few words" as the saying goes.

"When mankind finally discovers the center of the universe, a lot of people are going to be upset that it isn't them."
"If you give a man a fish he'll eat for a day. If you teach a man to fish he'll just go out and buy an ugly hat. But if you talk to a starving man about fish, then you've become a consultant."--Dogbert
Arvek, 41 Bounty Hunter
Vrook Lamar server
posted 04-30-2002 09:36:14 AM
Callalron Model 2000 was programmed to say:
Left to my own devices I'd just as soon not talk to anyone I don't have to. Partly from being an anti-social bastage and partly from the fact that I've always been a "man of few words" as the saying goes.

And partly because they can't tell if your drunk if you're not breathing in front of them?

Watch out for the Russian Vodka....

Beep. Beep. Beep... Ohh... I think my porridge is done.
My fellow Americans, as you know, my foreign policy can be summed up in five words: "Iludium-236 Explosive Space Modulator."
When it comes down to it, searching the web without Google is like straining sewage with your teeth.
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