View Recent Posts: Callalron3
Been a couple years, lets get caught up! (post #31) 2018-04-12 04:21:00
He's doing pretty well. He got skinny, bought a condo, and is Supervisor on my shift.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Been a couple years, lets get caught up! (post #29) 2018-03-29 20:06:03
Still married. Moved from the condo to a proper house-with-a-yard-and-stuff. Had another son, who will turn 3 this June. Oldest son will start middle school, going to a math and science magnet school ...
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Is, is this Mort? (post #4) 2017-06-27 00:37:07
Has anyone seen them in the same room at the same time? Until that happens I remain unconvinced.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
HHHHNNNNNNNNG (post #7) 2017-04-19 00:40:54
I watched the first two episodes over the weekend and was pretty pleased with what I saw. The "look and feel" of the show was spot-on. It still had that local TV station aesthetic while looking wonde...
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
HHHHNNNNNNNNG (post #1) 2017-03-22 23:36:28
Excuse me, need to go change my shorts.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
THE DIRTY THIRTY (post #4) 2017-03-15 03:02:23
Yeah, still hangin' in there. Still working out at the base. Been married for...14 years now. Totally surprised my wife hasn't strangled me in my sleep yet. Got two boys now. One's 10, the other is...
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
THE DIRTY THIRTY (post #2) 2017-03-12 18:25:27
Yeah, I remember 30.Barely.
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute