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1 Beloved dead websites (post #7) 2011-10-14 22:53:52
Fuckin' stupid babies.I hope against hope they'll come back for a grand finale, but after nearly a year with no updates it seems doubtful.Anyway, I hate to keep plugging these comics (oh, that's a lie...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
2 D1ablo 3 invites - 2 only (post #47) 2011-10-01 01:55:30
Do we have any idea what Versus mode will be? I assume it's like regular multiplayer except you can and are expected to kill each other (or can you already do that?), but I have this naively optimist...

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3 D1ablo 3 invites - 2 only (post #42) 2011-09-28 18:28:35
I've mostly played the Monk; he's cool! Sort of a Spear Amazon/Paladin hybrid.I also tried the Witch Doctor, who's the successor to the Necromancer; she has a few pet spells (zombie dogs!) supplement...

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4 D1ablo 3 invites - 2 only (post #35) 2011-09-27 16:42:11
hay guys what's going on in this beta

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5 Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (post #13) 2011-09-18 20:15:55
Indeed I am; imbalanced and anemic as multiplayer is ATM, I'm determined to reach 41 and get my bitchin' Maximus armor armour.EDIT: Forgot a couple words there.Sentow, I Guess fucked around with this ...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
6 Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (post #2) 2011-09-11 00:09:15
Melee combat feels sloppy in a way that I can't quite put my finger on, but otherwise I think it's great fun.It's not a good choice if you're looking for a game with a great story. The script and act...

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7 Deus Ex: Human Evolution (post #56) 2011-09-05 15:58:09
I knew doing that would be bad in some way, but I did it anyway because I was afraid something even worse would happen if I didn't.Thankfully that boss fight was relatively easy even with the UI screw...

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8 Deus Ex: Human Evolution (post #48) 2011-09-04 02:30:25
If discussion on the game's TV Tropes page is any indication:1. The guards in the intro segment don't count against you for a pacifist run, but you can slip by them with some tricky stealth if you don...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
9 Deus Ex: Human Evolution (post #12) 2011-08-24 23:31:18
I decided to play stealthily in my inaugural playthrough. And damn, it's a good thing, too; you die in two or three hits, making open combat functionally impossible.I'm playing on the hardest difficu...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
10 So, Captain America (post #0) 2011-07-25 20:27:36
FUCK YE-oh, nevermind. It was pretty good! Not as good as I hoped, but to be fair, I had high expectations after reading reviews that basically amounted to, "This movie is proof that God exists and ...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
11 WELP (post #3) 2011-07-07 23:13:58
I've been better. I turn 30 in a couple days; that doesn't bother me in and of itself, but it's triggering a mid-life crisis or something. Wait, if I have a mid-life crisis at 30, doesn't that mean ...

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12 Holy shit (post #5) 2011-06-08 15:50:38
It's... it's supposed to do that, right?

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13 pirates of the caribbean 4 (post #14) 2011-05-31 13:21:37
Thor has some problems; Loki's motivations are confusing and the love story is amusing but a little awkward (it comes off like Portman's character just wants to boff Thor, which is actually kind of hi...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
14 Buy Some Land: Minecraft Server Going Public Next week (post #7) 2011-05-29 11:32:34
Gah =( Is it the camera bobbing that gets you? You can switch that off in the options.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
15 Hey guys (post #2) 2011-05-21 23:04:01
Grats! =3What's your degree in?A nice frame. Do ho ho ho!

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
16 Three man chess. (post #2) 2011-05-20 21:03:07
They're meddling with the natural order of the universe and I totally want a set.I wonder how they arrived at 3-player Chess and not, say, 4-player? If nothing else, 4-player wouldn't require the odd...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
17 Dragon Age 2 (post #41) 2011-05-16 03:29:47
Man, I really fucked up my first playthrough. Missed Fenris, lost Isabella, romanced Merril and ended up having to kill her entire clan to save her.But I have to give this game credit for including o...

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18 Can You Top This? (post #9) 2011-05-08 12:46:38

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19 So this forum has always had strong political views (post #5) 2011-05-02 01:15:50
Obama's 2012 campaign slogan?

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
20 Webcomics with plot. (post #15) 2011-04-13 14:18:52
Oh! I forgot one. Great is a comic by the guy who did minus, which was pretty much the best webcomic ever. Great is a comedy following the life of Lyle Phipps, a man who struggles to realize his in...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
21 Webcomics with plot. (post #14) 2011-04-13 00:28:25
I was gonna suggest Platinum Grit, but apparently it doesn't exist anymore.oh godoh godWHY DID YOU LEAVE ME Anyway, I guess if I want to read a comic with cool art that only updates once every three ...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
22 Dragon Age 2 (post #1) 2011-03-07 22:45:43
I pre-ordered it for 360, though had I not pre-ordered I might've gotten the PC version since I have a spiffy new machine =3 DA1 worked OK on 360, but it really felt like it was designed with a mouse...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
23 Who else is getting dumped on? (post #1) 2011-02-01 20:11:25
It's been warm and humid in Tennessee, so snow is awfully doubtful here. Well, in Jackson, anyway. Been raining all day, though.I heard a few places are getting two feet of snow or more

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
24 The United States of Shame (post #2) 2011-01-25 12:58:48
MINNESOTA has the most tornadoes?! I'm... skeptical.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
25 Minecraft (post #140) 2010-10-20 01:35:58
I played for a bit; built a crappy cobblestone hut near the area where I'm mining like mad. Apparently I intersected with one of the ginormous caverns people have explored. Found a freaking ton of i...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
26 Reach (post #1) 2010-09-18 23:50:31
It did seem odd to me that dual-wield was removed (I guess they needed room for armor abilities...?). Still, a charged Plasma Pistol shot will usually stun an Elite for a couple seconds; if you're qu...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
27 Take one book, one movie, one song title... (post #18) 2010-09-02 22:55:09
The Butt of Dorian GrayJustice League: Crisis on Two Butts"Butt of the Elder God"

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
28 Take one book, one movie, one song title... (post #13) 2010-08-21 01:58:03
Raging ButtA Tale of Two Butts"Dr. Feelbutt"I guess I cheated on the last one a litte.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
29 Take one book, one movie, one song title... (post #5) 2010-08-20 12:29:34
The Butt MusketeersAlien vs. Butt"Poker Butt"

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30 Let's play EQ classic (post #43) 2010-08-01 20:36:38
Sentow shouts, a gryphon hits YOU for 268 damage!

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31 70 gigapixel, 200 GB image (post #2) 2010-07-31 01:38:01
It's a screamer, isn't it? But I can't help looking... oh god

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
32 The End of History (post #1) 2010-07-23 13:54:03
...why would they even think of bottling the beer like that? Is this a callback to some ancient brewing tradition of which I'm mercifully ignorant? Were they going for a perverse stealth pun about "...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
33 Poll of curiosity (post #1) 2010-07-03 19:51:55
Pretty much none; just whatever time it takes me to get to and from my car.Jackson, TN.Retail Yes. I mostly work the front end, where we have a huge storefront window.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
34 Hay (post #5) 2010-06-23 04:12:41
I dunno, I always felt that the original games were really bad about making the Chief live up to his Spartan reputation. Other characters act like he can do things no one else can possibly do; by 3, ...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
35 who is watching the world cup right now (post #22) 2010-06-20 01:34:25
It looked like it came to a dead stop! I have bad eyes, I guess.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
36 who is watching the world cup right now (post #20) 2010-06-19 23:32:24
Honestly. The physics of that goal mystify me.England got robbed, IMO.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
37 New TOR Cinematic (post #22) 2010-06-16 10:30:57
No.EDIT: If you want to be mad that Bioware is producing CG trailers that (probably!) don't accurately reflect gameplay, fine. But they're hardly the first developer to do this, so it's ridiculous to...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
38 New TOR Cinematic (post #18) 2010-06-15 18:35:52
Also: I believe this is the long trailer showing off actual gameplay that Mortious was referring to.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
39 New TOR Cinematic (post #17) 2010-06-15 18:32:52
The Old Republic is the first video game in history to show characters performing actions not actually possible in the game.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
40 New TOR Cinematic (post #4) 2010-06-15 11:53:14
Welp, I'm definitely rolling a Trooper =3

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
41 Where was I this weekend? (post #1) 2010-06-13 19:58:59
Tarquinn Does Venice?I had to work all weekend, which sucked.But the War for Cybertron multiplayer demo came out a few days ago, so it evened out What did you do in Venice, anywho?

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
42 SC2 Beta (post #1) 2010-06-13 19:55:54
I think you can get a beta key if you pre-order from Gamestop. Or maybe from any store? Hell, I don't know; Gamestop would be my first guess.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
43 Mortal Kombat Reboot (post #5) 2010-06-09 13:20:59
Looks like this clip is a movie pitch rather than a trailer for anything in production.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
44 Just listen to this and relax my friend (post #8) 2010-06-06 20:59:10
Is... is this a thread for video game music...?If so...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
45 ITT, Blasts from the Past (post #5) 2010-05-26 14:01:50

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46 ITT, Blasts from the Past (post #0) 2010-05-25 20:55:14
Welcome.PUNCH the keys, for God's sake!EDIT: Oh snap, you may want to turn your sound down for this one D:Hey, Vegeta--what's up?Yeah OK this one isn't very old, but it felt wrong to omit it.If you sa...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
47 In the SC2 beta? Post your name/identifier here! (post #16) 2010-05-20 22:45:53
I'm co-optin' dis thread.Anyone who opted-in for the beta but didn't get in, you might want to check your e-mail or battle.net account. I just got an invite, and I'm willing to bet Blizzard is doing ...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
48 So...What what games are everyone playing at the moment? (post #31) 2010-05-06 02:06:23
Is that Aces High? My pop always liked that one.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
49 So...What what games are everyone playing at the moment? (post #5) 2010-05-04 15:33:31
Super Street Fighter IV (Cody rules) and the Halo: Reach multiplayer beta. I want to play StarCraft II, but I've got to get a new computer to run it, which I can't afford at the moment =:EDIT: Also, ...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
50 My pizza will be here shortly. (post #4) 2010-04-17 00:01:51
Pepperoni and sausage; not necessarily at the same time! Mushrooms are good, too.

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