View Recent Posts: Francesca
What do YOU... (post #4) 2003-12-02 12:19:52
It works fine. I have WMP up all the time when playing, and no issues. WinAmp should work just fine without issues.
GQLLFM -- Who wants my stuff? (post #10) 2003-12-02 11:27:35
I'll miss seeing you around. I'm more likely to talk to ya in the game than here because I'm really not a board talker. Oh well, you'll just have to come visit again I guess...
A question about basic classes (post #5) 2003-11-20 01:46:57
WHM are pure support, period. You may get groups easier as a WHM, but its for your healing, and average debuffing skills. It's only really a good class for those who actually like being mainly support...
oi. (post #1) 2003-11-18 13:31:00
Best way to do mission 4, at least the maze part, is to switch to a lvl 1 Class and do it that way. So you can complete it without the loss.I get and lose levels constantly, its the bane of Solo play....
This is a "Convince Led to go to Texas for Christmas" thread. (post #40) 2003-11-17 23:57:12
Chilli is on the stove! EDIT: DAMNIT!!!! ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!! [ 11-17-2003: Message edited by: Francesca ]
Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
Been busy. (post #0) 2003-11-17 18:25:45
DOing a lot of Christmas Crunching and stuff lately, so if I have missed anyone on handing out pearls, just let me know, and I can more than likely get Monica out there to pass out any missing pearl p...
Windurst quests (post #6) 2003-11-14 21:26:59
First of all, all the paper that comes into this house gets colored on Second of all, sometimes you know an item is for a quest, but haven't talked to the quest person, so it's not in your log
EC Linkshell info/rules and a request for donations. (post #12) 2003-11-10 14:51:11
Yeah.. she got scared away though. She's back now, just made a new account for her FFXI Character. She just made her hello post in the Character names thread.Edit: Blarg... Now gonna have to watch ...
Character names. (post #61) 2003-11-10 14:45:17
Hi all I'm Monica, Fae's wife, for those of you who don't know yet. I finally created an account on here since I started playing FFXI. I used to play Dragonrealms (where I met Fae ) and EQ. Now ...