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1 WoW, Transmogrification, and STYYYYYYLE (post #44) 2011-09-12 18:01:34
This is also what I've heard and it makes me happy every time I hear it. I really hope that's how it ends up.Also what made me happy? Not needing to download/use Origin to play the game.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
2 WoW, Transmogrification, and STYYYYYYLE (post #42) 2011-09-12 14:29:34
Have you heard good things or bad things?

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
3 WoW, Transmogrification, and STYYYYYYLE (post #31) 2011-09-08 17:11:51
Oh, I know man. No worries. It just presented an opportunity to further mock Dens' neck bearded raging on this particular subject.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
4 zOMG (post #7) 2011-09-01 16:56:41
The traditional activity of those living in the countryside.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
5 Fitness nerds? We have some, right? (post #32) 2011-09-01 16:52:01
While I have returned to being a horrifying hambeast, for a good while I was Lifting A Weight and both feeling and looking far better.Specifically, I was Lifting A Weight according to this guide for o...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
6 WoW, Transmogrification, and STYYYYYYLE (post #19) 2011-09-01 16:34:29

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
7 WoW, Transmogrification, and STYYYYYYLE (post #17) 2011-08-29 15:38:36
Dr. Gee fucked around with this message on 08-29-2011 at 03:40 PM.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
8 WoW, Transmogrification, and STYYYYYYLE (post #8) 2011-08-22 16:01:53
It doesn't destroy anything really.All it does is strip the item of enchantments, gems, and added sockets. It's purely for database simplification since they don't have to track it with a unique item ...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
9 Does anybody here want a Might and Magic Heroes VI beta-key? (post #7) 2011-07-18 14:59:38
So, from what little I managed to cram in this weekend when not going Lord of the Flies on Ellis to get a certain achievement, it looks like it's going to be 5+ in much the same way that 3 was 2+.The ...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
10 Does anybody here want a Might and Magic Heroes VI beta-key? (post #6) 2011-07-14 15:37:00
I did not get your email I'll PM you an email address that I actually keep relatively private NM. I did get the email, it just got filtered into spam :/ I'll give it a try tonight when I get home...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
11 Does anybody here want a Might and Magic Heroes VI beta-key? (post #2) 2011-07-12 15:15:20
I would love one. If it hasn't bee claimed yet can you send it to xander211@gmail.com?

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
12 WELP (post #2) 2011-07-07 18:27:30
How are you doing?-Pretty well actually. I got accepted to the Demographic and Social Analysis Program at UC Irvine and am really looking forward to it. Going to apply to Clinical/Counseling psycholog...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
13 Soo Mort have you seen... (post #14) 2011-06-30 18:44:23
Sweet. That's what I've been hearing, but I've also been keeping myself as ignorant of specific game details as possible. Similar to Diablo 3 I just want to pick up the game and enjoy it without havin...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
14 Soo Mort have you seen... (post #12) 2011-06-28 15:52:56
So from everything I've seen about The Old Republic it seems more like a co-op single player RPG (yes, I know) than a more traditional MMO. Can you comment on that?

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
15 Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes (post #4) 2011-05-26 17:13:22
That's why they are attempting to bridge that gap

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
16 lemon cakes (post #25) 2011-04-19 15:08:36
This is a good thing.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
17 lemon cakes (post #17) 2011-04-14 15:40:21
Do you personally get royalties from book sales? And if so, which version gives more?Dr. Gee fucked around with this message on 04-14-2011 at 03:40 PM.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
18 lemon cakes (post #6) 2011-04-11 15:16:47
I'm a little meh about Vinge. I get tired of endless rape scenes and it creeped me out after a while. He's a little odd in person too.In addition to the Hyperion and Endymion series, Simmons' Illium a...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
19 Webcomics with plot. (post #4) 2011-04-11 15:12:25
Schlock is pretty great.I've also started reading through Digger and it's been great so far.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
20 Sometimes (post #11) 2011-04-05 14:54:49
I want to read this book.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
21 Dawn of War II: Retribution (post #1) 2011-03-15 15:03:48
The Orkz are glorious. However, much like playing through Vampire: Bloodlines as a Malkavian the first time through, I think playing as Orkz might have been about as hilarious as the game is going to ...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
22 I'm Skeptical! (post #8) 2011-03-14 17:52:40
empty quotin' for 100% truth

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
23 Dragon Age 2 (post #11) 2011-03-10 16:15:54
I've been enjoying this game to a disturbing degree. I'm really torn with group composition since the only character whom I don't really like a lot is Fenris.I haven't even started the expedition yet,...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
24 jesus christ (post #4) 2011-02-28 16:00:47
I'm trying to get back into the swing of working out again. This entails upping protein and fiber intake. So I'm farting more and it's smelling worse.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
25 What's doing this weekend? (post #26) 2011-02-01 16:15:20
I managed to excavate an overcoat I bought a few years ago for $5 from a used clothing shop. It kept me pretty warm.The interview also went really well. I'll hopefully hear back tomorrow or the next d...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
26 What's doing this weekend? (post #17) 2011-01-24 15:12:21
I spent the weekend failing to find a heavy winter raincoat for my upcoming interviews in Lexington, KY and Pittsburgh. Apparently there's not a lot of demand for these in Southern California, so I mi...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
27 You are not repaired... (post #91) 2010-12-20 17:58:26
I realized this last night and was greatly saddened.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
28 Merry fucking Christmas (post #4) 2010-12-16 15:58:15
This, but I'm still going to get my girlfriend something small even though we said we wouldn't exchange anything since our 18 month is on the 21st.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
29 You are not repaired... (post #87) 2010-12-16 15:31:39
Got 40 on my Warrior. Between Devastate and Revenge my DPS went through the fucking roof. I don't think I'll go Fury again until 59 and LOL 2x 2H LOL.This is even more stupid than leveling my Ret-tank...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
30 You are not repaired... (post #72) 2010-12-09 13:29:13
Shield Bash does obscene amounts of damage as well. Even without an heirloom weapon most mobs are dead after a shield bash, victory rush, and heroic strike. And that's if none of those 3 crit.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
31 You are not repaired... (post #53) 2010-12-07 19:33:51
Actually being a full member of a spec line at level 10? Boss.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
32 Civilization V (post #5) 2010-09-22 16:21:33
I'm loving this game with an intense passion. It's better than Civ 4 in basically every possible way and I loved that game.I haven't automated anything (with the possible exception of puppet cities, b...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
33 Parcelan, more like Porcelain. (post #22) 2010-09-09 15:38:30

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
34 How much do you spend a week on food (post #51) 2010-09-08 15:37:27
And if you avoid stuff that's specifically "Organic" it's usually about 80% of the main chain grocery store price and still has an ingredient list that's pronounceable. You really can't go wrong with ...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
35 Parcelan, more like Porcelain. (post #18) 2010-09-08 15:25:38
My offer of $1 + Homemade Carnitas is still open if you come to San Diego and do a signing the local fantasy book store.I'll raise it to $10 and a spot on my couch in addition if you do it in Orange C...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
36 Decade, bitches! (post #4) 2010-08-12 14:51:59

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
37 prop 8 struck down (post #26) 2010-08-11 15:30:11
But all of the pro-8 people I've ever talked with think we should!

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
38 prop 8 struck down (post #19) 2010-08-09 15:00:58
The findings of fact are just pure gold. They dismantled every bullshit argument my Yes on TRADITION MARRIAGE family/co-workers have spouted.Well, except for the, "God hates fags," argument, but if my...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
39 prop 8 struck down (post #5) 2010-08-05 15:39:43
You're coming to San Diego next month right?

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
40 parce (post #9) 2010-07-09 13:19:38
I could also substitute the dollar with homemade carnitas.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
41 parce (post #2) 2010-07-09 02:47:02
When it comes out in the US on Sept 17, you should go do a signing in San Diego. I'll give you a dollar in addition to buying it.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
42 This is my version of a drunk post thread (post #12) 2010-06-28 15:08:42
It makes something that tastes like cinnamon coffee and is pretty damn good. It's also all that's been in the house and I've been lazy as fuck.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
43 Diadem's Deal of the Moment (post #210) 2010-06-27 14:07:26
I'm really noticing that about the side quests. It's kinda bad when I realize that sometimes I'm losing money doing them because of having to buy books to get monsters in the bestiary to then be able ...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
44 This is my version of a drunk post thread (post #4) 2010-06-27 03:08:17
Sailor Jerry's + Kahlua + bit of Goldschlager + Half/Half = amazing.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
45 Diadem's Deal of the Moment (post #207) 2010-06-26 14:01:14
The Witcher is really fun, but the transition between the Prologue and the opening fight of Chapter 1 is jarring as hell and pretty badly done though. Am I missing a cut scene or something or does it ...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
46 Diadem's Deal of the Moment (post #204) 2010-06-25 19:02:51
That's what I've been hearing. And for $6 I'm perfectly willing to try a subset of RPGs that I've been a little meh about in the past.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
47 Hay (post #20) 2010-06-25 03:41:22
I've been feeling the love for third person shooters as well. They just seem to pull off a lot of cinematic fights more effectively. They also seem to work a lot better on the consoles than FPS games.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
48 Diadem's Deal of the Moment (post #201) 2010-06-25 01:56:25
The only thing I want out of the THQ pack that I don't already have is Chaos Rising...is it worth it to shell out the extra $20 for stuff I'll probably never play?Nope.Witcher for $6 and the whole Dar...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
49 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU (post #5) 2010-06-23 01:05:54
As much as Goonsquad might suck elsewhere, the CoH goonsquad is really fantastic and makes the game worthwhile. I can't remember if you have an SA account, but if you do I would highly recommend playi...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
50 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU (post #2) 2010-06-22 20:32:45
quotin' dis.playin' dis:

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute

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