I am posting this guide I created for completely new players to get into and enjoy Dark Age of Camelot. I started playing DAOC about 6 months ago and have enjoyed the game so much that I want to share the experience with as many people as possible. Starting out in a game with so much history can be difficult and challenging, which is why I have compiled everything you need to know into one document. If you are a completely new player who has always heard good things about DAOC and are unsatisfied with current MMO's then this is what you need to get started playing today and RVR'ing tomorrow! If you are a returning player who hasn't played DAOC in 12 years I urge you to check out this guide as well, as I believe many of your issues with expansions like ToA have been alleviated.
I spent so much time browsing forums like this looking for the next hot PVP title, only to be disappointed over and over, so when I found a game like DAOC that I truly enjoyed, that challenged and rewarded me, I knew I had to help others learn about it too.
If you want to get started in DAOC and are looking for a buddy, PM me here. I will be updating this guide with more information in the future and hope too keep it a living document for players and community members to add to.