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Topic: A question about basic classes
posted 11-19-2003 09:20:37 PM
Okay, I'm pretty sure that in the next month or two, I'm going to get getting FFXI, which means I'll be trying to join you guys as some lil' TaruTaru thingy. Yeah.

So, I have a question. I REALLY like the Beastlord class in EQ and the Shaman class in Dark Age, mainly because they are pretty strong in melee combat, and also strong in magic. Are there any classes like that in FFXI? If there isn't, how are Black Mages played in FFXI? Is the class hard or expensive to play?

I've kinda decided that I'm going to be a Black Mage, unless theres a class thats good in melee and magic. That is, if the Black Mage class isn't too expensive to play. If it's too expensive, I'll probably be Warrior or Red Mage.

Also: How hard is it to get from one starting city to another?

[ 11-19-2003: Message edited by: Willias ]

posted 11-19-2003 09:53:30 PM
I don't know much about Black Mages. But you could maybe play a Red Mage to 30, and then quest for the Beastmaster job flag.

Then again, I have seen very few Beastmasters...

Falaanla Marr
posted 11-19-2003 09:58:33 PM
if you want to play a beastlord, your best bet is BST/WHM

You get WHM cures, WHM debuffs, and the BST abilities.

As an added bonus, WHM is easy to get groups with, as opposed to tank classes.

posted 11-19-2003 10:59:08 PM
Okay. And about the Black Mage? I've heard something about spell scrolls, do you have to have some in your inventory to cast spells or what?

I've always liked the spell casting and stuff in Final Fantasy games. Which is why I'm so curious about the BM class.

Falaanla Marr
posted 11-19-2003 11:14:42 PM
There was much rejoicing when Willias said this:
Okay. And about the Black Mage? I've heard something about spell scrolls, do you have to have some in your inventory to cast spells or what?

I've always liked the spell casting and stuff in Final Fantasy games. Which is why I'm so curious about the BM class.

its like eq. you need to buy spells scrolls to get spells.

When i say go WHM if you want a mage, though, i mean it. BLMs and RDMs to a lesser degree dont have ite nearly as easy as a WHM

posted 11-20-2003 01:46:57 AM
Falaanla Marr thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
its like eq. you need to buy spells scrolls to get spells.

Edit: This is Fae, no gonna bother logging in and out.

When i say go WHM if you want a mage, though, i mean it. BLMs and RDMs to a lesser degree dont have ite nearly as easy as a WHM

WHM are pure support, period. You may get groups easier as a WHM, but its for your healing, and average debuffing skills. It's only really a good class for those who actually like being mainly support, or who are leveling it for a Subclass to thier main.

BLM are damage machines as they get higher, and can really lay down the pain. BLM are almost as commonly asked for as WHM is in a party taking on the tough stuff. They are easily replaceable by melee's however early on, but luckily (Or unluckily if you are melee) as you get higher, groups prefer BLM's over melee types. Melee types find it harder to get groups as you progress. RDM does not technically count as a melee, although you can, it still counts as a caster and doesn't suffer from the melee lack of group problem.

RDM get it good. Thier Debuffing skills are superior, they can melee to a degree although become primarily casters later on, and they can backup heal when nessesary. RDM are in high demand most places I have been. Nearly as much as WHM for groupability. Major drawback is a lower mana pool when compared to the other two, but of course they can add backup melee while casting as well, so its all good (The other mages melee potential sucks hardcore). You pretty much have to choose ahead of time what role your casting is going to play. Debuffer, Healer, or Nuker. ALWAYS save some for emergency heals though, unless you have it entirely under control.

[ 11-20-2003: Message edited by: Francesca ]

posted 11-20-2003 03:20:40 AM
I have yet to unleash mass nukeage as a Red Mage, mainly I debuff and do backup heals while meleeing in between.

However, I will tell you this: Getting cash as a level one isn't all that hard and red mages are needing a fat budget of spells, armor and weapons.

posted 11-20-2003 08:13:18 AM
Speaking of Black Mages. My Elemental casting skill is rather low. What would be the better way to work it up?

A: Start a Black Mage or
B: Go find some super easy mobs and make with the crazy go nuts casting?

The Unholy
posted 11-20-2003 02:04:11 PM
Make with the crazy go nuts nuking, the more you nuke the better your skill gets.
"Who is he?"
"He's an ***hole sir."
posted 11-20-2003 06:22:10 PM
I think I'll probably a black mage with a white mage/ red mage subjob.

If I really like blowing stuff up, I'll go red mage sub, if I think I'll need healing spells, I'll probably go for white mage sub. From what Fal said, it sounds like white mage would be the better of the two to sub though.

Falaanla Marr
posted 11-20-2003 06:28:20 PM
yeah, you are gonna get overlap with RDM, and none with WHM. RDM gets res at 36, I think, but WHM gets it at 25 so you can still resurrect people with a WHM subjob.

RDM will give you less MP than WHM, and give you overlap on the nukes. WHM is your best bet

[ 11-20-2003: Message edited by: Falaanla Marr ]

Faelynn LeAndris
Lusty busty redheaded wood elf with sharp claws
posted 11-20-2003 07:06:12 PM
If you are going to keep Blackmage as a Main, there is no reason to sub a Redmage. It would be pointless if you are going for a pure caster type setup.

If you plan on going some sort of melee type, or Darkknight as your main eventually. Redmage makes a better sub since it covers both ground. If you still wanna stay a little bit caster type anyway. Melee types and casters rarely mix well. Although a Monk/Redmage kicks some total ass. (My personal setup currently) little fun of the caster profession, much ass kicking to hand out.

Going Black Mage/White Mage is basically the same as if you just kept a Redmage as your main except with more mana, and shit for melee/defence ability. You also have access to some higher level BLM spells that you dont get as a RedMage. You'll be a strait out nuker, with some backup healing ability. You'd be absolutely useless for anything else. Thats not nessarily a bad thing, just lacks in variety. Pure caster. No defence, no attack, just nukes and heals, debuffs. This setup also in no way resembles a Beastlord from EQ, and is too weak to be Shaman-like, since thats what you were originally going for.

Closest you can get to a Beastlord is Beastmaster/WHM setup

Closest you can get to a Shaman is Redmage/Warrior for the close cut, or for more combat heavy Warrior/Redmage.

My LAUNCHCast Station
"Respect the Forest, Fear the Ranger"
I got lost for an hour and became god.
posted 11-20-2003 10:50:18 PM
I'll still try BLM first though, its what interested me first when I found out about the game.

I'm also wanting to try BLM because, 1. Blowing stuff up can be fun. and 2. I haven't many good things about the beastmaster job, mainly that it isn't liked too well in groups.

Faelynn LeAndris
Lusty busty redheaded wood elf with sharp claws
posted 11-20-2003 10:54:11 PM
Willias's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:
I'll still try BLM first though, its what interested me first when I found out about the game.

I'm also wanting to try BLM because, 1. Blowing stuff up can be fun. and 2. I haven't many good things about the beastmaster job, mainly that it isn't liked too well in groups.

Beastmaster seems kinda lame to be honest.

Cool idea to be able to charm stuff to fight for you, not much practical use that I can see in the long run though.

BLM will give you plenting of nuking potential.

My LAUNCHCast Station
"Respect the Forest, Fear the Ranger"
I got lost for an hour and became god.
posted 11-21-2003 04:46:52 PM
Now that I'm finally on Ragnarok, I'm restarting a black mage, but still considering what my support class should be.

I've been thinking it might be nice to be an odder combination, like blackmage/theif or blackmage/bard.

What do you all think of these combos?

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