Alternatives are also totally welcome, the idea is to keep it cheap and keep it something that won't destroy any hope for getting my deposit on this apartment back.
The purpose is so that the wall in my bedroom is a whiteboard, essentially, where I can do homework, plot out various whargarbl, etc...and the second, smaller one will be used almost exclusively for DnD.
Maybe get large boards of wood, paint them with Idea Paint or this stuff. Then anchor the boards to your wall?
I have a 13'x10' section of my living room painted with it. Takes a week to cure, but it is SO worth it. If your landlord wants it back the way it was, you can make a case that the next tenant will want it, otherwise it is a straight sand and paint-over job to make your apartment respectable again. Small tip if you do go this route: Apply thickly, measure thrice what you need to cover so you are sure, and don't mix a drop before you can do it all in one go. If you apply it too thinly to a section, that spot will get harder and harder to erase, you only get an hour from mixing to paint it all, and the smell is terrifying.
Best of luck. Delphi Aegis fucked around with this message on 04-30-2012 at 03:03 PM. It makes a bitching whiteboard. The only problem nowadays is finding non "Low odor" markers...
The paint may be the nicest way, but also a good way to say bye bye to your deposit.
You may want to try a local marina if they have white shrink film for winterizeing/transporting boats. It's fairly cheap, and marina's usally buy it on the bulk anyways. would say then just tack it up, Peter fucked around with this message on 05-01-2012 at 05:36 PM.
Or rig a frame or plywood sheet and shrink it on, hell the marina might do it for ya anyways with one of their guns. If not a propane torch and a deffuser tip works wonder, just don't get to close and use a heavy leather/welders glove to smooth out as you work.