Whut me need from you:
uh verb, uh noun, uh second noun, and un ad-juh... adj... describey-word-ting.
Me cast my first spell wid no words - dis is whut me bring you. Uh desoloate world wid no hope ob escape where you will die ob starvation. Me go hungry, you go hungry.
This insanity brought to you by Tarquinn:
I've found a green rock.
Tribute to Trolls. The pond is the only thing I really added to the game on top of the terrain/tress/snow/rocks/sky/etc. There's nothing in the game to do, so don't waste your time looking for stuff. I'm hoping that the proof of concept (above) gives people a hint as to what the intent of this post is - so that they start providing nouns and verbs.
Ghost of Forums Past fucked around with this message on 12-29-2011 at 07:10 PM.
Me hab already begun turning you into professional cat chefs looking to cook uh cartographer while ignoring its crotch. Ghost of Forums Past fucked around with this message on 12-31-2011 at 09:26 AM.
You hab yet to git da tools nor da food to feed him, but me will curse da words dat come and bring vile tools for you duh-sposal.
No gameplay elements yet - but the demon chef lives!
Da challange is ta kill as many cartragophers as possible and bring dem back to da demon chef before da bad tasting ones eet dem first.
Da next big step is ta gib da spirits form, and dat may take uh while. Once dat is done me will scatter da world wid da damned. Den me will gib your kitten abatar uh form so you may begin da great devouring.
If dis is not done by next sunday den me will hab failed. In any case me will try uh-gain ebery udder week and hope dat my curses become more eleborate as time progresses.
Keep da words coming. Me may use dem if me tink dey good for curses.
Assets of cat, cartographer, and challenge (zombie) currently added. No physics or interaction logic in place yet.
edit: taking a break for now
edit2: screenshot of demon cat that can open a door to hell if not satisfied
screenshot of zombies trying to eat your food first Ghost of Forums Past fucked around with this message on 12-31-2011 at 10:22 AM.