MTG lets you do a semi-social activity once a week
Fucking your hot girlfriend lets you fuck your hot girlfriend.
quote:I don't know how it was.
Same as it ever was
Blackened had this to say about Pirotess:
Anyone still play? Is it any good? Is it expensive? Is it just worth going to FNM locally?
MTGO is far cheaper 99% of the time if you want to play constructed than trying to play a local FNM (where, despite Wizards claiming it is casual, you will run into people who come in there with an uberdeck to crush people for easy prizes). If you're looking to put together one of the more popular net decks, I'd recommend online over in person. Especially because it is easier to avoid the inevitable douchebag at the gamestore by doing this. All game stores have them, along with having a couple of people who don't know what a shower is.
If you're looking to draft, however, I'd recommend going to a store in person. My local store does drafts three nights a week, and it is cheaper to do them in person, along with you getting more value for your money (paper cards are worth more than online cards despite costing the same).
Online Advantages:
-You can find someone to play with at any time of the day
-Cheaper to play constructed since money cards cost less online
-No putting up with the annoying gamestore jackoffs
Online Disadvantages:
-Larger tendency for people to play the current uberdeck of the month
-Cards have less value should you decide to quit later
Offline Advantages:
-Packs cost the same (or less) in person, and cards hold value more
-Gives a chance to get out and be social with people
Offline Disadvantages:
-Have to put up with a few people that completely lack social/hygeine skills
-Buying valuable singles is often more expensive than buying them in MTGO
So, basically, are you looking to play casually, or are you wanting to play competitively? How much do you want to spend per week/month/year/whatever? What format do you want to play (Standard, Extended, Vintage, Elder Dragon Highlander, Draft)? How worried are you about winning and how far are you willing to go to build a top notch deck? Falaanla Marr fucked around with this message on 09-01-2009 at 04:40 PM.
Also you pretty much never have to buy packs. It's always, always cheaper to just use the deck editor to make the deck you want, buy the tix, and then use the tix to get the individual cards.
Extended is the cheapest to play
Type 2 can get really expensive if you want to play competitively. If you got money to blow like nem-x does/did, then have at it.
The girlfriend might play eventually, too.
We were all impressed when Blackened wrote:
I used to play and spend a lot of money on Magic back during 1997-2000. As much fun as it was, I've been out of the game too long to consider playing something like constructed. I would probably be playing Limited, mostly.The girlfriend might play eventually, too.
OK, cool.
Yeah, if you're playing limited and get good enough, you'll get to the point where you go infinite online -- meaning you win enough to where you never have to buy packs.
Otherwise, you'll pay a few bucks a draft if you're decent -- you might need to buy a pack here, or tickets there. But you can often sell the cards you get from a draft and make at least a few tickets back, so if you place second or higher, you should be good.
quote:I assume you're referring to MTGO.
Falaanla Marr.
OK, cool.Yeah, if you're playing limited and get good enough, you'll get to the point where you go infinite online -- meaning you win enough to where you never have to buy packs.
Otherwise, you'll pay a few bucks a draft if you're decent -- you might need to buy a pack here, or tickets there. But you can often sell the cards you get from a draft and make at least a few tickets back, so if you place second or higher, you should be good.
Blackened had this to say about Cuba:
I assume you're referring to MTGO.
Yeah. It is possible to do this in stores, too, but there are people there who are far better. Whereas with MTGO, you can play in Swiss rooms to learn the basics, move to 4-3-2-2 (8 players, 1st place gets 4 packs, 2nd gets 3, etc etc) then move to 8-4 (1st gets 8, second 4).
They tend to ramp up in difficulty so you can stay where you have the most fun and where players of your skill are.
Believe it or not, I had a great time. Everyone I played against was very cool, and it was a casual atmosphere. I drafted pretty well, I felt. Unfortunately, I was betting on getting a single bomb from any of the three packs, and I got none.
I tried for a white control/black creature style deck, figuring it would be full of solid creatures and tons of removal. Sadly, I ended up with maybe 3 control cards. Despite this, I still managed to do okay, winning roughly 50% of the rounds I played.
First game I fought against a 15 year old kid named Gabe, who managed to be fun and mature for his age. He had a blue/red deck that seemed fairly unfocused. But he drafted well, and actually fielded a Chandra against me in the first game. He made some bad plays though, befitting of his age and experience. (Rushed to kill me with Chandra's 10 direct dmg ability, killing Chandra in the process. I played Safe Passage.) Went 2-0. (Don't know what that ends up as because we didn't play the third round. 2-1? 3-0?)
Second match I fought against a guy named Nick, probably around 25 years old. He was cool. Very down to earth guy. He played a black/green agro deck. We went 1-1-1, last game tied because of time.
Third game I played was againt a red/blue flyer deck. Big blue and red fliers (Shivan Dragon) followed with a trumpet blast. Too much flying for my deck to handle, I went 1-2.
Walked out with some subpar cards, 1 Mind Control promo, lots of experience and a great night.
Get on AIM sometime, we can talk about drafting and shit. The biggest thing is to not go in with a pre-set deck type in mind. Sometimes, the cards give you white aggro, sometimes they give you black control. Like, one draft I had 4 tendrils of corruption passed to me, a few children of the night, and other solid black creatures. I was black with a splash of red (lightning bolt and fireball).
But yeah, your third game sounded like a loss waiting to happen -- blue fliers = ridiculously strong in M10. White soldiers is also pretty good, especially if you can grab a rhox pikemaster and a couple of the swordsmiths/armorsmiths. Additionally, white has a 2/2 first strike flyer, and white also has one of my favorite cards in M10, Harm's Way. That card is amazing, especially when someone thinks they're going to nail your big beefy flier with their 1/2 deathtouching spider and you're like "fuck that" and redirect the deathtouching damage to THEIR big bomb creature. Fun stuff.
If you're interested, there are a ton of sites I could shoot your way to read up on drafting shit that have helped me get better. Been taking a break after playing far too much this summer (I'd go 2-3 times minimum each week), but am going to start going again soon. Thankfully, our store runs Monday, Tuesday and Friday night drafts. Falaanla Marr fucked around with this message on 09-05-2009 at 06:24 PM.
leather trenches and b.o.
Liam fucked around with this message on 09-05-2009 at 06:23 PM.
good times
I know WHAT to draft. The fact is that I just got unlucky. I watched the guy to the left of me open a pack with a Baneslayer, Serra Angel, and some other good white and black cards. That pack was then passed to his left, leaving me .
I just shouldn't have tried to force the colors I wanted. It's dumb, I know. But I thought I'd still do okay. Too bad though, of the pod I was playing in, everyone was drafting either white or black except for one guy. And out of 6-7 players, I got fucked.
but yeah Harms Way is amazing, one of my favorites too Blackened fucked around with this message on 09-05-2009 at 08:27 PM.
Blackened had this to say about (_|_):
Fal,I know WHAT to draft. The fact is that I just got unlucky. I watched the guy to the left of me open a pack with a Baneslayer, Serra Angel, and some other good white and black cards. That pack was then passed to his left, leaving me
I just shouldn't have tried to force the colors I wanted. It's dumb, I know. But I thought I'd still do okay. Too bad though, of the pod I was playing in, everyone was drafting either white or black except for one guy. And out of 6-7 players, I got fucked.
but yeah Harms Way is amazing, one of my favorites too
God. Baneslayer and serra in one pack? That alone is amazing.
Curious -- how'd the guy in your pod that didn't draft black/white do?
The guy who wasn't drafting any white or black: He was the guy who I played against with the Red/Blue deck. Really awesome dude, very funny and casual. He was like... 2-2 games overall. Maybe 3-1?
Fly Me To The Moon obviously shouldn't have said:
I bet you still play WoW
So does Mila Kunis.
I am so far above you.
This one time, at Bricktop camp:
So does Mila Kunis.
She fucks the home alone kid and has a Fran Dressor voice.
Was truly amazing
I would buy a pre-con and then play 5 games, change 3 cards, play 5 more etc. Was pretty fun
Fly Me To The Moon had this to say about pies:
She fucks the home alone kid and has a Fran Dressor voice.
She's hotter than you and I'm more awesome than you.
So hot and awesome people play WoW.
nem-x fucked around with this message on 09-18-2009 at 02:30 AM.