Noxhil had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
Hmm, a VP who is a goodcomplimentcomplement policy-wise is a puzzling choice?
A dictionary is your friend
The problem with Biden is that he's part of the established Washington mentality. Totally opposite of Obama's proposal that Washington needs to change from the current ways of doing things (even though Obama's probably the most corrupted politician in that town).
x--NoxhilO-('-'Q) :
Hmm, a VP who is a good compliment policy-wise is a puzzling choice?
He's not even a good complement policy-wise.
At least, in so far as it's possible to determine what Obama's policies are, they tend to change depending on who's asking him.
Biden is straight lockstep with the party position on every issue, right down the line, which will bring him into conflict with Obama on topics like when to withdraw from Iraq; Biden supports a six month withdrawal to begin immediately, Obama either supports a six, twelve, or fourteen month withdrawal, or the republican plan of a conditions based withdrawal depending on the capability of the Iraqi defense forces. Maradon! fucked around with this message on 08-23-2008 at 05:01 PM.
to that end he should've picked someone moderate or perhaps even a bit right Kegwen fucked around with this message on 08-23-2008 at 06:06 PM.
Vernaltemptress stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
A dictionary is your friend![]()
Heh thanks. I actually spent more time thinking about supplementary/complementary than compliment/complement.
In general Obama's policies fall on the liberal side of the democratic party, so I see this as an attempt to shore up party support which seems to be a problem for Obama. Otherwise, Biden's considerable experience makes him a good choice for the relatively inexperienced (in politics) Obama. Biden's strength in Foreign policy also complements the fact that Obama is primarily running on his Domestic policy.
This pick has seemed inevitable for a month to me.
In general Obama's policies fall on the liberal side of the democratic party
That's like describing nuclear fission as "kinda warm"
The liberal side of the democratic party is the democratic party, and he has enormous party support. What on earth are you talking about? Maradon! fucked around with this message on 08-23-2008 at 11:28 PM.
So... uh... Is Biden well known for ANYTHING? I know jack shit about him.
When the democrats have a good idea I am usually behind them on it. Sadly, they only ever seem to make headway on the really bad socialist or authoritarian ideas. Maradon! fucked around with this message on 08-24-2008 at 04:48 AM.
Vernaltemptress - Vernaltemptress = 0:
(even though Obama's probably the most corrupted politician in that town).
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith
Over the mountain, in between the ups and downs, I ran into Blindy. who doth quote:
Where on earth did you get this image of Obama as a "clean" politician?
Maradon! likes to scream this out during sex:
Where on earth did you get this image of Obama as a "clean" politician?
Oh so he's either "clean" or "the most corrupted politician in Washington"?
Edit: He's less corrupt than average imho. Blindy. fucked around with this message on 08-25-2008 at 05:11 PM.
A sleep deprived Blindy. stammered:
Oh so he's either "clean" or "the most corrupted politician in Washington"?
Edit: He's less corrupt than average imho.
Having ties to terrorists and felons makes you less corrupt then average? What is the world coming to.
you're probably better off attacking his policies than trying to focus on stupid shit like that
Naimah had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
Having ties to terrorists and felons makes you less corrupt then average? What is the world coming to.
OBAMA moar liek OSAMA m i rite?
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums
Steven Steve had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
Oh my god, Osama Bin Laden is the next president of the United States.
I dunno, a good fiscal policy is what we need, and he's got it. What with all that experience buying off the black market and all.
Naimah says po-ta-to, I say pa-ta-to:
Having ties to terrorists and felons makes you less corrupt then average? What is the world coming to.
Yeah because you certainly can't tie George Bush to felons and terrorists. Or John McCain.
I mean you own a house next to someone and/or serve on the same council as someone you're practically butt buddies! Blindy. fucked around with this message on 08-25-2008 at 06:35 PM.
Naimah says ta-ma-to, I say to-ma-to:
I"m sorry, I forgot we were talking about a Democrat.
There goes the old Republican branded persecution complex. Let me hold your hand for you. Click here.
Also, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Bush_insider_trading_allegations
When Obama gets taken to trial on charges relating directly to corruption you let me know, k? Until then, don't go accusing the man of being "the most corrupt politician in Washington" when the alternative has been at least equally if not more strongly linked to corruption.
I'm tired of this ill-informed bullshit swiftboat crap running our elections for us. Blindy. fucked around with this message on 08-28-2008 at 04:11 PM.
Blindy. enlisted the help of an infinite number of monkeys to write:
I'm tired of this ill-informed bullshit swiftboat crap running our elections for us.
Funny the Swiftboat Vets (American Heros every bit as much as any of our military, past and present) were telling the truth... but I digress that was 4 years ago... as for the "Keating 5" I see
quote:Even Clinton (Bill) has blown (pun not intended but still funny) some judgment calls and he was President during at least one of them.
Senators John Glenn and John McCain were cleared of having acted improperly but were criticized for having exercised "poor judgment".
Now lets talk about Ayers. Professor at Univ of Illinois Chicago. Head of the Weather Underground. Owner of the home Obama announced his candidacy from. Quoted as saying this...
"There's something about a good bomb. Night after night, day after day, each majestic scene I witnessed was so terrible and so unexpected that no city would ever soon stand innocently fixed in my mind. Big buildings and wide streets, cement and steel were no longer permanent. They, too, were fragile and destructible. A torch, a bomb, a strong enough wind. And they, too, would come undone or get knocked down.
I don't regret setting bombs. I don't feel we did enough
Of the day he bombed the Pentagon, Professor Ayers wrote in his memoir,
quote:When reflecting on whether or not he would use bombs against the U.S. in future, the senior university scholar, Williams Ayers writes,
Everything was absolutely ideal. The sky was blue. The birds were singing and the bastards were finally going to get what was coming to them
I can't imagine entirely dismissing the possibility.
I'm going to borrow a bit from Glenn Beck from today's show,
Why do you announce your campaign at this guy's house. Now, who is he? Let me give you the history of William Ayers. I gave it to you in a thumbnail. You can find it several places. The most concise comes out of 101 Professors, and this is a book about the worst professors in America, okay? William Ayers is a professor at the University of Illinois Chicago. Wait a minute. A connection to University of Illinois and Barack Obama. Isn't this where Barack Obama also has taught some classes and used Solwinski, yet another 1960s radical, another anarchist? Yes. William Ayers, he's the leader of the Weathermen. It was a group of students for a Democratic society. This is in 1969. They went underground to become America's very first terrorist cult. The Weathermen have been described by Ayers as "An American red army." Got it? American communist army. I don't believe we've had other armies in this country. American red army. In 1969 the Weather Underground issued a formal declaration of war on America. And by the way, America is spelled A M E R I KKK A. Sound familiar? Is there anybody else in Barack Obama's life? Is there anybody else in Barack Obama's life that has described U.S. of KKK A? They attempted to incite white student radicals to engage in terrorist activities that would provoke a race war in America, spelled with three Ks. White radicals would shed their white skin privilege to aid third world peoples in plundering the ill gotten wealth of the United States. Ayers summed up the ideology as, quote, and I quote William Ayers: Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents. End quote.
Kaglaaz How'ler fucked around with this message on 08-28-2008 at 10:56 PM.
It's fine to disagree with a party's policies and never want to vote for them, but using this kind of stupid basically inconsequential shit to justify what amounts to disagreements in policy is really awful Kegwen fucked around with this message on 08-28-2008 at 11:25 PM.
None of them served directly with Kerry, and all the men that did serve on his boat supported him 100%, including the ones who testify that he saved their lives at least once. Zair fucked around with this message on 08-29-2008 at 12:17 AM.
This insanity brought to you by Zair:
The Swift Boat Veterans were full of shit and they have been proven as full of shit.None of them served directly with Kerry, and all the men that did serve on his boat supported him 100%, including the ones who testify that he saved their lives at least once.
correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't you EXPECT someone who served directly with Kerry to speak positively of him? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the Swiftboat Vets didn't have an agenda (Even if I happen to agree with them), but if your arguement is "The people that were in his unit thought he was an all right guy, including the ones who had their lives saved by him,", that's not exactly the most persuasive line of reasoning.
Military units tend to be pretty close knit, and from everything I've heard from relatives I have in the military a dude pretty much has to rape a dog in front of the unit or do some other really scumbag thing to turn their comrades against him. And hell, if someone SAVED THEIR LIFE, I can't imagine they'd say anything negative about him.
The logic train ran off the tracks when Mooj said:
correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't you EXPECT someone who served directly with Kerry to speak positively of him? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the Swiftboat Vets didn't have an agenda (Even if I happen to agree with them), but if your arguement is "The people that were in his unit thought he was an all right guy, including the ones who had their lives saved by him,", that's not exactly the most persuasive line of reasoning.Military units tend to be pretty close knit, and from everything I've heard from relatives I have in the military a dude pretty much has to rape a dog in front of the unit or do some other really scumbag thing to turn their comrades against him. And hell, if someone SAVED THEIR LIFE, I can't imagine they'd say anything negative about him.
Name one Swift Boat Veteran allegation that can be proven true.
The New York Times, Newsweek, Time magazine, ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox sure couldn't find one.
I know all this shit is terribly old, but it is very very sad that people still think it is true.
Whereas Bush's an idiot who has no business leading.
Gimme the choice of wimp or shrimp, and I'll take shrimp every time.
Speaking as an outsider, the vast majority of people here prefer Obama and think of McCain as "just another Bush".
At least Kaglaaz How'ler isn't Somthor:
Keating five shit
Yes, I know McCain was aquited. But he was associated with the people who were found guilty. And he was tried.
The point is, you can't claim Obama is corrupted because his neighbor, who he happened to purchase part of his lot from, was brought up on charges unless you also state McCain is corrupted because he was directly involved in this scandal.
And the Swift Boat Vets were completely full of shit, it has been proven time and time and time again and only the most willfully ignorant still believe in them.
Blackened thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
CNN claims McCain picks Sarah Palin as running mate
McCain: "Obama is not experienced enough to be President."
*picks a 1 year Governor for vice president* Zair fucked around with this message on 08-29-2008 at 11:30 AM.
Zair says ta-ma-to, I say to-ma-to:
McCain: "Obama is not experienced enough to be President."*picks a 1 year Governor for vice president*
*is a billion years old and a cancer surviver* Blindy. fucked around with this message on 08-29-2008 at 11:37 AM.
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums
x--ZairO-('-'Q) :
McCain: "Obama is not experienced enough to be President."*picks a 1 year Governor for vice president*
Obama: "I am a fresh face in politics"
*picks a career washington man for vice president*