It's been a nightmare!
First, she's doing a magazine on travel and the article she sends me to do an illustration around is one on the Alps melting... I didn't know the Alps melting would draw people there, but what do I know?
This email also states the size of the illustration, and a bleed margin of 1/4. Then right after that is "But don't worry too much about the size, cause I can just resize it in Photoshop!" I'm thinking "And this person is supposed to be in graphic design? (for those who know nothing about image programs, you can't resize rasterized images without either getting blurriness or pixelation. Anyone who works with images should know this. Especially someone graduating this year from one of the best schools for design)
Anyways, I send me first sketch of a mountain goat, infront of grassy-green alps with sunglasses on and holding an iced beverage. She likes it. I do the colour roughs for her.
She shows her prof. He says "... The article does not mention goats." Apparently, he cannot make the connection between the Alps and goats. His suggestion "replace it with a swiss person". Me: "omg lamer..." (plus, I REALLY wanted to draw a goat. I mean, com'on it's a GOAT!)
So, I do. I drew it more of a life-guard style person to represent the dangers of water as well as the Swiss cross symbol. Maybe a more realistic and serious approach is what she wants. I send it. I don't hear back from her for TWO WEEKS. I complain to my class rep, she emails her and there's no response. I finally get a response when I talk to my teacher and send another email. Her excuse "I was busy with other school work."...Right.. And I'm not apparently
ANYWAYS.. She believes that a chick in a bathing suit has too much sexy appeal... Ok, fine.... Her suggestion "Draw a mountain in water!"...Me: "Oh you have got to be kidding!"
So, what did I end up drawing?
A mountain in water holding up the Swiss flag. I wonder if she'll get the little joke of the "flag of surrender" or not...Probably not, but it'll be my little joke and it'll keep me sane until this assignment is over.
That's my rant.
From the book of Naimah, chapter 3, verse 16:
Embrace those with ineptitude, they ensure you a better paycheck.
If that was only true. Most of them end up in management.
quote:This is what Pesco is doing. This is what I want Pesco to do
If that was only true. Most of them end up in management.