What you be up to?
It's not something people hear about.
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
Lyinar Ka`Bael impressed everyone with:
Bed. Some of us work
Work at defending SOE? HA!
Fuck, I'm hungry.
Looks like I need to adjust my withholding for next year, getting a boatload back in a return this year.
Filling taxes this early might sound strange, but hey, when you are due a lot in a refund, the quicker it's filled the better.
Pesco said:
Working from home.
You're giving a at that?
Hell some people would kill to work at home. No gas to pay for and no rush hour traffic.
Mortious thought about the meaning of life:
You're giving aat that?
Hell some people would kill to work at home. No gas to pay for and no rush hour traffic.
I already put in 8 hours at the office. I'm on a list of people to call when stuff breaks. Luckily it was only some questions tonight. Pesco fucked around with this message on 01-06-2006 at 03:12 AM.
Pesco said:
I already put in 8 hours at the office. I'm on a list of people to call when stuff breaks. Luckily it was only some questions tonight.
Hope you're getting overtime for that.
But then again, if they're not they might be breaking some kind of work law and you get to sue them.
Mortious spewed forth this undeniable truth:
Hope you're getting overtime for that.But then again, if they're not they might be breaking some kind of work law and you get to sue them.
God bless Erica.
Pesco's fortune cookie read:
Nope, don't get OT. It is just part of my job.
I have the same type of situation here. The only compensation they give for being on call for a week is one extra day off.
So quoth Blindy.:
My new hookah arrives on monday
No way! Three-hoses! That must have cost you a mint!
What kind of shisha did you get to go with it? How tall is it?
So for now the plan is to find a hottub and sit in it until my legs feel less like they are going to fall off
Led said:
Wondering what to do. For the first time in like, forever, I have absolutely nothing required of me at the moment.So for now the plan is to find a hottub and sit in it until my legs feel less like they are going to fall off
Fill it with acid then.
Led's account was hax0red to write:
Wondering what to do. For the first time in like, forever, I have absolutely nothing required of me at the moment.
That sounds a bit like me, except I know exactly what I'm going to do, and it's only been about three weeks.
Sunday will be my first full day with nothing required of me in a good long while.