Agent A
I don't even know who this is but he/she needs a haircut and a treadmill
Liposuction and a face job, ASAP.
I know you're squirting out kids as fast as you can and that's how you're ballooning up, but who exactly is getting you preggers in the first place? Is he blind or are you a regular at the artificial insemination clinic or what?
Shave your hair off and stop pretending you're not going bald.
Death of Rats
I always thought you only pretended to be a mongoloid.
Much like with Abbikat, I'm at a loss for words on this one.
I'm running out of witty things to say and I honestly wouldn't know what to do with this picture anyway.
It turns out Fae is actually a decent looking guy, so this one goes out to his apparently retarded daughter. Throw her off a cliff or something and stop fucking up the gene pool.
If you have a three foot forehead, don't grow your hair out. Just don't. Also, wash your face, zitty.
If I were Hitler, you would be going to the gas chambers.
holy shit, that's one hell of a cruel joke God had to play on your parents.
more like
I puked the first time I saw your picture years ago and I'm still not done!
I can't go on, I need a drink and fast, Jesus Christ. I'll finish this later.
Blindy. has a secret obsession with Richard Simmons, as evidenced by...
Meanwhile, I have sex with her.
She's up there with some of those people, agreed, but let's keep this thread to ECers only or I'll be sitting here till this time next year.
Edit: Jesus, why are you having sex with her? Jensus fucked around with this message on 12-05-2005 at 02:52 PM.
New Age Bane fucked around with this message on 12-05-2005 at 03:14 PM.
If its a big x please let me know.
Feeling more bored than usual, Jens?
While possessed by the spirit of Somthor, Maradon! wrote:
This thread loses all it's fun when you realize that there could be a picture of the hottest supermodel in the world and Jens would still call it ugly.
I don't think I've ever insulted a beautiful woman. I also hate all the retards who go "oh celebrity x is so ugly and slutty and dumb i would never fuck her loll!!". Somehow, I don't think you're basing this off anything I've ever actually done and you're just talking out of your ass like an idiot.
I think these people are intensely ugly and I think they should know that.
When did you get glasses? I love the wire style but the nose guards would always break on mine so I had to go to my current Lisa Loeb style.
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
quote:Serves you right for practicing astrology in a moving vehicle.
New Age Bane is attacking the darkness!
I've always had glasses, I remember taking one or two pics without them, but meh yes I wear glassesLong overdue for a new prescription though, can barely read signs when I drive....
Sumo wrestling for women appears to be the new hip thing to do.
Jessica Rabbit
hahaha, those teeth had me lolling for a good few minutes straight. I'm not much for fashion, but actively trying to make yourself look like an ugly skank is just shitty.
It looks like your body mistook your head for your crotch.
More heads with pubic hair on them!
liam AKA faggot
hehe you look dumb
If that's not a pedophile in the making, nothing is. Christ dude.
This needs no explanation.
What. the. fuck. is. that? Are you some kind of horrible escaped government experiment?
Just ugly.
That's a man, baby!
nerd. And that's the gayest smile in the history of ever, you faggot.
owns:. That's two smiley descriptions in a row!
Enough with the fucking descriptions already, you're just ugly as sin.
That's it. Fuck off. Jensus fucked around with this message on 12-05-2005 at 06:31 PM.
you're not so hot yourself, mister
Vinven D`Slyfox had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
Interesting, I do not see Jens anywhere on the site to be poked fun at.
It's not that he doesn't want to put pictures of himself on the internet, he does. But good taste always prevails over these urges.
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, forums
Check out the big brain on Vinven D`Slyfox!
Interesting, I do not see Jens anywhere on the site to be poked fun at.
Something about having to have a soul in order to have a picture taken I believe is the reason.
Some people are like Slinkys... Not really good for anything, But they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
Jackman attempted to be funny by writing:
Something about having to have a soul in order to have a picture taken I believe is the reason.
Not bad.
Jensus stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
I don't think I've ever insulted a beautiful woman.
All that means is you'll eat shit for a pair of tits.
Pvednes was listening to Cher while typing:
All that means is you'll eat shit for a pair of tits.
He's got a point, though. A lot of sad, pathetic people like Malbi, who are so desperate for recognition from females are eager to make comments about supermodels, etc. saying "She needs a sammich" or "lol gross."
I call this the "fat chicks need love syndrome." Pitiful sacks of flesh, like Malbi the Pedophile, suffer under the delusion that all women had supermodels and the way they look. It's a form of asskissing in a desperate attempt to get recognition from females.
Bent over the coffee table, Mr. Parcelan squealed:
He's got a point, though. A lot of sad, pathetic people like Malbi, who are so desperate for recognition from females are eager to make comments about supermodels, etc. saying "She needs a sammich" or "lol gross."I call this the "fat chicks need love syndrome." Pitiful sacks of flesh, like Malbi the Pedophile, suffer under the delusion that all women had supermodels and the way they look. It's a form of asskissing in a desperate attempt to get recognition from females.
I think the technical term is, "Go ugly early."
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
Bloodsage had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
I think the technical term is, "Go ugly early."
Mine sounds more scientific.
You saucy bitch.
Channeling the spirit of Sherlock Holmes, Mr. Parcelan absently fondled Watson and proclaimed:
Mine sounds more scientific.You saucy bitch.
Well, yeah.
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
x--JensusO-('-'Q) :
I don't think I've ever insulted a beautiful woman. I also hate all the retards who go "oh celebrity x is so ugly and slutty and dumb i would never fuck her loll!!". Somehow, I don't think you're basing this off anything I've ever actually done and you're just talking out of your ass like an idiot.I think these people are intensely ugly and I think they should know that.
Haha, no, what I meant was it that stops being funny when the reader realizes that the subject of ridicule really doesn't matter because you're just deliberately being a complete prick.
As usual. Maradon! fucked around with this message on 12-06-2005 at 03:20 AM.
From the book of Cherveny, chapter 3, verse 16:
Actually, I have shaved my head, about a year ago.
Did you ever stop to think how this might affect Jens' being a jag-off, you selfish jerk? >:[
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
The logic train ran off the tracks when Lyinar Ka`Bael said:
Get the fuck off of Malbi, you self-satisfied son of a bitch.
Still collecting sex offenders, I see.
While possessed by the spirit of Somthor, Lyinar Ka`Bael wrote:
Get the fuck off of Malbi, you self-satisfied son of a bitch.
He's ugly and looks like a child molester in the making. That's why he's in this thread. I don't even know or talk to Malbi or most of the people listed here.