So I am sitting here, dinking around the house until my $$$ posts and I can go do something *boredboredbored* I canna play DAoC either until I get paid, because I spent too much money on christmas shopping and forgot to save a bit
Time to spread some holiday cheer! So... whatchall up to?
*Sets out christmas-themed snacks and beartraps, and puts lil antlers on the bunnyrabbits*
Afterwards I think I'll play some WoW or, when people get off work and such, call around to get something going to relieve the boredom. I think there's clothes in the dryer that i need to put away too. Actually, they were in the washer still from last night.
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
Anakha was naked while typing this:
I'm sitting in front of a computer waiting till i get the chance to go to Programming Fundamentals I, or as i like to call it "How to code a program is not important, how to design a program is"
...But it's true. The specifics of how you code a program depend upon the language in which you attempt to create it. The overall design of the program remains constant. If you make a program to do a certain thing, you can translate it into as many different programming languages as you like, and still get it to do almost exactly the same thing.
Anakha stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
Well, yes, but ive been designing and coding programs for 3 years, and the professor(read adjunct) spends so much time teaching Psuedocode, that almost half the class knows nothing of how to code. I have been teaching them things, because he doesn't really explain the coding aspect at all.
Then he is not explaining the psuedo code correctly. Professors are supposed to start by teaching the logic.
The logic is the hard part, memorizing syntax is easy.
A sleep deprived Reynar stammered:
Then he is not explaining the psuedo code correctly. Professors are supposed to start by teaching the logic.The logic is the hard part, memorizing syntax is easy.
Actually, it seems Anakha was saying that the prof teaches the logic behind the programs almost exclusively, without getting into the syntax at all.
Anakha, the prof shouldn't need to get into syntax, in my opinion. You likely have a textbook, or at least a list of recommended readings, in the course syllabus. There's probably lots about the syntax of specific languages in those. If not, it isn't too hard to find tutorials for a number of programming languages on the Internet. Despite what I've said about reliability of Internet sources, these tutorials can't really mislead you on much; you'd notice if something just doesn't seem to be working right.
The pseudocode is the hardest part of the program. Once you have that, translating it into code is all too easy. In my current assignment, the CS profs haven't given us any pseudocode at all to get us started. They've given us parts of a Java application class, parts of the worker class used, and what the final output is supposed to look like. The main part of the assignment isn't going to be writing the Java code itself, it's going to be working out the pseudocode. Trouble is, the prof has unfortunately spent quite a bit of time on the syntax of Java, which I could just as easily have found in my textbook. Because of that, my text has gone completely unused.
Next question!
Favorite holiday drinks?
im just kidding, that stuff was digusting, although i don't mind the occasional hot toddy on a cold christmas day.
Anakha said this about your mom:
Southern Cumfort Eggnog
im just kidding, that stuff was digusting
I'd imagine so!
My favourite drink? Probably whole milk. Mmmm...
Uhh.. drinking vodka 'n OJ right now too. Stuff's good *hic*
Led obviously shouldn't have said:
Favorite holiday drinks?
Scotch...Well and fresh Cider, only time a year the stores here decide to carry it.
And I'm fixing to go solo Onyxia in WoW with my Shadow Priest.
My favorite holiday drink of all time is a tie between hot chocolate and hot spiced cider. Especially the cider that comes in MREs, that stuff is awsome! Except for some reason all of the ones I got never had the cider OR the iced tea in them *grumble grumble*
And as for drinky drinks... I usually just have what my friends are having which usually works okie-dokie, cos they have the same tastes I do 'Cept I get drunk a whole lot faster
And by the next morning I can never remember what I had... or why I woke up on the floor outside the door to my room
But that is a different story for another time!
WTF never play poker shots (have to take a drink if you lose a hand) if you suck at poker
I'm just sitting here camping my paycheck as well, and contemplating getting online and knocking out a few rate courses.
And favorite drink at the moment is apple cider. I think I'll bring some to my command potluck.
From the book of Mr. Parcelan, chapter 3, verse 16:
Wine. I love it.Go away.
*Straps antlers to the prarie dog* :3
Katrinity had this to say about the Spice Girls:
<camps the Led camping Paycheck spawn point> ^.^
Clear your PM box imo.
Paycheck is extremely frickin tiny? !?
Does your pay get reduced while you are on leave or something?
Here it is FOUR HUNDRED FOURTY SEVEN DOLLARS straight outta my paycheck!#% And the food sucks!
*Has acute cardiac arrest and dies on the spot*
Edit: Wait... I think I know what it is. I was on two different bases in november, they musta charged me the full meal deal for both at the same time. Fuck! Led fucked around with this message on 12-01-2005 at 03:39 AM. I aint gonna be able to go snowboarding at all this month like I planned
Led had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
HOLY FREAKING CRAP!#% They blasted me with the full meal deduction for the whole month even though I have only actually been at my assigned unit for TWO WEEKS!#% The meal deduction at airborne school was like $166 bucks, and I was paid $166 extra to cover the cost of it anyways, so it was pretty much zero...Here it is FOUR HUNDRED FOURTY SEVEN DOLLARS straight outta my paycheck!#% And the food sucks!
*Has acute cardiac arrest and dies on the spot*
Edit: Wait... I think I know what it is. I was on two different bases in november, they musta charged me the full meal deal for both at the same time. Fuck!
I aint gonna be able to go snowboarding at all this month like I planned
Get your supervisor or a gunny (or some other E-7 and up wh will give a shit for you) and go to dispersing. I'm pretty sure that they arent supposed to pull that much cash from your check just for being on 2 different bases.
PSD has a habit of fucking up over here, and I doubt that we're the only one.
Azakias had this to say about Duck Tales:
Get your supervisor or a gunny (or some other E-7 and up wh will give a shit for you) and go to dispersing. I'm pretty sure that they arent supposed to pull that much cash from your check just for being on 2 different bases.PSD has a habit of fucking up over here, and I doubt that we're the only one.
Another thing. If its possible, go ahead and try to get COMRATs.
An extra 200 in your pocket per month is nice. But if you are deployable or deployed, they may not let you.
Also, after some further digging, it seems that they did not withdraw my meal deduction from october, so I just got slammed with octobers and novembers this month. Crap!
Oh well, at least my pay on the 15th will be normal I hope.
Some people are like Slinkys... Not really good for anything, But they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
AND.. get to go home tonight, reformat and reinstall on my desktop, then reformat and reinstall on my laptop, which has no CDrom, so I get to try and drivemap to the desktop CDROM, while enjoying the head floaty goodness of darvocet... and maybe Ouzo... they blend well.. and the licorice taste of the Ouzo kills the asstastic flavor of the penicillin..
Led stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
What is a COMRAT?Also, after some further digging, it seems that they did not withdraw my meal deduction from october, so I just got slammed with octobers and novembers this month. Crap!
Oh well, at least my pay on the 15th will be normal I hope.
Commuted rations give you about $225 a month. In excchange, you cant use the galley for free anymore, etc etc. If you can cook or at least come close to something edible, its your better option. Whatever is left over is pocket change.
If the military will pay me to do something that they otherwise provide, I usually opt to do it myself. Cheaper that way.
I doubt I could get it though, since I am only an E-2
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith
Channeling the spirit of Sherlock Holmes, Karnaj absently fondled Watson and proclaimed:
Me? Bourbon. I cannot thank Bloodsage enough for recommending Blanton's. I think I'll go pour myself a snootful now!
You're welcome!
Come visit me in Paris next year, and we'll get toasted!
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
Azakias probably says this to all the girls:
Commuted rations give you about $225 a month. In excchange, you cant use the galley for free anymore, etc etc. If you can cook or at least come close to something edible, its your better option. Whatever is left over is pocket change.If the military will pay me to do something that they otherwise provide, I usually opt to do it myself. Cheaper that way.
Depends on your command. Mine awards it to anyone who runs a request chit.