Meanwhile, the officials who leaked it get gutted, and Al Jazeera employees go WTF?
One has to wonder about the truth to such matters--claiming to spread democracy, but considering the censorship of a free media by the most violent means?
Jesus Fuckin' Christ, I hope the brits laugh his rag-headed ass back to Jerkajerkastan.
From the book of Mooj, chapter 3, verse 16:
So... lemme get this straight. Some schmuck from probably the most biased "news organization" in the world wants political documents of closed door meetings made public?Jesus Fuckin' Christ, I hope the brits laugh his rag-headed ass back to Jerkajerkastan.
Well, if it were documents regarding destroying your workplace and killing you in the process, wouldn't you want to find out, after having caught wind of it?
Anyhow, Al Jazeera is pretty good for middle eastern news.
What's trying to be done here is to set precident to give Al Jezeera access to private government planning. Poorly, I might add.
And sure, Al Jezeera is a fine source of middle eastern news as long as you don't mind the occasional beheading. I wouldn't go so far as to say that they should have been bombed, of course, but like I said. They're more biased than CNN and FOX combined.
Check out the big brains on Mooj:
Would I want to know? Yes. Would I expect to find out? Hell no. Would I expect the government to reveal a conversation between the two respective figureheads of the government? Fuck no. Hell, that's painting a damn bullseye on your chest and saying "Hey, I'm a risk to national security."What's trying to be done here is to set precident to give Al Jezeera access to private government planning. Poorly, I might add.
And sure, Al Jezeera is a fine source of middle eastern news as long as you don't mind the occasional beheading. I wouldn't go so far as to say that they should have been bombed, of course, but like I said. They're more biased than CNN and FOX combined.
Oh so since they don't expect the government to release the documents they should just not make a big deal about it am i rite?
That makes a lot of sense.
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
One has to wonder about the truth to such matters--claiming to spread democracy, but considering the censorship of a free media by the most violent means?
A couple things
1) This story is about as flimsy as they come, with zero substantiating evidence. It's nothing but a load of idiotic barking from people who want to paint the Bush administration in the worst light possible.
2) Al-Jazeera is hardly what I'd call "free media", they've routinely acted as a willing mouthpiece for Al Qaeda and have a pro-islamo-facist spin to everything they broadcast.
We were all impressed when Pvednes wrote:
Anyhow, Al Jazeera is pretty good for middle eastern news.
When you stop to consider how horribly low the bar is set for the media establishment in the Arab world, that's not really saying anything.
Personally, I put them about a notch or two above the "Weekly World News" in terms of journalistic cred.
Pvednes stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
Meanwhile, the officials who leaked it get gutted, and Al Jazeera employees go WTF?One has to wonder about the truth to such matters--claiming to spread democracy, but considering the censorship of a free media by the most violent means?
Err, I'm confused, you actually believe this is true?
Mooj's account was hax0red to write:
And sure, Al Jezeera is a fine source of middle eastern news as long as you don't mind the occasional beheading.
Fun fact: Al-Jazeera has never actually aired any beheading footage. They'll show some of the video before the beheading but not the beheading itself.
Callalron obviously shouldn't have said:
When you stop to consider how horribly low the bar is set for the media establishment in the Arab world, that's not really saying anything.
Yeah, it's them or government-run news-flavored propaganda programs.
But, you deal with the Arab media you have, not necessarily the Arab media you want or need.
Mr. Parcelan had this to say about John Romero:
Al-Jazeera is a terrorist network, not free press.
As for this story in general, I don't buy it until I see some supporting evidence. The war might have been badly planned, but this is just too ridiculously dumb to be true.
Quoth Zaza:
Wrong.As for this story in general, I don't buy it until I see some supporting evidence. The war might have been badly planned, but this is just too ridiculously dumb to be true.
The war was planned quite well. The bureaucrats failed to plan for the ensuing protectorate, however. There's a difference.
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
Bloodsage - Bloodsage = 0:
The war was planned quite well. The bureaucrats failed to plan for the ensuing protectorate, however. There's a difference.
Everything about the war was planned well except for the "finishing it" part.
JooJooFlop said this about your mom:
Fun fact: Al-Jazeera has never actually aired any beheading footage. They'll show some of the video before the beheading but not the beheading itself.
There I go again, not being able to convey sarcasm without a nifty smiley.
There was much rejoicing when Bloodsage said this:
The war was planned quite well. The bureaucrats failed to plan for the ensuing protectorate, however. There's a difference.
True enough.
Quoth Blindy.:
Everything about the war was planned well except for the "finishing it" part.
You need to distinguish between the war and the reconstruction of the country afterwards. They are completely different things, overseen by completely different groups of people. Although your mistake is excusable; stupid people everywhere confuse the two.
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
Bloodsage's momma would never want to hear them say:
You need to distinguish between the war and the reconstruction of the country afterwards. They are completely different things, overseen by completely different groups of people. Although your mistake is excusable; stupid people everywhere confuse the two.
Oh hoo, I see what you did there.
Blindy. Model 2000 was programmed to say:
Oh hoo, I see what you did there.
This had better be the last time I see an insult, left-handed or otherwise, in this thread.
Mr. Parcelan had this to say about Cuba:
This had better be the last time I see an insult, left-handed or otherwise, in this thread.
You suck.
Err, you suck well.
Mr. Parcelan stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
This had better be the last time I see an insult, left-handed or otherwise, in this thread.
I'd hate to point out the obvious, but Bloodsage insulted him first.
Snoota's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:
I'd hate to point out the obvious, but Bloodsage insulted him first.
And I arrived after the second bullet had been shot. So long as there are no minorities, both people are at fault.
Liam fucked around with this message on 11-27-2005 at 07:19 PM.
Noxhil2 had this to say about Captain Planet:
Err, I'm confused, you actually believe this is true?
Leaks are about the only way to find out some of the things that go on in government.
Government meetings of all sorts are private affairs for a reason. If this is true, whoever leaked it is going to be publically castrated and their career is going to be flushed. If this isn't true, someone from Al Jazeera's hoping to get let in on state secrets, or someone in Tony Blair's confidence is once again going to be publically castrated and their career is going to be flushed.
If you can't keep secrets, you don't get far in politics. If you can't keep STATE secrets, you won't get far in life period.
Clinton's affair was a scandal. Leaking private discussions on military planning, I'm pretty sure that's treason.
I think they've been charged under the official secrets act, anyway. Pvednes fucked around with this message on 11-27-2005 at 11:06 PM.
When the babel fish was in place, it was apparent Tarquinn said:
I might have missed the memo, but when did the BBC become so horribly "biased"?
Just take it from Maradon, the only moderate news source is Fox News.
Tarquinn Model 2000 was programmed to say:
I might have missed the memo, but when did the BBC become so horribly "biased"?
They were just as much a mouthpiece for the IRA as Al-Jazeera is for Al-Qaeda, so we know they're not afraid to fraternize with violent terrorists. You expect any fair treatment from such and organization?
JooJooFlop stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
They were just as much a mouthpiece for the IRA as Al-Jazeera is for Al-Qaeda, so we know they're not afraid to fraternize with violent terrorists. You expect any fair treatment from such and organization?
Can you post any links/proof showing this?
That would be very nice.
Tarquinn had this to say about Pirotess:
Can you post any links/proof showing this?That would be very nice.
C'mon, when the IRA wants to make a statement you think they're gonna have the Bumfuck Potato Farmer Times publish it? Hell no! They're sending that shit to the BBC because they want as many people to hear it as possible. And because the BBC is all too ready to carry the message on to their viewers that makes them a mouthpiece for the IRA. Don't give me any crap about it being good journalism or good ratings, either.
This one time, at JooJooFlop camp:
C'mon, when the IRA wants to make a statement you think they're gonna have the Bumfuck Potato Farmer Times publish it? Hell no! They're sending that shit to the BBC because they want as many people to hear it as possible. And because the BBC is all too ready to carry the message on to their viewers that makes them a mouthpiece for the IRA. Don't give me any crap about it being good journalism or good ratings, either.
Yeah, now all makes sense. Not sure why the BBC did this or thought so.
Unfortunately, the BBC is no longer very trustworthy because it's decided to follow the model of other British media and choose sides.
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
Don't have any links offhand.
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me