If you don't want a tattoo, I don't really care.
This is about hypotheticals. Or, maybe not so hypothetical. I don't want the thread to turn into one of those "omgz you suck because you like something radical" threads. I don't think tats are that radical nowadays anyway.
I do feel that tattoos are something that shouldn't be done on a whim however. They can be a beautiful way to express yourself, using your skin as a canvas for art.
I am getting one in a few weeks. It is going to be of Ganesh, the elephant headed Hindu god. One reason is because I love elephants, the other is because I love Ganesh artwork, and I respect the Hindu religion. The story behind Ganesh is fascinating to me, plus he is their luck god and I could always use more of that.
Mine will look something like this:
UBT recently got a tat too. This is his:
JooJooFlop had this to say about John Romero:
If you got that tattoo it'll look like a scrotum when you get old and wrinkly.
Cool, maybe I can get some retirement home action.
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums
Fazum'Zen Fastfist had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
I would get one of a brain on my scalp.
I can see you doing that too.
I have seen tats where they made it look like the skin was peeled back and you can see muscles and ribs. Or the entire backbone. As detailed as they were, they were pretty icky.
It's not something people hear about.
I want to get a tatto much like with the word Diabetic on either the inside of my arm near the wrist or right under the shirtline on my chest.
Nae don't surf!
I assume it's from a game? It sorta looks like a Star Trek insignia.
Yes. No.
Logo for one of the armies in Total Annihilation.
It's not something people hear about.
Sean, that's cool!
My Ganesh tat is going to be on the upper middle of my back. About the size of my hand.
That, all across my back and stretching all the way down. Getting it as soon as I can afford to, which will probably be a while. Vallo fucked around with this message on 08-24-2005 at 12:38 PM.
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Vallo was all like:That, all across my back and stretching all the way down. Getting it as soon as I can afford to, which will probably be a while.
sexay red x!
Sean says po-ta-to, I say pa-ta-to:
You're not getting the Arm emblem on your arm? Shouldn't the Core logo go on your torso?
And I will not stand for you ARM scum.
It's not something people hear about.
Vallo had this to say about Tron:That, all across my back and stretching all the way down. Getting it as soon as I can afford to, which will probably be a while.
Wow awesome design, you'll have a bitching set of wings.
I also want a tiny, tiny ghost on my left palm, and a Heartless symbol on my right. As said, symmetry, and those are both neat things I either made or saw and can't figure out where else they would go.
You know, like those 'stick and ball' diagrams you see in chemistry textbooks for things like Oxygen and whatnot
Figure there has to be something similar for more complex chemicals, has to!
I would want that, heh.
One was a demon with a featureless body, no arms or legs, two horns coming up and back over his head, with an expression of shock facing to the right. I want this on my back on my left shoulder.
Another was an angel sort of kneeling with a forlorn expression facing to the left, and I want that on my back on my right shoulder.
Also, my friend that drew the one I'm getting takes design requests on tattoos and stuff. That can be really helpful, because in my experiences having exactly what you want in mind makes things alot easier on both you and the artist. In fact, alot of people I know that went in with what they want got price breaks and stuff and it usually took a bit less time (Which for big work is also a price break, cus bigger stuff is usually charged for hourly.)
Anyone interested can check out some of her other art here or email her at suikodeneternal@aol.com
/advertising off
Liam attempted to be funny by writing:
A VESPR diagram?!? That would look cool if it was done with proper depth and all.
Yeah, VSEPR was what I was thinking of... my googles skills failed me while trying to figure out what they were called, heh
Caid '5 Fists' Berrit fucked around with this message on 08-24-2005 at 02:59 PM.
Maybe a dreamcatcher design on the back of my hand.
BeauChan fucked around with this message on 08-24-2005 at 06:40 PM.
but I'm pain intolerant.
I probably will never get a tattoo though.
The sun is at the base of my neck and the turtle is below it.
The turtle was my first tattoo and it needs touching up. The sun I absolutely love. And yes, it's purple around it (supposed to be blue sky, I opted for purple). I didn't realize I had a birthmark back there, tho. Heh.
I want to get one more. Tiny bear tracks going over my left foot. Bears are Chase's totem animal, so I want something small to do with him.
Edit: Oh yeah.. excuse the crappy pics. It's hard to take pictures of one's back with a webcam. :/ Jajahotep fucked around with this message on 08-24-2005 at 10:36 PM.
No, Really. Bite me.
It scares the hell outta me.
And as I don't like needles all that much, I doubt I'd ever get a tattoo. If I did it would probably be a Shamrock for my Irish heritage or the family coat of arms.
Don't make fun of me if you know where it's from. I really love the image. leckzilla! fucked around with this message on 08-25-2005 at 05:58 AM.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
i want to get a tribal sort of design in all black on the bottom of my back... Lady Delirium fucked around with this message on 08-25-2005 at 11:21 AM.
i want to get cherries about an inch down from my colar bone and i want to get the red sox socks logo on my shoulder blade
A sleep deprived Jajahotep stammered:
I have two:
The sun is at the base of my neck and the turtle is below it.
The turtle was my first tattoo and it needs touching up. The sun I absolutely love. And yes, it's purple around it (supposed to be blue sky, I opted for purple). I didn't realize I had a birthmark back there, tho. Heh.
I want to get one more. Tiny bear tracks going over my left foot. Bears are Chase's totem animal, so I want something small to do with him.
I love those! I have been looking for a good sun image, or sun/moon image to go on my arm over a band. I am thinking of doing a Midgard serpent or Ouroboros as the band.
The turtle is cute, I was joking the other day and said that maybe I would get one of the Great A'Tuin.. he is the gigantic turtle that flies through space with 5 elephants on his back holding up the Discworld. Your turtle reminded me of it.
I the idea of the bear prints!
Leckie, I love that image too. It would be really simple to do too!
Caid, that sun you have rocks all kinds of socks. Seriously! I want to see a pic of your arm!
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
This insanity brought to you by Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael:
Great A'Tuin only carries four elephants. According to dwarven legend, the fifth flew off eons ago and slammed into the landscape, creating the fat mines that are the setting for "Fifth Elephant"
You are correct! I don't know why I said 5 elephants! When I described it to UBT the other day I even said 4.. weird!