Me Muppet Show!
Vallo had this to say about Optimus Prime:
Welcome to the INTERNET!
Densetsu fucked around with this message on 08-11-2005 at 02:00 PM.
I've gotta hand it them, though. That's probably the best solution to people offsite linking your images, replace it with an ad. Talk about easy free advertising.
The logic train ran off the tracks when Katrinity said:
Thunder thunder thunder thunder-cats!
And keep yer foot off that blasted samophlange!
Densetsu wrote this stupid crap:
Welcome to the INTERNET!
I've gotta hand it them, though. That's probably the best solution to people offsite linking your images, replace it with an ad. Talk about easy free advertising.
That is a great idea, I agree. Not only does it fix offsite linking problems, but it also makes the person linking it (IE : Vallo) look all the more dumb
Over the mountain, in between the ups and downs, I ran into Vallo who doth quote:
Except I'm on a completely different computer.
Shows up as an ad for me.
What is this crap that Zephyer Kyuukaze is spewing?
The first season of The Muppet Show just came out on DVD a couple days ago, and my roommate got it!Me
Muppet Show!
Sweedish Chef to pwn.
Verily, the chocolate bunny rabits doth run and play while Maradon! gently hums:
Shows up as an ad for me.
Shows up as an M:TG card for me. Was wondering what the fuss was.
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
And I heard about this on the radio. Much spiffiness.
Incidentally, has anyone ever played Guild Wars with the language set to Swedish Chef?
Jania Arindelil had this to say about Optimus Prime:
I liked the cranky old men
Waldorf and Statler rock.