In any case, it's not legal to distribute even 2E stuff online. Just because it's out of print doesn't lessen GW's rights to their IP.
Your best bet is to photocopy your current stuff before it gets unreabable. That's legal, as long as you're not distributing it.
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
Azizza fucked around with this message on 09-08-2004 at 02:18 PM.
Azizza had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
I am looking for the 2nd edition Rulebook, Dark Millennium book and the Codexes somewhere online. I dont' need the fluff just the rules and such. This should be legal since it has been out of print for years. If I am incorrect on this please tell me and I will try to track them down in print.
I have most if not all of the 2 edition, Rules, Wargear, Dark Mellennium, Codex Imperialis, Battles Book, Ultramarines, Tyranids, Chaos, Assassins, Space Wolves, Eldar, Angels of Death, and Imperial Guard Codex's
Looks like that is it thought for sure I had Sister of Battle as well.
Found all the cards for it as well Warp, wargear, Missions, Stategy, Warp Powers.
EDIT: Added more codexs [PPZ]Kamikaze Gerbil fucked around with this message on 09-08-2004 at 07:12 PM.
Azizza had this to say about Tron:
I did find the Battle Bible. It is just a compilation of all the rules/stats/etc, damn thing is 13MB!.
So isn't that exactly what you were looking for?
Azizza tried to say:
I dont' need the fluff just the rules and such.
I would like to buy a deck or two of Warp cards in good condition though if at all possible.