Does this mean I hafta do one of those threads where I tell people what I think of them during my 3 year stay??
If so, who wants to find out what I think of them?
Mightion Defensor had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
Me first!
No, me.
This insanity brought to you by Mightion Defensor:
Me first!
grats on gold Falaanla Marr fucked around with this message on 06-01-2004 at 09:07 PM.
It's funny, because I always thought you were around here longer than me, but I guess not.
Addy: ADDYADDYADDYADDYADDY!! A sweetheart on the forums who gets all the guys pulses racing! The first one to ask me to write a Bio for her CoH character, and she actually liked it too!! We haven't really spoken all that much I guess, but I still think of you as a friend even so. As Rikki Lake would say, "You go girl!!"
Sakkra: I don't know you as well as I should, I think. Always quick with a joke in CoH, I think that must be your way. Helpful, honest, and happy. Another person I think of as a friend. Do I need to say more?
Vise: Wow, all the time I spend here and so many folks I don't really talk to as much as I thought I did. I think I need to chat more. You strike me as a good person, and for that I would call you friend.
Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecole: The hip-hop-happiest bunny in all of marshmellow woods! EC's very own Chibi-vampire-pixie! We don't talk as much now as we did once so long ago, but I remember thinking from the beginning how much of a great person you are. Yet another friend from the EC network that I'd move Heaven and Earth to help if she ever asked.
Darius: Who are you again? No seriously, you seem like a nice guy. I don't know much more about you.. (sorry
) but I'm sure you'd count as a friend once I got to know you more.
Falalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalaanla: "This'll be interesting"? You think one little arguement/disagreement the other day would change my opinion of you THAT much?
You're a great guy, full of laughs. When we do talk we usually end up at some point disagreeing with each other, and although it might seem to get heated it never affects what I think of you as a whole. FAL AER HOT CHIX!! and another one I consider a friend.
Batty: Not as evil as me! Remember that one? hehe, someone that I don't talk with all that much, and who some might think I have a dislike for given some of our public arguments in IRC at times. But Batty is cool. I like him and I'd call him a friend (if he thought he could handle the stigma)
My god girl, you rock!! Someone that put up with A LOT of "Abbi whines" when things got tough, but never told me to go away. Listened, hugged, and always made me see things calmly when my temper got close to exploding. This girl I would not only move Heaven and Eearth to help, but kick in the Gates of Hell too! A real friend!!
Trent: OMG GOTH MAN!! Another one I don't spend much time talking with, but still one that I would call a friend. Has often made me giggle, even if to myself, with some of his comments.
Cherveny: The Tribblator. Its getting harder and harder to think of things to say, especially about folks I don't talk with as much as I might like.
Razor: Thanks for the trophy I could say the same here as I wrote for Cherveny, but calling you a tribble doesnt make sense.
JooJooFlop: Lobster sticks to magnet! For some reason I always think of your nick as JooJooFloop... dunno why. But Floop or Flop, it's still you. We don't chat much one-on-one, but still got to know you through these forums and IRC. I say Magnet has a heart of gold (but gold doesnt stick to magnet). On the Friends List.
Jajahotep: Vader to Deth's Obi-wan. Nah. You and your brother don't strike me as that much of opposites. You obviously love life and you're not afraid to speak your mind on things. Facing a struggle with your weight problems maybe, but something tells me you will beat it easily. Go for it!! A definate Friends List member.
Doomie: Don't recall seeing you on IRC, and don't recall talking to you on the forums. Indifference? Hrmm.. I don't think so. Too many folks, not enough topics to talk about instead. Still you always seem to me to know what you want to say, and you manage to say it without confusing me too much so you must be able to communicate pretty well. Perhaps best described as a friend I've never met?
Anyone else?
ooh, me too!
Congratulations, anyhow.
I wanna know what you think about me!
Cherveny enlisted the help of an infinite number of monkeys to write:
Congrats.It's funny, because I always thought you were around here longer than me, but I guess not.
Hit me!
Happy Gold n stuff
I can see your boobies!
Mog: no matetr hwo muhc i try i catn spela s godas yuo. lol Only joking. Even if it hard to figure out wtf you are trying to say, I still think you often get your point across really well. Now if only we can get you a spell-checker..
Friends List material.
Leopold: I really don't think i know you well enough to say much here, but I suppose the little bit I do know means that I can say that you're one of those friends I haven't met yet.
Ok.. maybe one..
Skaw: Dude. Where should I start? When should I stop?? And what do I put in between??? Seriously though, you've made me laugh with your IRC comments on more occassions than I remember. Defienately Friends List.
Jargum: JarJar!! Meesa moy moy happy to be knowing yousa. Yousa always makes me laugh. Now if only I can stop myself jumping into a fake Rasta-accent whenever I read your posts...
Friends List!
El Cuchillo: Huroya. Ok, I have no idea why I confuse you with Razor at time.. Abbi aer just dum. Rocked the MMOFPS world along with me and Led in Planetside as part of The Black Company. Probably held the secoind highest number of kills from driving over people in vehicles, but never got close to the figures I racked up with my AMS O' DOOM!!
Callalron: Redhead lover so much he got himself a Red Redhead!! Definately going to come out to Vegas one day just to observe how much vodka one man can drink in a day. Got plenty pissed early in CoH, but seems to be handling himself better now ("I'm Spartacus!!" "No I'm Spartacus...") The only other board member apart from Bloodsage that can make me feel like I'm not as old as I imagine
Caela: KALAH!!!! RAR!! *gnaws happily on Kalah* Seems to me that so much has gone wrong for you, that its time for something to go right. Hope that it's going to be double what you wish for though, cos it only seems right to me. Makes IRC fun to be when she's around.
Led: OMG EXPLODING BUNNIES OF DOOM!! VIKING BUNNY SHOTGUN CLERIC CHICK!! God, how many days have we spent chatting about stuff privately on IRC I dont remember. Good times, bad times, everything in between. Your problems, my problems, whines, whinges, and the celebrations. I *do* remember being intimidated as hell by you when I first joined though! LOL!! Who'd have guessed at the heart that lies beneath
Like Trillee I'd move Heaven and Earth and kick in the Gates of Hell for this chick, but then I'd go on to kick Satan square in the nuts and call him a pussy-assed chicken fucker too!! (or at least something harder than moving Heaven and Earth and Gates of Hell kicking)
the Tori!
Omg all these comments about my boobies... Ukko I love the sigpic and I think everyone else does too
Anyone else? Abbikat fucked around with this message on 06-01-2004 at 11:18 PM.
Oh, and don't forget -
Congratulations to you,
this is a good day.
Whatcha think of this lovable guy? (Yes, I'm reffering to me.)
*cheesecake n' hugs!*
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java the thoughts aquire speed, the teeth acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.