Edit: I h8 u, UBB Tegadil fucked around with this message on 05-31-2004 at 05:19 PM.
edit: Download that mod Teg posted, it should solve the problem.
Those are 2 good places to get mods. I'd suggest NOT getting all of the super-powered ones that turn you into a god at level 1.
The game is easy enough (if you know what to do) as it is. You can already become a god at level 1 if you know where all the good items are Bummey the Fool fucked around with this message on 05-31-2004 at 05:28 PM. You don't need a mod that will put them right out in the open for you.
This insanity brought to you by Leopold:
Morrowind Texture Replacer, Better Bodies, Better Heads, Morrowind Combat Enhanced, Cortex's Scripted Spells, and there are dozens more. If you'd like, I'll write up my master list when I have more time later on.
That'd be just peachy.
the petshop mod is pretty cool, lets you buy mini versions of monsters that will follow you around
children of the <iforgot> part 1 was amazing, it adds a hole new story that i found much better then the originaly, but it was kinda short, it was spasoed to be a trilogy but i dont know if the others ever got released, haevnt played in ages
Falaanla Marr stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
ive been tempted to play again. Can get the boxed set of all 3 games for 30 bucks :/
Do eet. Then I will have someone to talk to about it
Leo still hates me for my munchkin way of playing it, though.
Mortious had this to say about Pirotess:
I never bought the add-on packs, but I absolutely loved Morrowind.Leo still hates me for my munchkin way of playing it, though.
I was thinking of picking up a game and I think I may grab the ginormous set.
Mog thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
Tribunal is awsome except the ninja armor you get at the begining is the best light armor in the game, and afterworking ahrd getting my suit of glass, i was kinda pissed to get somehting better just by killing one mob
Glass is easy to get, it's all about Ghostgate. Although, yes, that assassin armor is very overpowering right off the bat :\ Bummey the Fool fucked around with this message on 06-01-2004 at 12:00 AM.
*Find target*
*Stab with Dwemer Jinxblade (or whatever my paralyzing shortsword was called) *
*Stab with fire sword*
*Present writ to guards*