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Topic: F**k it
Withered and Alone
posted 04-17-2004 02:04:48 PM
I don't usually like it when people use cuss words because those fail to articulate what one means. This song is the execption.

Fuck It - by Eamon

Whoa oh oh
Ooh hooh
No No No

See i dont, know why, i liked you so much
I gave you all, of my trust
I told you, i loved you, now thats all down the drain
Ya put me through pain, i wanna let u know how i feel

Fuck what i said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses, they didnt mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, i dont want you back

Fuck what i said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses, they didnt mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, i dont want you back

You thought, you could
Keep this shit from me, yeah
Ya burnt bitch, i heard the story
Ya played me, ya even gave him head
Now ya askin for me back
Ya just another hag, look elsewhere
Cuz ya done with me

Fuck what i said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses, they didnt mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, i dont want you back

Fuck what i said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses, they didnt mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, i dont want you back

Oh oh Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh Oh oh
Uh huh yeah

Ya questioned, if i care
You could ask anyone, i even said
Ya were my great one
Now its, over, but i do admit i'm sad
It hurt real bad, i cant sweat that, cuz i loved a hoe

Fuck what i said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses, they didnt mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, i dont want you back

Oh oh Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
[Until the end]

Obamanomics: spend, tax, and borrow.
Caid '5 Fists' Berrit
I've had a few beers but I'm cool to drive
posted 04-17-2004 02:09:36 PM
I prefer this use of the word.

This is a song for the ladies
But fellas listen closely.

You don’t always have to fuck her hard
In fact sometimes that’s not right.. to do
Sometimes you gotta make some love
And fuckin' give her some smooches too.

Sometimes you've got to squeeze,
Sometimes you've got to say please
Sometime you got to say hey,
I’m gonna fuck you softly,
I’m gonna screw you gently,
I’m gonna hump you sweetly,
I’m gonna ball you discreetly.

Then you say hey I brought you flowers
Then you say wait a minute Sally
I think I got something in my teeth
Could you get it out for me?
That’s fuckin' TEAMWORK!

What’s your favorite posit?
That’s cool with me
It’s not my favorite but I’ll do it for you.
What's your favorite dish?
I’m not gonna cook it but
I’ll order it from Zanzibar.

And then I’m gonna love you completely,
And then I'll fuckin fuck you discreetly.
And then I'll fuckin bone you completely
But then I’m gonna fuck you hard. (stretch)
Hard. (stretch more-so)

Fuck Her Gently - Tenacious D

'But if I had a shotgun you know what I'd do?
I'd point that shit straight at the sky and shoot heavan on down for you'

Bradley Nowell
With no one to ever know
posted 04-17-2004 02:18:34 PM
Caid '5 Fists' Berrit had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
I prefer this use of the word.

This is a song for the ladies
But fellas listen closely.

You don’t always have to fuck her hard
In fact sometimes that’s not right.. to do
Sometimes you gotta make some love
And fuckin' give her some smooches too.

Sometimes you've got to squeeze,
Sometimes you've got to say please
Sometime you got to say hey,
I’m gonna fuck you softly,
I’m gonna screw you gently,
I’m gonna hump you sweetly,
I’m gonna ball you discreetly.

Then you say hey I brought you flowers
Then you say wait a minute Sally
I think I got something in my teeth
Could you get it out for me?
That’s fuckin' TEAMWORK!

What’s your favorite posit?
That’s cool with me
It’s not my favorite but I’ll do it for you.
What's your favorite dish?
I’m not gonna cook it but
I’ll order it from Zanzibar.

And then I’m gonna love you completely,
And then I'll fuckin fuck you discreetly.
And then I'll fuckin bone you completely
But then I’m gonna fuck you hard. (stretch)
Hard. (stretch more-so)

Fuck Her Gently - Tenacious D

Tenacious D at their best

Have you seen the DVD??

"The MP checkpoint is not an Imperial Stormtrooper roadblock, so I should not tell them "You don't need to see my identification, these are not the droids you are looking for."
Mightion Defensor
posted 04-17-2004 03:10:58 PM
Star Me Kitten

From: Automatic For The People

(transcribed from official songbook)

Keys cut, three for the price of one.
Nothing's free but guaranteed for a lifetime's use.
I've changed the locks
and you can't have one.
You, you know the other two.

The brakes have worn so thin that you could hear,
I hear them screeching through the door from our driveway.
Hey love, look into your glovebox heart.
What is there for me inside? This love is tired.
I've changed the locks. Have I misplaced you?
Have we lost our minds?
Will this never end?
It could depend on your take.

You. Me. We used to be on fire.
If keys are all that stand between,
Can I throw in the ring?
No gasoline.
Just fuck me kitten.
You are wild and I'm in your possesion.
Nothing's free so, fuck me kitten.

I'm in your possesion.
So, fuck me kitten.

Gee, I wonder why they changed the name of the song to Star Me Kitten?

Warrior Princess
Cookie Seraphim!
posted 04-17-2004 05:49:00 PM
I like this version better ;D


Artist: Frankee (Frankie) Eamon's Ex-Girlfriend
Album: Frankee - FURB
Song: Fuck You Right Back

Nooo Ohhh
No No No

You know there are two sides to every story.

See I don't, know why
you're crying like a bitch,
Talkin shit, like a snitch,
Who are you, write a song 'bout me,
If you really didn't care, you wouldn't wanna share
Telling everybody just how you feel.

Fuck what I did, was your fault somehow,
Fuck the presents, I threw all that shit out,
Fuck all the crying, it didn't mean jack,
Well guess what yo, fuck you right back,

Fuck what I did, was your fault somehow
Fuck the presents, I threw all that shit out
Fuck all the crying, it didn't mean jack
Well guess what yo, fuck you right back

You thought, you could,
Really make me moan,
I had better sex all alone, (laughs)
I had to listen to your friends,
Now you want me to come back,
You must be smoking crack,
I'm going elsewhere,
And that's a fact

Fuck all those nights, I'm gonna real out,
Fuck it, I faked it, I'll rat you out
Fuck all those nights, you thought you broke my back,
Well guess what yo, your sex was whack,

Fuck all those nights, I'm gonna real out,
Fuck it, I faked it, I'll rent you out
Fuck all those nights, you thought you broke my back,
Well guess what yo, your sex was whack,

Oh oh uh-huh yeah
Oh oh uh-huh yeah
Oh oh uh-huh yeah
Oh oh uh-huh yeah

You question, did I care?
Maybe I would have
If you woulda gone down there.
Now its, over,
But I do admit I'm glad, I didn't catch your crabs,
I can't sweat that, cause I'd love to go,

Fuck what I did, was your fault somehow
Fuck the presents, I threw all that shit out
Fuck all the crying, it didn't mean jack
Well guess what yo, fuck you right back

Oh oh uh-huh yeah
Oh oh uh-huh yeah
Oh oh uh-huh yeah
Oh oh uh-huh yeah
Oh oh uh-huh yeah

you made me do this

"Villiany wears many masks, none of which are more dangerous than virtue." - "Sleepy Hollow"
Tastes best with pudding
posted 04-17-2004 06:59:00 PM
Perhaps one of the most interesting words in the english language today, is the word fuck.
Out of all the english words that begin with the letter 'f', fuck is the only word refered to as 'the f word
It's the one magical word.
Just by its sound can describe pain, pleasure, hate and love.
Fuck, as most words in the english language is derived from german
The word fuieken, which means to strike.

In english, fuck falls into many grammatical categories:

As a transitive verb for intance: John fucked Shirley.
As an intransitive verb: Shirley fucks.

Its meaning is not always sexual, it can be used as
An adjective such as: John's doing all the fucking work.
As part of an adverb: Shirley talks too fucking much.
As an adverb enhancing an adjective: Shirley is fucking beautiful.
As a noun: I don't give a fuck.
As part of a word: abso-fucking-lutely -or- in-fucking-credible.
And as almost every word in a sentence: Fuck the fucking fuckers.

As you must realize, there aren't too many words with the versatility of fuck
such as these examples describing situations such as:

Fraud: I got fucked at the used car lot.
Dismay: ahhh fuck it.
Trouble: I guess I'm really fucked now.
Aggression: Don't fuck with me buddy.
Difficulty: I don't understand this fucking question.
Inquiry: Who the fuck was that?
Dissatisfaction: I don't like what the fuck is going on here.
Incompetance: He's a fuck-off.
Dismissal: Why don't you go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself?

I'm sure you can think of many more examples.
With all these multi-purpose applications, how can anyone be offended when you use the word. We say use this unique, flexible word more often in your daily speech.
It will identify the quality of your character immediately.
Say it loudly and proudly


Were-Tigress Disciple of Lycanthropy
Perma-lowbie, addicted to MMORPGs
My LiveJournal

posted 04-17-2004 08:57:12 PM
This one time, at Synjari camp:
I like this version better ;D

ahh young love.

Urinary Tract Infection
posted 04-17-2004 09:05:09 PM
Bah. Needs more Strapping Young Lad - Oh My Fucking God, from City

Unfortunately, the lyrics don't really get it across. Thrash metal is like that.

There Is No Insanity, Rather A Super Sanity
More Suited For Life At The End Of The 20th Century
Where Everything Is Art,
And Everything Is Trying To Express It,
Where Everything Is Art,
And Everything Is Trying To Comunicate It...

All Intelligent Beings Sleep The Dreaming Of Dreams
And They've All Come Up To Meet Me Tonight
Although While In The Morning, All Their Wonder And Their
Glory Was Turned Ugly And Quite Simple
Like A Venue When You're Loading In Gear

Sexuality, Eroticism In Asexual Pursuasions.
Man Or Woman, Make's No Difference In The Outcome
No Fasion, No Tolerance For Stupidity Or Ignorance
..."Adidas" Or "The Arch Deluxe"...
And Time Is Now An Object

Oh My Fucking God...
Oh I'm Fucking God...
And I'll Dream All This Into Becoming Real

And Until Such Time That You Can Prove Me Otherwise
I Will Continue With My Agnostic Travels
Until I've Found A Place That Dreams With Me...
...A Place That Feeds On My Rountine

All I Want Is My Mommy...
All I Want Is My Mommy...
All I Want Is My Mommy...
All I Want Is My Mommy...

This Is The Night That It All Changes

Alidane fucked around with this message on 04-17-2004 at 09:09 PM.

Caid '5 Fists' Berrit
I've had a few beers but I'm cool to drive
posted 04-17-2004 10:06:36 PM
Lechium had this to say about Robocop:
Tenacious D at their best

Have you seen the DVD??

Not yet, but once I get paid that shall be a different story.

'But if I had a shotgun you know what I'd do?
I'd point that shit straight at the sky and shoot heavan on down for you'

Bradley Nowell
Warrior Princess
Cookie Seraphim!
posted 04-17-2004 11:16:39 PM
*snicker* my friend showed me the two versions side by side one day. =) I had never heard either before that day. ;P
"Villiany wears many masks, none of which are more dangerous than virtue." - "Sleepy Hollow"
Brahmin Bloodlust
High Priest of Drysart
posted 04-18-2004 05:09:47 PM
How.... Abbikat.... uughhhhhh:
Perhaps one of the most interesting words in the english language today, is the word fuck.
Out of all the english words that begin with the letter 'f', fuck is the only word refered to as 'the f word
It's the one magical word.
Just by its sound can describe pain, pleasure, hate and love.
Fuck, as most words in the english language is derived from german
The word fuieken, which means to strike.

In english, fuck falls into many grammatical categories:

As a transitive verb for intance: John fucked Shirley.
As an intransitive verb: Shirley fucks.

Its meaning is not always sexual, it can be used as
An adjective such as: John's doing all the fucking work.
As part of an adverb: Shirley talks too fucking much.
As an adverb enhancing an adjective: Shirley is fucking beautiful.
As a noun: I don't give a fuck.
As part of a word: abso-fucking-lutely -or- in-fucking-credible.
And as almost every word in a sentence: Fuck the fucking fuckers.

As you must realize, there aren't too many words with the versatility of fuck
such as these examples describing situations such as:

Fraud: I got fucked at the used car lot.
Dismay: ahhh fuck it.
Trouble: I guess I'm really fucked now.
Aggression: Don't fuck with me buddy.
Difficulty: I don't understand this fucking question.
Inquiry: Who the fuck was that?
Dissatisfaction: I don't like what the fuck is going on here.
Incompetance: He's a fuck-off.
Dismissal: Why don't you go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself?

I'm sure you can think of many more examples.
With all these multi-purpose applications, how can anyone be offended when you use the word. We say use this unique, flexible word more often in your daily speech.
It will identify the quality of your character immediately.
Say it loudly and proudly


Monty Python at their best

posted 04-18-2004 06:36:06 PM
I thought the german word for fuck was Fick
"Merry Christmas to All and to All Shut the Hell Up." - Peter Griffin
Warrior Princess
Cookie Seraphim!
posted 04-18-2004 06:47:40 PM
dude, its called comedy..
"Villiany wears many masks, none of which are more dangerous than virtue." - "Sleepy Hollow"
posted 04-18-2004 07:03:50 PM
Why are you taking everything I say so seriously ??? =P. Such a
"Merry Christmas to All and to All Shut the Hell Up." - Peter Griffin
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