I chose to be matched against anyone, and I'm apparantly Verin. It does fit in a few ways.
My mate was chosen as Egwene.
"Life is not like the songs sweetling, you may learn that one day to your sorrow." Petyr Baelish to Sansa Stark ~ From "A Song of Ice and Fire
And my mate would be Elyas.
It's not something people hear about.
Faelynn LeAndris had this to say about Robocop:
Matt and mate is Sevannah.
Mat! unf unf! ^.^
After some playing around with the numbers a bit, it was determined that Birgitte is clearly the right person for you.
Sakkra had this to say about John Romero:
Vanin, and Sevanna as my mate. Though I've no idea who either of those people are.
Vanin is the fat Horse Thief that Mat turns into scout for the Band of the Red Hand.
Sevannah is the evil chieftainess of the Shaido Aiel (only clan not to follow Rand).
You romantic devil... After some playing around with the numbers a bit, it was determined that Sevanna is clearly the right person for you.
Though I must confess.. I am unfamiliar with the characters.
Yeesh. Masochism tango.
So...what does that mean? Can anybody explain what she's like?
So quoth Suddar:
Min.So...what does that mean? Can anybody explain what she's like?
The hot, slightly boyish rogue chick.
[ 03-12-2004: Message edited by: TheOriginalZane ]
Seems Mesaana is my mate.
I'll pretend I know who they are.
Trent's fortune cookie read:
I got Elyas.Seems Mesaana is my mate.
I'll pretend I know who they are.
Elyas is a Wolf Brother. He can talk mentally with wolves. Very recluse and anti-social.
Mesaana is one of the Forsaken. They were the most powerful of the Aes Sedai who turned to the Dark One's side for various reasons. Mesaana was known as a vile teacher who brainwashed thousands of children into killing their parents, etc. [ 03-12-2004: Message edited by: Katrinity ]
Katrinity had this to say about Cuba:
I am Aviendha. ^.^And my mate would be Elyas.
um thats what i got maybe i should have said match me to a male
I dont even know who that is
[edit fixed it and now im Thom, I dont know who he is either
if you belive oppisites atrract its Sevanna (dont know these people)
and if you dont then its Aviendha. [ 03-12-2004: Message edited by: Somthor ]
You were taking the version of the personality test that lets you find your perfect WoT mate. You were looking for a man and believe that opposites attract. You romantic devil... After some playing around with the numbers a bit, it was determined that Demandred is clearly the right person for you.
Ok... who are these people?
Demandred was one of the Forsaken as well. He was a bitter rival of Lews Therin (he was called the Dragon), always feeling slighted because Lews Therin was always alittle bit more powerful, alittle more well known, etc.
Everyone wondered WTF when Somthor wrote:
Aviendha is a Maiden of the Spear, the female warrior division of the Aiel. The Aiel are nomadic warriors who live in a giant desert with little water or plant life. They number in the hundreds of thousands.
Now, who the fuck is she?
Because I am curious, who are these people? [ 03-12-2004: Message edited by: Arrenn Lightblade ]
Xyrra stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
Faile.Now, who the fuck is she?
She is a fiery tempered young noble woman from Saldaea where they pride themselves on their horsemenship. She is good with daggers and has kinda ran away from home. She and Perrin fall in love and get married.
Katrinity stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
I advise everyone to go out and read the series! Now now now! ^.^
Bah. That series has to wait... I am still in the middle of Jacqueline Carey's "Kushiel's Chose"
Arrenn Lightblade had this to say about the Spice Girls:
My mate is...Moghedien?Because I am curious, who are these people?
Logaine for everyone who has him so far, is a False Dragon. A false Dragon is someone who claims they are the Dragon Reborn, but really isn't. He is a male channeler while the Dark One's taint is still on the male half of the One Power, thus he's hunted down by the Aes Sedai to be gentled (his connection to the One Power severed) before the Taint drives him mad. He's a good guy even though all that.
Moghedien is one of the female Forsaken. She was and is called the Spider because she plots and manipulates others from the shadows, far away from danger. She's a coward, but very good at Compulsion.
Katrinity wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
I advise everyone to go out and read the series! Now now now! ^.^
The last three books have sucked
I recommend the Malazan series by Steven Erikson when it comes out in the U.S! Everyone pre-order it now now now!
Niklas stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
The last three books have suckedI recommend the Malazan series by Steven Erikson when it comes out in the U.S! Everyone pre-order it now now now!
Winter's Heart and Crossroads of Twilight weren't so bad!
A sleep deprived Xyrra stammered:
I've tried reading the WoT series quite a few times... I just can't get into it at all.Something about the writing style bugs me to no end.
Like the tedious repetitions of what happened two chapters (err, books) ago. Past that, it's a good read. But then I stopped at Crown of Swords.
You were taking the version of the personality test that lets you find your perfect WoT mate. You were looking for a woman and believe that the idea of opposites attracting is incorrect. After some playing around with the numbers a bit, it was determined that Egwene is clearly the right person for you.
I think it was probably the Thriving on Politics, Death Is Not The End, and Young Upstarts bothering me, and most of all, Ends Justifying Means part that got me that...
Demandred is my mate. [ 03-12-2004: Message edited by: Lashanna ]
I have no idea who they are talkign about, must read these books someday.
Taylen had this to say about Tron:
Elyas is who I am most like and I'd be mated with Min.I have no idea who they are talkign about, must read these books someday.
Look above, I've explained who they are.
This one time, at Arttemis camp:
...I got Faile.
That's great.
On a side not, I took the test like 5 times, changing little things, and I never got a different answer.
Mate is Graendal.
And worry not, Kat, I know who they are