Delidgamond wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
Lady D
not wrestle delid, unmercifully kick the crap out of [ 03-01-2004: Message edited by: Lady Delirium ]
Another thing, why exactly do we pick people out of the blue? Why not out of the red, or green, or psychidOH MY GOD I'M TURNING INTO KENNATSU
Check out the big brain on Ruvyen!
Delphi. Because Somthor isn't worth it, so I just picked someone outta the blue.Another thing, why exactly do we pick people out of the blue? Why not out of the red, or green, or psychidOH MY GOD I'M TURNING INTO KENNATSU
old quote refering to picking a random fish out of the ocean-a.k.a "the blue"
Delidgamond thought about the meaning of life:
That looks like the "Drone Riots" icon from Alpha Centauri/Alien Crossfire. Sweet.
And I can't imagine anyone I'd casually kick the crap out of. Though I would watch.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Your Fastfist is no match for my 5 Fists. Prepare to taste my wrath.
Edit: I have found someone...Fazum'Zen Fastfist, I challenge you! see statement above [ 03-01-2004: Message edited by: Caid '5 Fists' Berrit ]
In that case, Ryuven. Fucker.
Ruvyen wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Delphi. Because Somthor isn't worth it, so I just picked someone outta the blue.Another thing, why exactly do we pick people out of the blue? Why not out of the red, or green, or psychidOH MY GOD I'M TURNING INTO KENNATSU
damn right im not worth it
me personaly Id rather save someone I didnt like from a unmerciful ass kicking. that would cause them no end of discomfort
Holden had this to say about Duck Tales:
Suddar and Ares now..
I know you love me Holden.
Other than that, I wuv u all omgz!!1!!111! !!11!!!1!!!!oneoneone!!
*puffs out chest pridefully*
but he'd just gflux himself AGAIN
So quoth Liam:
I'd fight Fazumzen just to see how I'd match up.
I'd watch that.
Mainly because I have a feeling one of you would send another through a wall.
Verily, Tsunami doth proclaim:
I used to want to kick Parce's ass, but not really anymore
And do we have to choose just one? I'd probably kick even my friends' asses to get them back for that one time.
Liam impressed everyone with:
I'd fight Fazumzen just to see how I'd match up.
I was about to say that Even Though Faz can be a spaz, I would not want to pick a fight with him, His love of the martial arts has brought him to the point were he could most likely beat the stuffing out of most of us. Just as I would stay away From Art and Azzzia, They would simply shoot first.
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums
This insanity brought to you by Ares:
I know you love me Holden.
Oh yeah how did you come to this conclusion? HUH?
Holden had this to say about pies:
Oh yeah how did you come to this conclusion? HUH?
If it's a completely one-sided beatdown the likes of which you don't see on Oz, it'd be someone like Somthor or Kenn.
It's not something people hear about.
[ 03-01-2004: Message edited by: BeauChan ]
... but UBB doesn't love me
Holden for several reasons.
wait what
oh, i'd want to kick the everloving shit out of Batty.
on that note, I'd pay cash money to see Maradon and CBTao tho' down. [ 03-02-2004: Message edited by: Aury ]
Other than that... hmm. Can't say.
Aury wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
I'd want to date Batty.
wait what
oh, i'd want to kick the everloving shit out of Batty.on that note, I'd pay cash money to see Maradon and CBTao tho' down.
Batty had this to say about Tron:
He wants your baby batter.
It's not something people hear about.
Aury wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
on that note, I'd pay cash money to see Maradon and CBTao tho' down.
how much?
I'd like to go at it with Bloodsage, but I think he's probably out of my league. I think I'd choose something silly like Epee, because if I ever tagged his heel, it would make up for all those Political threads he left smugly, [ 03-02-2004: Message edited by: Lashanna ].