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Topic: KotoR: Question (PC Version)
posted 12-02-2003 03:16:19 AM
I am stuck I think, I am on the Manaan Sea Floor in the envoro suit and the surviver just got eating... Now I am suppose to sneak pass all the sharks but have no way to defend my self. If I had to guess I need to use mines. Unfortunately my character never got that skill. So I am kinda suck. Any help would be appreciated.
Scorned Fanboy
posted 12-02-2003 03:22:29 AM
Actually, you found an item called a... sonic emitter, I think. It takes up one of your lower item slots. Use use it each time the firaxans come at you, and you kill them instantly.
posted 12-02-2003 03:28:26 AM
Thank you Mooj.
Now I am become Death, shatterer of worlds
posted 12-02-2003 03:38:50 AM
Manaan was the most annoying level in the entire game. God I hated that stupid planet and those stupid aliens.
Dr. Gee
Say it Loud, Say it Plowed!
posted 12-02-2003 04:39:25 AM
After Kashyyk Manaan was like going out into the sun on a warm summer day with a nice ocean breeze after being buried alived in a block of frozen piss.

Until you got into the Sith base and underwater part. Then it blew goats.

Now I am become Death, shatterer of worlds
posted 12-02-2003 04:43:43 AM
Kashyyyk was one of my favorite planets. Big Z really starts to shine after you get that weapon the Chieftain gives you. I didn't use Big Z until my third run through of the game and I really wish I had earlier. Give him two melee weapons and run up his attack/hit point feats and he's the best fighter in the game. I've had him be the last man standing against 3-4 Dark Jedi when things go south and have him walk away with his health barely dent.
posted 12-02-2003 05:22:37 AM
I'll just tack on my own question here:

Would it be a good game if it were set in a random sci-fi universe? I'd like to play another rpg and am considering buying this but I'm not really a fan of Star Wars, saw the first three movies and found them quite ok, didn't really like the prequels so far. Would I still enjoy the game or is it a Bridge Commander type thing where the game is really great for fans of the franchise but boring to everyone else?

Life... is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. You're stuck with this undefinable whipped-mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while, there's a peanut butter cup, or an English toffee. But they're gone too fast, the taste is fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits, filled with hardened jelly and teeth-crunching nuts, and if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you've got left is a... is an empty box... filled with useless, brown paper wrappers.
Dr. Gee
Say it Loud, Say it Plowed!
posted 12-02-2003 05:27:21 AM
Really? Damn i'm gonna have to try that. I didn't use him at all.

I just don't like Kashyyk due to asthetics. The whole "dark jungle with walking carpets that sound like something disgusting is dying painfully somwhere really unpleasant" thing didn't do it for me.

The bright and sunny Manaan was awsome afterwords. It was the only world where i stopped and just went, "Damn that looks fine," for a few minutes. What made the fish bearable was that i was actually able to understand them without the use of subtitles. My english teacher both looks and sounds remarkably like them. After managng to figure out what assignment is due the next class while managing not to explosivly vomit and shit all over myself just at the sight of her hideous form, figuring out the fish language only took about thirty maybe forty seconds.

Shaz, towards the end it didn't even feel like i was playing a Star Wars game. It was just a fantastic RPG. Probably one of the best i've ever played. Any quibbles i have with the game like my whole anti-Kashyyk thing are so minor the only way they'd detract from the game is make it a 9.5 instead of a 9.6.

[ 12-02-2003: Message edited by: The Dread Pirate Skittles ]

Now I am become Death, shatterer of worlds
posted 12-02-2003 06:04:25 AM
The Dread Pirate Skittles's fortune cookie read:
figuring out the fish language only took about thirty maybe forty seconds.

This isn't the Lord of the Rings where they had the actors speaking in Tolkein Elvish. The alien languages had four or five lines of spoken dialogue recorded and those four or five lines were rehashed through the entire game. None of it actually means anything. You can even get NPCs to use different sounds to say the same lines of text if you keep talking to them.

[ 12-02-2003: Message edited by: Snoota ]

hay guys whats going on in this title?
posted 12-02-2003 07:15:27 AM
Nobody really understood why Snoota wrote:
Kashyyyk was one of my favorite planets. Big Z really starts to shine after you get that weapon the Chieftain gives you. I didn't use Big Z until my third run through of the game and I really wish I had earlier. Give him two melee weapons and run up his attack/hit point feats and he's the best fighter in the game. I've had him be the last man standing against 3-4 Dark Jedi when things go south and have him walk away with his health barely dent.

Zaalbar rules. I used him in the er, final part of the game and he completely tore through everything.

If you have the old man as jedi support nothing can stop you

It was almost too easy though

Dr. Gee
Say it Loud, Say it Plowed!
posted 12-02-2003 04:18:15 PM
Snoota thought about the meaning of life:
This isn't the Lord of the Rings where they had the actors speaking in Tolkein Elvish. The alien languages had four or five lines of spoken dialogue recorded and those four or five lines were rehashed through the entire game. None of it actually means anything. You can even get NPCs to use different sounds to say the same lines of text if you keep talking to them.

I know It was part of the "omg my english teacher sux lol!" thing

posted 12-02-2003 05:15:01 PM
Shazorx / Modrakien had this to say about (_|_):
I'll just tack on my own question here:

Would it be a good game if it were set in a random sci-fi universe? I'd like to play another rpg and am considering buying this but I'm not really a fan of Star Wars, saw the first three movies and found them quite ok, didn't really like the prequels so far. Would I still enjoy the game or is it a Bridge Commander type thing where the game is really great for fans of the franchise but boring to everyone else?

I don't enjoy the star wars universe, but I really like KOTOR. It's a great game in the way its layed out and its flow, it's not the SW world that brings me to the game.

posted 12-02-2003 05:23:14 PM
Doomie had this to say about Robocop:
I don't enjoy the star wars universe, but I really like KOTOR. It's a great game in the way its layed out and its flow, it's not the SW world that brings me to the game.

Seems I'm out another 65€, thanks.

Life... is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. You're stuck with this undefinable whipped-mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while, there's a peanut butter cup, or an English toffee. But they're gone too fast, the taste is fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits, filled with hardened jelly and teeth-crunching nuts, and if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you've got left is a... is an empty box... filled with useless, brown paper wrappers.
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