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Topic: This is a "Convince Led to go to Texas for Christmas" thread.
posted 11-17-2003 06:53:18 PM

Scorned Fanboy
posted 11-17-2003 06:55:31 PM
Led! Go to Texas for Christmas!
Mr. Parcelan
posted 11-17-2003 06:56:15 PM
Top Ten Reasons for Led to go to Texas!

10. Spending Christmas alone is no fun
9. Spending it with Bajah is excellent
8. You two should either meet or just break it off
7. Texas is a perfect place to spend Christmas
6. It'll give you time to get away from your stupid job and home
5. Bajah will be lonely without you
4. It'd be ace to see you two finally do something, crybabies
3. Sean is watching you
2. Parcelan will be pissed if we go through this every year

And the NUMBER ONE REASON for Led to go to Texas this Christmas...

1. I just gave Mortious her address!

Urinary Tract Infection
posted 11-17-2003 06:56:24 PM
If I'm going to goddamned Kansas for Christmas, the least she can do is go to Texas.
posted 11-17-2003 06:57:48 PM
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Mr. Parcelan was all like:
1. I just gave Mortious her address!


posted 11-17-2003 06:58:50 PM
Seriously though Led, I think you should meet Bajah. It's been long enough.

[ 11-17-2003: Message edited by: Kahuna Ryuu ]

No longer a Towel Girl
posted 11-17-2003 07:02:04 PM
Hungry Hungry Hippo
posted 11-17-2003 07:02:38 PM
All you have to do is give me her address. I'll dress up as a ghost and haunt her all the way down to Texas.
I don't know how to be sexy. If I catch a girl looking at me and our eyes lock, I panic and open mine wider. Then I lick my lips and rub my genitals. And mouth the words "You're dead."
Akiraiu Zenko
Is actually a giddy schoolgirl
posted 11-17-2003 07:12:15 PM
You two are one of the most awesome couples I know, and I really think you guys ought to see each other face to face. The holidays are the perfect time!
The artist formerly known as Zephyer Kyuukaze.
Smurfberry Moneyshot
posted 11-17-2003 07:17:35 PM
Really, you have no good excuse to not go.

This is, after all, the person you love. Seems going to Texas to see him in person would be a grand christmas gift for the both of you.

Crunchy, tastes good with ketchup
posted 11-17-2003 07:19:56 PM
Go. Be with the person you care for.

The holidays exist for the specific purpose of getting you to do all those nice things for others and yourself that, most of the time, you can't do.

Going to see Bajah accomplishes BOTH things for yourself, and things for others.

Road Warrior Queef
posted 11-17-2003 07:45:16 PM
You can get a ten gallon hat!
That's the American Dream: to make your life into something you can sell. - Chuck Palahniuk, Haunted

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith


Pooh Ogre
Keeper of the Shoulders of Peachis Perching
posted 11-17-2003 07:46:57 PM
JooJooFlop obviously shouldn't have said:
All you have to do is give me her address. I'll dress up as a ghost and haunt her all the way down to Texas.

[southpark]Before or after you burn a giant lower case t on her lawn?[/southpark]


Aaron (the good one)
posted 11-17-2003 07:49:41 PM
Why doesn't Bajah, go to Washington, and see Led?! HMMMMM!!!??
Galbadia Hotel - Video Game Music
I am Canadian and I hate The Tragically Hip
Hungry Hungry Hippo
posted 11-17-2003 07:49:44 PM
I'm not gonna pussyfoot (hehe) around with no low-case t's. It'll be a capital T if any T is used.
I don't know how to be sexy. If I catch a girl looking at me and our eyes lock, I panic and open mine wider. Then I lick my lips and rub my genitals. And mouth the words "You're dead."
Hungry Hungry Hippo
posted 11-17-2003 07:50:48 PM
This insanity brought to you by 3 months wasted:
Why doesn't Bajah, go to Washington, and see Led?! HMMMMM!!!??

I'm pretty sure it's because of Batty.

I don't know how to be sexy. If I catch a girl looking at me and our eyes lock, I panic and open mine wider. Then I lick my lips and rub my genitals. And mouth the words "You're dead."
posted 11-17-2003 08:01:32 PM
Cause my place is a freaking wreck, and there is also nothing to do up here.

I want to annoy all of Bajahs friends

Aaron (the good one)
posted 11-17-2003 08:06:23 PM
Then get in a car and start driving for 3 days.
Galbadia Hotel - Video Game Music
I am Canadian and I hate The Tragically Hip
eet bugz
posted 11-17-2003 08:07:38 PM
All da cool kids are doing it!

[ 11-17-2003: Message edited by: diadem ]

play da best song in da world or me eet your soul
The Outlaw Torn
posted 11-17-2003 08:08:33 PM
diadem's torn.
All da cool kids are doing it!

Hell, I was just in Texas yesterday, visiting Bajah's Mother.

Time was never on my side.
So on I wait my whole lifetime.

Fun with Chocolate
posted 11-17-2003 08:09:59 PM

posted 11-17-2003 08:11:07 PM


Gluttonous Overlard
posted 11-17-2003 08:13:25 PM
I'm getting on the plane in fifteen minutes.
Objects in sigpic may be hammier than they appear
posted 11-17-2003 09:05:04 PM
Run Run as fast as you can, because mortious is the BOOGIEMAN!
Endured by EC for over 7 years and counting...
Aaron (the good one)
posted 11-17-2003 09:06:13 PM
Led wants Bajah's penis in her vagina.
Galbadia Hotel - Video Game Music
I am Canadian and I hate The Tragically Hip
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 11-17-2003 09:10:22 PM
3 months wasted painfully thought these words up:
Led wants Bajah's penis in her vagina.

See what happens? You rip on the Canadians and Delid ruins sex for you and your prospective sweetheart forever. Moment of truth, hot and heavy, you'll imagine a leering Delid face and those immortal words quoted above. And then seven days later you die

Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

The Outlaw Torn
posted 11-17-2003 09:11:53 PM
I can still see Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael's Dad, running after me with a shovel in his hand.
See what happens? You rip on the Canadians and Delid ruins sex for you and your prospective sweetheart forever. Moment of truth, hot and heavy, you'll imagine a leering Delid face and those immortal words quoted above. And then seven days later you die
These words bring me endless amusement. Because they're true. I know.

It happened to me.

Time was never on my side.
So on I wait my whole lifetime.

Road Warrior Queef
posted 11-17-2003 09:36:09 PM
Black still thinks SARS jokes are topical, as evidenced by:
These words bring me endless amusement. Because they're true. I know.

It happened to me.

You wanted Bajah's penis in your vagina?


That's the American Dream: to make your life into something you can sell. - Chuck Palahniuk, Haunted

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith


Mightion Defensor
posted 11-17-2003 09:36:50 PM
Just because I'm a hopeless romantic, I'm saying:

"Just freaking go up there and make Bajah smile so hard his face cracks open, dammit."

You've read all you need to Led. Now DO it. Please.

Mr. Gainsborough
posted 11-17-2003 09:40:17 PM
ACES! Another post by Mightion Defensor:
"Just freaking go up there and make Bajah smile so hard his face cracks open, dammit."

That's not romantic, its sadistic. But yeah, Led. Go visit Bajah. I'm sure he'd like it very much.

[ 11-17-2003: Message edited by: Mr. Gainsborough ]

The Outlaw Torn
posted 11-17-2003 09:41:26 PM
"Karnaj," she said, "Have I got a little story for you..."
You wanted Bajah's penis in your vagina?



Time was never on my side.
So on I wait my whole lifetime.

Hostile Makeover
Evil as chocolate covered thistles
posted 11-17-2003 09:42:01 PM
Go to Texas, Led!!

You know you'll have fun!
posted 11-17-2003 11:07:49 PM
Better idea!

Simply wait eleven million years and tectonic drift will pull texas and washington together!

Illanae's Stooge!
posted 11-17-2003 11:20:47 PM
Do it. The Texan collective compels you.
Dont make me slap you so hard your bucket spins around, and around,and stops sideways,thus confusing you, and making you run about London wearing your bucket, a g-string, and carrying a stick,smacking the ground while yelling "MAGICALLY DELICIOUS! MAGICALLY FUCKING DELICIOUS!"- {Tal} to Mortious
Hebrew 9:3- 'And the Lord said unto me, "Dude, there isn't a K in covenant."' - Snoota

This beer drops trou and fucks your mouth with pure hoppy goodness. - Karnaj
posted 11-17-2003 11:24:38 PM
posted 11-17-2003 11:34:57 PM
Go to Texas because the man you love is there.

There can't be any better reason.

Bite me.

No, Really. Bite me.

Mr. Parcelan
posted 11-17-2003 11:39:21 PM
Burger Model 2000 was programmed to say:
Go to Texas because the man you love is there.

There can't be any better reason.

I can think of twelve.

Aaron (the good one)
posted 11-17-2003 11:46:19 PM
Don't you mean 10?
Galbadia Hotel - Video Game Music
I am Canadian and I hate The Tragically Hip
Azrael Heavenblade
Damn Dirty Godmoder
posted 11-17-2003 11:50:45 PM
If you can afford it, go! It may be halfway across the country, but at least it isn't all the way across the country.

*sigh* What did I get myself into?

"The basic tool for manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them." - Philip K. Dick
Warrior Princess
Cookie Seraphim!
posted 11-17-2003 11:56:24 PM
jebus.. just frickin go already so we can stop hearin about this! sheesh! =P
"Villiany wears many masks, none of which are more dangerous than virtue." - "Sleepy Hollow"
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