10. Spending Christmas alone is no fun
9. Spending it with Bajah is excellent
8. You two should either meet or just break it off
7. Texas is a perfect place to spend Christmas
6. It'll give you time to get away from your stupid job and home
5. Bajah will be lonely without you
4. It'd be ace to see you two finally do something, crybabies
3. Sean is watching you
2. Parcelan will be pissed if we go through this every year
And the NUMBER ONE REASON for Led to go to Texas this Christmas...
1. I just gave Mortious her address!
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Mr. Parcelan was all like:
1. I just gave Mortious her address!
[ 11-17-2003: Message edited by: Kahuna Ryuu ]
This is, after all, the person you love. Seems going to Texas to see him in person would be a grand christmas gift for the both of you.
The holidays exist for the specific purpose of getting you to do all those nice things for others and yourself that, most of the time, you can't do.
Going to see Bajah accomplishes BOTH things for yourself, and things for others.
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith
JooJooFlop obviously shouldn't have said:
All you have to do is give me her address. I'll dress up as a ghost and haunt her all the way down to Texas.
[southpark]Before or after you burn a giant lower case t on her lawn?[/southpark]
This insanity brought to you by 3 months wasted:
Why doesn't Bajah, go to Washington, and see Led?! HMMMMM!!!??
I'm pretty sure it's because of Batty.
I want to annoy all of Bajahs friends
[ 11-17-2003: Message edited by: diadem ]
diadem's torn.
All da cool kids are doing it!
Hell, I was just in Texas yesterday, visiting Bajah's Mother.
3 months wasted painfully thought these words up:
Led wants Bajah's penis in her vagina.
See what happens? You rip on the Canadians and Delid ruins sex for you and your prospective sweetheart forever. Moment of truth, hot and heavy, you'll imagine a leering Delid face and those immortal words quoted above. And then seven days later you die
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
quote:These words bring me endless amusement. Because they're true. I know.
I can still see Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael's Dad, running after me with a shovel in his hand.
See what happens? You rip on the Canadians and Delid ruins sex for you and your prospective sweetheart forever. Moment of truth, hot and heavy, you'll imagine a leering Delid face and those immortal words quoted above. And then seven days later you die
It happened to me.
Black still thinks SARS jokes are topical, as evidenced by:
These words bring me endless amusement. Because they're true. I know.It happened to me.
You wanted Bajah's penis in your vagina?
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith
"Just freaking go up there and make Bajah smile so hard his face cracks open, dammit."
You've read all you need to Led. Now DO it. Please.
ACES! Another post by Mightion Defensor:
"Just freaking go up there and make Bajah smile so hard his face cracks open, dammit."
That's not romantic, its sadistic. [ 11-17-2003: Message edited by: Mr. Gainsborough ] But yeah, Led. Go visit Bajah. I'm sure he'd like it very much.
"Karnaj," she said, "Have I got a little story for you..."
You wanted Bajah's penis in your vagina?ARRAHRHRHAHRAHRHARHHARHARHARHARH
Simply wait eleven million years and tectonic drift will pull texas and washington together!
There can't be any better reason.
No, Really. Bite me.
Burger Model 2000 was programmed to say:
Go to Texas because the man you love is there.There can't be any better reason.
I can think of twelve.
*sigh* What did I get myself into?