There's only one now, but.... eventually, they will grow. bwahahaha-*hackcough*
Anyhow. Say hi to the people, n00b. ^_^.
Argai Ronso had this to say about Duck Tales:
Hello! I'm here out of complete randomness. Glad to meet everyone. *dances*
Aury had this to say about Captain Planet:
the furries! they've taken over!
I hope this leads to another 'FURRIES MUST DIE!' phase of the boards.
That was the most fun we ever had.
Argai Ronso's fortune cookie read:
I've been here for like ten minutes, and I have already done something wrong.
I took the opportunity to eat all your food.
Parce is just.... the way he is. Just pay him no mind, and don't directly argue with him til you are more.. on your feet, and you should be fine.
And Parce is making me hungry. Don't talk about food!. [ 09-15-2003: Message edited by: Gikkwiny ]
Argai Ronso had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
Hello! I'm here out of complete randomness. Glad to meet everyone. *dances*
Hey! Welcome, *hug*
Gikkwiny had this to say about (_|_):
Parce is just.... the way he is. Just pay him no mind, and don't directly argue with him til you are more.. on your feet, and you should be fine.
Don't directly argue with me at all. We'll all be happier if we avoid violence.
And don't indirectly argue with me, or I'll send my Secret Police to kill you and your kittens.
Hey! Welcome, *hug*
Hehe, thank you! I love your avatar. Sango is my hero.
Mr. Parcelan's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:
Don't directly argue with me at all. We'll all be happier if we avoid violence.And don't indirectly argue with me, or I'll send my Secret Police to kill you and your kittens.
But.. but... I like indirectly arguing with you.
Gikkwiny had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
But.. but... I like indirectly arguing with you.
Pooping in my sock drawer, writing obscene messages on my lawn with fertilizer, and writing: "MAYOR OF POPPYCOCK" in graffiti on my door does not equate to arguing.
How.... Argai Ronso.... uughhhhhh:
Hehe, thank you! I love your avatar. Sango is my hero.
No problem! And yes, Sango is awesome.
That's right. That's all I've got. Yo. You hear me?
Fuckin' yo.
Mr. Parcelan was the win when they said:
Oh my goodness! We forgot to give a "Hi" to our newest n00b: Addy!HELLO, ADDY! YOU N00B!
Hi Mr. Parcelan. ^_^
This insanity brought to you by Mr. Parcelan:
Pooping in my sock drawer, writing obscene messages on my lawn with fertilizer, and writing: "MAYOR OF POPPYCOCK" in graffiti on my door does not equate to arguing.
What about that incriminating message I left on your mom's voicemail?
Gikkwiny had this to say about Punky Brewster:
What about that incriminating message I left on your mom's voicemail?
That was my voicemail.
Gikkwiny Model 2000 was programmed to say:
What about that incriminating message I left on your mom's voicemail?
She thinks it was a senior police.
By the way, if any prairie dogs in black and green fatigues show up at your door carrying weapons...let them in! It's pizza!
But you're cute
Disclaimer: I'm just kidding, I love all living things.
The fastest draw in the Crest.
"The Internet is MY critical thinking course." -Maradon
"Gambling for the husband, an abortion for the wife and fireworks for the kids they chose to keep? Fuck you, Disneyland. The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is the happiest place on Earth." -JooJooFlop
Black's fortune cookie read:
Addy, you're a stupid newbie who doesn't know anything.But you're cute
Guess which emoticon goes with which sentence~
That's right. That's all I've got. Yo. You hear me?
Mr. Parcelan wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
*hazes Addy*
The abuse.
We were all impressed when Addy wrote:
omfgThe abuse.
*drops the rear-end of a train on Addy*
You were close, though.
*Hugs Parce instead*
Verily, Mr. Parcelan doth proclaim:
Pooping in my sock drawer, writing obscene messages on my lawn with fertilizer, and writing: "MAYOR OF POPPYCOCK" in graffiti on my door does not equate to arguing.
That was me that pooped in your sock drawer this time buddy.
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin