Hoi chummers..
pretty whiz place ya got here.
Interesting. [ 03-14-2003: Message edited by: Gomateux ]
Ferret had this to say about Punky Brewster:
Who's alt is this? I can't remember.
It's not something people hear about.
or a porn actress.
Shadowrun. decker. old IRC handle
So much for trying to have a little fun on the boards..
Trent was listening to Cher while typing:
SteeleLynx sounds like a strippers name.
or a porn actress.
I was thinking furry artist.
It's not something people hear about.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Verily, Ka'Lourin D'thBlayde doth proclaim:
...Shadowrun. decker. old IRC handle
So much for trying to have a little fun on the boards..
Sorry, just did a search and saw that the first post was 'I forgot about this account'.
Just a thought.
I'll inenevitably be told to go to the free-form RP forum if i want to RP.
just trying to keep my mind occupied. With Syn gone for the entire month, im on the breaking point of GOING FUCKIN INSANE!
MAGICALLY DELICIOUS! MAGICALLY FUCKING DELICIOUS! [ 03-14-2003: Message edited by: Baron Von Mortay ]
there's something you don't see every day.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
We were all impressed when SteeleLynx wrote:
^hangs a pair of automatic rifles on the wall and sits down^Hoi chummers..
pretty whiz place ya got here.
Oh look, it's the Street Sam that named themselves after the security drone.
*hugs KaL*
Ka'Lourin D'thBlayde had this to say about dark elf butts:
No need for a roleplay tag. It seems to be frowned upon on the main board anyway.I'll inenevitably be told to go to the free-form RP forum if i want to RP.
Well I can fix that.
Effective immediately, any threads tagged with the ROLEPLAY icon are subject to the rules that are currently posted over in the FFRP forum. Yes, I know some of your heads might explode by trying to comprehend rules in one forum taking effect in another forum, but imagine how I must feel --- a brain the size of a universe and I'm stuck here performing menial tasks for you.
OOC: I think this is a good choice for the casual 'I want to get the board involved' type of RP.
I'm an individual. Just like everyone else!
Drysart wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
Well I can fix that.NOW HEAR THIS:
Effective immediately, any threads tagged with the ROLEPLAY icon are subject to the rules that are currently posted over in the FFRP forum.
For those who are too lazy to go look... here are said rules:
Added/changed material since the last update is colored light blue.
The intent of this forum is to provide as close to Free-Form Roleplaying as possible, with some minimal rules put in place to prevent God-moding and other anti-social or over-powered types of posts.
Basic Rules
No extraordinary abilities - Your character does not have the ability to do anything above and beyond what the average member of your class can do. Make a name for yourself through your personality, not through your abilities.
No dragons - And also no vampires, no werewolfs, and no other non-playable race or class. Exceptions to this may be granted on an individual basis with prior approval of Innoruuk.
No projecting - Do not project actions onto other characters. For example, you can say that you swing your sword at someone else, but do not say you hit them. Leave that up to them to decide.
No supernatural ties - Your character does not have a close, personal relationship with any Gods or with any royalty. He/She's also not related to them either. Exceptions may be granted on an individual basis by Innoruuk.
No OOC - If you need to discuss something in OOC with someone, use Private Messages. All posts to this board (with the exception of this one, any thread imported from the main EC forum, and replies to story posts, see below) are considered to be 100% totally IC.
Story Posts - Story posts are posts of a complete IC story, not intended to be an ongoing RP. They should be posted with a subject beginning with "Story:", and the author may solicit OOC replies to it, for praise or criticism. All replies should be related to the original story (i.e., don't hijack the thread).
Is this a restricted EQ-only RP environment? As in, are we only allowed to RP in Norrath?
Yes, it's Norrath-only right now. If there's enough interest I might permit other settings. Once the forum picks up, I'm going to hand over moderation responsibilities to whoever's posting there and they'll be in charge of setting up the rules and such.
What would be the reprecussions of violating the rules?
Depends on how blatant the violation is. The moderators are gods and therefore have the power to step in and crush anyone who's going too far. Spamming and such will be dealt with extremely harshly, probably with the ban stick.
Can we alter the setting slightly? As in, put something in Cabilis that might not be there in-game?
Yes. Just keep it fitting to the genre.
Can I roleplay a non-playable race?
No. At least, not initially. Non-player races are generally overpowered and more difficult to roleplay effectively. They may be granted on an individual basis to people who have shown exemplary roleplaying skills.
General Info First off, unlike EverQuest or Dungeons & Dragons, Free Form Role Playing at it's core is simple interaction between characters. This can be anything from idle chitchat, baking a cake or even playing around with a group of new aquaintances in the sea. It does NOT have to have heroic deeds, epic battles or secret conspiracies to be enjoyable. Unless you are one of the thread's starters (Story Lines are sometimes worked out together by two or more individuals to get some stuff worked out), do NOT simply assume you should add a sitution which causes the Storyline to suddenly focus on your character ("Hey! There's a war coming this way!" "Do this or such and such dies!") without discussing it with the originator/s of the SL beforehand. If what you want doesn't fit what they have in mind, change it. If you can't, STAY OUT. So as a summary, ask before you decide to make drastic changes to someone else's Story Line. Not doing so not only angers people, but can also turn you into a Story Killer as people will not want to associate with you. A second item that should be addressed is this: Sometimes, in order to explain something, a special type of race or class is created. It can be so special that it is unique (read: one of a kind). If such is the case, never EVER assume you have ANY association with that being unless you either a) created said being, or b) worked it out with the creator. These beings have their own mythos, powers, and associations with things, unless you know for certain your character holds some association with the being, you are NOT an intregal part of its existance.
Edit: Abbi pwned by God-moding UBB... [ 03-14-2003: Message edited by: Abbikat ]
Drysart had this to say about Duck Tales:
a brain the size of a universe and I'm stuck here performing menial tasks for you.
Was that his name?
It's not something people hear about.
Palador ChibiDragon had this to say about Pirotess:
Oh look, it's the Street Sam that named themselves after the security drone.
Err, just realized that my post here might not look all that funny...
In one of the 2nd ed ShadowRun books (Merc book, I think), they introduced a drone called the "Steel Lynx". At the bottom of the page, someone had logged in (it was supposed to be posted on the Matrix, so people could comment) under the name "Steel Lynx". Said poster was upset, because his/her name had been stolen and used for a combat drone.
I was just tossing that joke back out, because of the similar names.
Drysart had this to say about Cuba:
Well I can fix that.
Does this include the rule that it has to be baseline EQ only? Or can we go outside of EQ on the main board?
So quoth DƒU:
Marvin!Was that his name?
Yes. Marvin the Suicidially depressed robot.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Palador ChibiDragon wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Does this include the rule that it has to be baseline EQ only? Or can we go outside of EQ on the main board?
I'll leave that up to whoever's starting the thread, along with overruling any of the other rules.
Absolutely no yiffing threads though! They will be closed with extreme prejudice! [ 03-14-2003: Message edited by: Drysart ]
Ka'Lourin D'thBlayde wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
No need for a roleplay tag. It seems to be frowned upon on the main board anyway.I'll inenevitably be told to go to the free-form RP forum if i want to RP.
Never stopped me from bringing out Jan or Lynora
And jolly good show, Drys. It will be nice to see some of that playful RPing we used to do back on the main boards.
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
Drysart was listening to Cher while typing:
I'll leave that up to whoever's starting the thread, along with overruling any of the other rules.Absolutely no yiffing threads though! They will be closed with extreme prejudice!
What's yiffing?
Ferret had this to say about John Romero:
Yes. Marvin the Suicidially depressed robot.
Paranoid Android actually...
Drysart had this to say about (_|_):
Absolutely no yiffing threads though! They will be closed with extreme prejudice!
Yay! As long as I'm not getting any, noone else should either!
Seriously, I think I'm glad that you stated that, just to make sure it doesn't happen.
It is held in thought
only by the understanding
of the Wind.
Delphi Aegis wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
What's yiffing?
Delphi Aegis stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
What's yiffing?
anthropomorphic animal boinkage.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Drysart had this to say about (_|_):
[QUOTE]Delphi Aegis wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
[qb]What's yiffing?
Delphi Aegis wrote this stupid crap:
What's yiffing?
Furries (or any variation thereof) having sex. Also includes anything that gets close to them having sex.
Hipolyta Darkiss wrote this stupid crap:
Hipolyta Darkiss's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in: