I found EC on flameplay, I think, and read all the comics in a day. Getting bored, I clicked on the forum link and giggled at the url (ihatelinux)... but it kept going on and on, so I gave up and went elsewhere.
I kept reading the comics everyday. Then, I eventually clicked on the forums link again. This time I walked away from my computer to do something, and came back and found the forums. I read a few threads and then registered. Promptly making an ass out of myself and being shamed, I began my long process of becoming a better person.
Your turn, dagnabit!
Veruca Salt wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
My psychiatrist says I shouldn't talk about it.
Sure thing, z.o.e.y., or should I say... the-
Bad long-term memory, I guess.
It stuck.
I mean the name, not the helm.
I didn't check the forums for years, though. Never looked until they got their own domain...sometime soon after Stratics.
How.... The Big Stupid.... uughhhhhh:
comic --> Forums
Vorbo Goatboy stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
Sure thing, z.o.e.y., or should I say... the-
And with that, Vorbo was kidnapped, never to be seen again.
In all seriousness... I got pointed to it at some point while the comic was on hiatus. I think I clicked the link on the /gu site, then went all "WTF" when the news said the comic was on vacation. I didn't even notice the link to the forums until about a month later. I click, I register, I make my very first post with a picture of Frankie in it. I posted a bit in a few other threads, then vanished for a little while. Then I came back and made a very bad reputation for myself over something that I honestly thought was hysterical at the time, simply because it got a reaction. Then Kloie came into existance, and you pretty much know the rest.
Ezvien had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
I think it was a link on Everlore
That might be where I found the link too...that or EQVault.
A few months later, when Drysart finally stopped making comics, I started wondering what was going on, and checked forums, and was met by a "You must log in or register to view this forum message." Well, being the shy guy I am, I left the page, and checked back to the front page to see if a new comic was ever going to be put up again. Another few months later, I registered and started looking around, posting in some post another new guy made (and I don't think I ever saw that guy again) and officially joined EC.
The end.
Veruca Salt had this to say about Captain Planet:
And with that, Vorbo was kidnapped, never to be seen again.
Like I came into EC any better? [ 01-26-2003: Message edited by: Vorbo Goatboy ]
Anyway, whineplays death resulted in my coming here. [ 01-26-2003: Message edited by: Trent ]
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums
EverCrest came back up, I read all the comics, and hit the boards.
Xyrra thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
I originally signed up so I could post on the /GU boards. Then when the comic went down, I came and lurked over here for awhile.
Remind me to thank Woody.
I remember when I roleplayed all serious with every one of my posts, and would end each post with a Inkie's Advice for the Day.
Or something like that.
Razor wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
I was pointed here byArchAngel and GorkRazor. Took me a few weeks before I joined in.
The logic train ran off the tracks when Arrenn Lightblade said:
I found it through some EQ site. Eq vault or some shit like that. anyways, I read through every comic, then signed up and began posting in the same day. The end.
When I first got here, I was amazed by the speed of replies, and that there was a human organ called a snacktray.