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Topic: You just have to watch it....
Oh shi...
posted 01-24-2003 09:50:33 PM
posted 01-24-2003 10:40:09 PM
hahaha, the best part was when they brought it back to that 50 cents girl. "No, no you're not touching this dog."
go to Cicinimo's webpage www.artpad.org
"Bear with me while I speak, and after I have spoken, mock on." -Job 21:3
posted 01-24-2003 11:13:00 PM
My first question would be "How much is it worth to you?"

The lowest I'd go would be $6,000

Bring me $5,999.99 and I wouldn't kill a puppy, not worth my time. But for $6,000 I would.

And no gaint novelty checks. Because frankly I don't think they were at all prepared to pay out.

Set cash and a puppy in front of me and look away for a second.

Puppies die every day

My hair is a deadly weapon
posted 01-25-2003 12:20:34 AM
i like the first guy.

"I...I think I'm offended!"

posted 01-25-2003 12:22:17 AM
How.... aurywoof.... uughhhhhh:
i like the first guy.

"I...I think I'm offended!"

And then he's eventually bargained down to 10k.

My hair is a deadly weapon
posted 01-25-2003 12:29:23 AM
Suddar obviously shouldn't have said:
And then he's eventually bargained down to 105k.
posted 01-25-2003 12:30:24 AM
He considered 5k, but eventually went against it.
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