Lucas is a dead man walking.
Gork attempted to be funny by writing:
Ive known that since he ruined the character of Boba Fett.
How do you feel he did this?
This one time, at Gork camp:
By making Jengo/Jinga/Jongo whoever-the-hell Fett his father, and making him a Clone, rather than how he is better portrayed in TotBH.
He's always been a clone. Jango has always been Boba's father.
Baron Von Mortay had this to say about (_|_):
Star Wars! It isn't just for grown-ups anymore!.....
Lucas is a dead man walking.
Eh, it's no different from all those Ewok cartoons that were done.
Sakkra wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Or the Star Wars Christmas special with the musical wookies...
At least in that you got to see a stoned Carrie Fisher sing.
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Comrade Snoota was all like:
And I WAS looking forward to Galaxies until they ruined it with one character per server.
What's so bad about that?
Sakkra's account was hax0red to write:
Or the Star Wars Christmas special with the musical wookies...
And the jeferson starship
Comrade Snoota had this to say about Robocop:
The Clone thing is a better backstory than the stereotypical wandering loner with a dark past shit he was stuck with.
He still has the stereotypical wandering loner with a dark past, just he lost his father AND is a clone, to top it all off.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
JooJooFlop Model 2000 was programmed to say:
What's so bad about that?
I don't like it.
Isn't that reason enough for me to not play?
Black Mage stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
You people know that since you can move skill points around to different trees, there are hardly any reasons to have more than 1 character? There are no classes, remember. Just shift points to something else, and bam, you're what you want to be. (Minus the skill exp.) Also, this is an advantage over classes. Instead of having to start all over, unless you twink greatly, you have everything you've worked for. Also cool for those NO DROP(If any.) scenarios. I think most people are just against the idea simply because of EQ.
Indeed, BM.
People have to stop equating anything in SW:G to EQ. Dimes to dollars it isn't going to be the same. If anything was gameplay wise, I'd be hesitant to pick it up at all.
[ 12-19-2002: Message edited by: Comrade Snoota ]
quote:Yes, there's a cap for the skills, but it's three trees, and that's a whole lot. That's just at one time, though. You could move those points around. For example, if you currently have all your skill points in combat, I'm sure you could quickly switch them over to healing skills after the fight.
Verily, Comrade Snoota doth proclaim:
I'm too fast for you.
[ 12-19-2002: Message edited by: Black Mage ]
Plus, SOE is working on it. Since Luclin, I don't trust any engine that comes from that name.
Therefore, I most probably won't play it!
When the babel fish was in place, it was apparent Black Mage said:
[QUOTE]Verily, Black Mage doth proclaim:
Yes, there's a cap for the skills, but it's three trees, and that's a whole lot. That's just at one time, though. You could move those points around. For example, if you currently have all your skill points in combat, I'm sure you could quickly switch them over to healing skills after the fight.
That wouldn't be very smart, since then you'd have 0 healing skill and 0 combat skill, but would be able to train in Healing. [ 12-19-2002: Message edited by: »Giantt« ]
Comrade Snoota had this to say about (_|_):
Blah, no point. I just don't like being restricted to one character, so I won't play. Nothing to debate.
You can't play on multiple servers?
JooJooFlop had this to say about pies:
You can't play on multiple servers?
And let game developers boss you around? PFEH! Where's your SELF RESPECT!?
[ 12-19-2002: Message edited by: Sentow ]
However, 2 or 3 chars per server would have been nice, simply because it keeps people from server hopping.
JooJooFlop had this to say about Punky Brewster:
You can't play on multiple servers?
Yes. I'm going to leave all my friends so I can play a Wookie instead of a Human.
Comrade Snoota had this to say about the Spice Girls:
I don't like it.Isn't that reason enough for me to not play?
[ 12-19-2002: Message edited by: Azeroth ]
I'm happy with DAoC, anyhow. I don't need this.