What do you think that sucks?? (Besides vacuums or anything related)
Oh Thera Flu, truly you are my greatest friend...
And I have to go to work at 5.
For a college student, it's usually easier to stay up till then than it is to get up then.
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith
Karnaj wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Registering for next semesters classes at 7:30 in the fucking AM.For a college student, it's usually easier to stay up till then than it is to get up then.
Karnaj attempted to be funny by writing:
Registering for next semesters classes at 6:30 in the fucking AM.For a college student, it's usually easier to stay up till then than it is to get up then.
6:30AM registration, or classes? If so, how the hell are they expecting you to wake up for them?! While I have all 8AM classes next semester, that will require me to down coffee religiously before heading off to class or I will seriously fall asleep at my desk. 6:30...you would fall asleep with your hand on the door knob of the class.
Getting up at 5:30 occasionally to make up tardies (Don't ask, just know that my school's attendance policy is fucked up).
If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.
Gikkwiny had this to say about Cuba:
Wish me luck on my first exam! *scamper*
Omg good luck n'stuff
There was much rejoicing when Alleria Qui'farush said this:
Soar throats that not only hurt, (Well duh) but also makes you lose your voice, forcing you to whisper in order to speak.
GASP! Did you forget the great Vernors?
Zephyer was listening to Cher while typing:
Firing one of your best employees for stealing...
For her betrayal, I shall have to put her ON THE RACK!
getting 60 on your notebook even though you have every agenda and hw just becouse your hand writing is near ilegable
binder rings getting stepped on/smashed with text books
forign languages being required
Doing team board review in Algebra II. And then getting stuck with a group that has no idea what the hell they're doing. I spent the majority of the hour standing at the board trying to explain matrices. [ 11-07-2002: Message edited by: Veruca Salt ]
Verily, Tarquinn doth proclaim:
Vacuum cleaners!
Damn, I knew someone would beat me to it.