oh well. at least my hair's no longer bright red like it once was.
[ 10-16-2002: Message edited by: Veruca Salt ]
I punched him in the nuts and knocked all his books off of the table. Then I took his pencil (his only one, as he usually never brought one to school) and snapped it half, throwing the pieces to the ground.
He responded by grabbing my jeans at the leg and yanking me bodily off my chair, onto the ground. I seize the opportunity and take his shoe off and hurl it across the room.
What is remarkable about this tale is that this happened while the teacher was teaching, and that it was my senior year in high school. The idea wasn't to maim, but to disrupt each other's day as much as possible with constant ball-taps, tripping, shoving into people/walls/lockers, knocking things over/off the desk, and, of course, drawing penises in Vaseline on the windshields of each other's cars.
We were so mature.
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith