Chili Cheese Frito wrap sandwiches!?
And I'm SO not looking forward to 25 cent icecream cones...
And 25 cent ice cream cones would rock.
Why are you so put off by these revelations?
Maradon XP enlisted the help of an infinite number of monkeys to write:
Why are you so put off by these revelations?
maybe cuz he works at sonic.
The mind reels. The imagination shudders.
Having worked two years in the foodservice industry myself, I can sympathize.
Here's an idea: SELF SERVE ICECREAM!!
Just keep a ruler behind the counter and slap people's hands if they try to take too much ice cream.
It's not a place you just "go in"
It's a drive-in. He'll be busy because he's probably a carhop and will be having to spend as ton of time going to cars to deliver single 25 cent cones while dealing with people who want to buy 1 cone and only have a $20 bill.
Densetsu had this to say about the Spice Girls:
You have no idea what Sonic is, do you?
Maradon XP had this to say about Tron:
Sure you do! He's that little blue guy that runs real fast!
And actually, Parce, it's both.
When the babel fish was in place, it was apparent Zephyer said:
Next month, Sonic introduces...Chili Cheese Frito wrap sandwiches!?
And for real fun...
The people that work there often eat there during break, yes? And they get tired of the old stuff on the menu, and will want to try something new, yes?
So, you're going to be in the kitchen/prep room/whatever you call it, with a bunch of stressed out people that just ate Chili Cheese Frito wraps for lunch.
Time to get a gas mask, Jackal boy.
Palador ChibiDragon had this to say about the Spice Girls:
Time to get a gas mask, Jackal boy.
Funny...the moment I read "chili cheese" followed by an explanation of downing significant amounts of cheap dairy products, I thought of the same thing.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
*looks for a $20 to buy ice cream with*
(2) You haven't seen anything until you've experienced the aftermath of an "honest" chili-cheese jalapeno burger (Mustard, Hickory Sauce, Lots of Jalapenos, Cheese, Chili and Onions on a bun)
(3) There are 2 Sonics near me... I can abuse one until I'm told never to come back and I'm still not out anything.... Muahahhaah!