Oh, and $10 says Call's your man for this. [ 09-19-2002: Message edited by: Skaw ]
"You wan' a vanilla coke, ja?"
"Well sure, lemme just take a sip and-NOW FOR SEX!"
Just be sure...if this IS for your enjoyment...take many pictures.
That should do it.
Other than that...Coffee with Godet (Belgium White chocolate liquor)
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith
Shall we discuss soliciting advice on how best to take advantage of a person? Or is it simply a matter of having somebody reach an inebriated state, without them knowing, FOR PURELY INNOCENT REASONS?
Or, is Taran just a wuss who cant handle whiskey?
Anyway.. I may be evil, but this whole idea is not evil, it is wrong. You shall recieve no help from me.
Oh, someone tried adding alcohol to my Pepsi once. Smelled it immediately. Didn't work.
It tastes. like iced tea.
Do you really think I would condone violating a young wee lass? I need a drink that is alcoholic that doesn't taste alcoholic because the person in question hates the taste of alcohol and I really want to get said person drunk. Said person has consented if I can find such a beverage.
Piper had this to say about Knight Rider:
you guys.... =)
Do you really think I would condone violating a young wee lass? I need a drink that is alcoholic that doesn't taste alcoholic because the person in question hates the taste of alcohol and I really want to get said person drunk. Said person has consented if I can find such a beverage.
You have to get Drys drunk in order to take advantage of him?
I thought that was what the blue body paint was for....
Piper stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
you guys.... =)
Do you really think I would condone violating a young wee lass? I need a drink that is alcoholic that doesn't taste alcoholic because the person in question hates the taste of alcohol and I really want to get said person drunk. Said person has consented if I can find such a beverage.
Schnapps. She'll be downing it like it's liquid candy.
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith
With the orange juice and the grenadine, it's next to impossible to taste the booze.
I hate the taste of alcohol, too, but those are yummy.
Gatorade (Powdered) mixed with Golden Grain, or Everclear. (Or anything else thats 180 proof) And theres a blue colored gatorade powder out now.. mountain Something.. its kinda fruity, and if you mix it with some Blue Hi-C or something, toss in some hacked up apples/oranges/pineapples, they absorb alcohol too, just scoop it out of the cooler in a red plastic cup (The disposable kind, nothing else will work) Get some of the fruit chunks in there, for snacking, of course.
If you want it REALLY Potent, make it a day or so ahead of time, and leave the cooler sealed, in the backyard, in the sun, then, before drinking time, add a SHITLOAD of Ice.
Tal!@ had this to say about Cuba:
You didnt answer my other question, Pips..
I plead the 5th =P
Ingredients: Directions:
¾ oz. Peach Schnapps
¾ oz. Amaretto
¾ oz. Vodka
Cranberry Juice
Pour Peach Schnapps, Amaretto, and Vodka into a 12 oz. shaker filled with ice. Top off shaker with Cranberry Juice. Shake and pour entire contents into a Collins glass. Serves one.
Trust me, it tastes *JUST* like koolaid and not like any alchol's in it. This is what literaly stopped my bing night.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
I like having bartending friends.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
there all text files. Plus there are many good recepies for you to try.
1 oz Rum (Bacardi)
1 oz Peach schnapps
1/2 oz Grand Marnier
1 oz Pineapple juice
1 oz Orange juice
Mixing instructions:
Shake and strain into collins glass with ice. Garnish with a cherry.
Maradon also Brings up a good drink, Long iced teas have the equivlent of 5 drinks in them, migth not taste as good ,but will get to work in no time.
another option is Malibu rum (if they have it in the US.. I never saw it there when I was over)... add that to coke and it tases like normal coke with a strong taste of coconut after..
...and guaranteed to get you plastered after 2-3 drinks...
(oh how I know THAT...)
AbbigailSD had this to say about Punky Brewster:
Fae is right.. Midori is pretty potent, and nil alcohol taste (to me anyways)...another option is Malibu rum (if they have it in the US.. I never saw it there when I was over)... add that to coke and it tases like normal coke with a strong taste of coconut after..
...and guaranteed to get you plastered after 2-3 drinks...
(oh how I know THAT...)
Malibu and coke=uber. Also Mike's Hard Lemonade tastes very little like alcohol.
Thinking about your posts
(and billing you for it) since 2001
Naimah had this to say about Robocop:
Probably one of the new malt berverages would be most along those lines. I'm a minor so i don't keep track of all the names.
Those malt beverages are roughly 5% alcohol. They couldn't get anybody drunk =)
Not extremely potent, but Damn good stuff.
"How can you ever hope to know the Beloved
Without becoming in every cell the Lover?
And when you are the Lover at last, you don't care.
Whatever you know or don't - only Love is real."
Evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb. - Dark Helmet