ACES! Another post by Ka'Lourin D'thBlayde:
lookin good Pipson the flesh you may want to use a shade not as glossy. She's got the drenched wet look
its the clear coat. I'm considering putting a matte over the finish to tone it down
Piper probably says this to all the girls:
its the clear coat. I'm considering putting a matte over the finish to tone it down
sounds good to me
Then again, in my mind a miniature is no taller than an inch.
JooJooFlop had this to say about Robocop:
How can you get such precise painting on such a tiny object?Then again, in my mind a miniature is no taller than an inch.
25mm =)
btw, anyone who's seen my Mynx drawing should know who this is.
Piper had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
25mm =)btw, anyone who's seen my Mynx drawing should know who this is.
That is no taller than an inch!
... I sicken myself with the technicalities of 2.54 cm= 1 in.
Piper said this about your mom:
btw, anyone who's seen my Mynx drawing should know who this is.
I have not and I do not.
JooJooFlop had this to say about Tron:
I have not and I do not.
Not work safe.
Piper had this to say about Punky Brewster:
http://lesley.dhs.org/misc/mynx_sketch_latest.jpgNot work safe.
Piper likes anthromorphs????
but.. doesnt Tim... err...
UBB pwned me again.... [ 09-18-2002: Message edited by: AbbigailSD ]
This one time, at AbbigailSD camp:
Piper likes anthromorphs????but.. doesnt Tim... err...
UBB pwned me again....
Yes Tim hates furries =)
That doesn't mean I have to =P
Piper's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:
Yes Tim hates furries =)That doesn't mean I have to =P
That's not what it says in Article 12, section B.
Piper wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Yes Tim hates furries =)That doesn't mean I have to =P
I bet it leads to some... interesting.. discussions though
Looks nice.
Humble Parcelan stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
I am filled with woe because New Wave no longer stocks Chainmail!
Yeah I know...I don't even do the whole "painting miniatures" thing and I mourn the loss of the Chainmail series. Those were some good miniatures. I seriously considered getting some and just leaving them in the box on the shelf til I got some time and cheap-o minis to train up on.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael's fortune cookie read:
Only in regards to sex.
I have learned to enjoy sex on the washing machine.
Taran had this to say about Duck Tales:
I have learned to enjoy sex on the washing machine.
Good. Quit having it on the server, then.
Mightion Defensor had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
Good. Quit having it on the server, then.
Ka'Lourin D'thBlayde painfully thought these words up:
lookin good Pipson the flesh you may want to use a shade not as glossy. She's got the drenched wet look
You prefer them dry?
Sometimes, I truly wonder about you...
[ 09-19-2002: Message edited by: Synjari ]
Btw, awesome work, Pips!