I believe Leo does too
At which point he burrowed his way back into his pit of lurking doom, muttering something about Rolling Stone and being on drugs.
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
Very cool film. Worth seeing.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
I liked it a lot. The funny thing is that it's hard to say exactly why. No one actor or actress really stood out over the others, I thought. No one really yanked your attention in one direction or another. For all the talk of the kid getting too close to the band, I thought that the story itself managed to cover all the necessary angles without getting too attached. Like a documentary with a soul, I guess.Very cool film. Worth seeing.
And thanks a whole fucking lot, ya bastards, now I get to go to work with Elton John's "Tiny Dancer" stuck in my head.