What was it.. three days ago? Yeah.. three.. I got that Beta invite to E&B.
Those fuckers.
They make it too much damned fun to fire a big fuckin missle at something and watch it's sheild bar go down.. down.. down.. then BOOOM! Bwa haha.. ow.
Uhh.. But anyway. You might say it's better then EQ.. Since fighting things is NOT the only way to advance. In fact, most of my experience has come from doing quests.. and the quests.. Omg.
Complete storylines (Okay, a few bugs on turnins and shit, but thats moot. Its beta. ) that make you want to know what happens.. smart(er) NPCs that wont give you a quest if yer a fuckoff to them (Choice dialog, not typed in), and other great stuff..
Oh.. and the graphics make other space sims look like shit. Yeah. You heard me. Great interface for travel, fighting, movement..
Please help me get free.
I might buy it, but I heard someone got to the highest level in... 6 minutes. >_>
Or if you were a progen and blew the living crap out of the newbie creatures, only looting ammo and selling it for supar cash..