Well, you seem to have grammar and a dialect.
Doing well so far.
[ 08-06-2002: Message edited by: Alleria Qui'farush ]
Kidding. Welcome!
Thinking about your posts
(and billing you for it) since 2001
hrmm my "Hi I'm new here" thread never went this well.... oh well.. your going good..
Dragged away by guards
[ 08-06-2002: Message edited by: Moffles ]
Pop yourself in the oven.
Mortious had this to say about pies:
Don't run.Stay.
Pop yourself in the oven.
Down, Morty.
I have instructed this one on the ways of EverCrest.
I take a bit of personal pride in this thread, as I advised him on its creation.
That Means no eat morty, are you already out of Vixens and Crumpets?
Thinking about your posts
(and billing you for it) since 2001
Once upon a time, there was a poster who came to be known as the Great Shadow.
He had in his possesion a magic thesaurus/dictionary with the inscription in Sanskrit: One book to rule them all, one book to find them. One book the bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.
He is the master of grammar, the great evil. The book was printed and bound by Mt Doom Publishers Inc. Only there, can you destroy the original copy, by which all others are made.
The original fell into the hands of LOG, the one who banished the Great Shadow. Slowly it corrupts him, waiting to betray him.
For now, he resides in his own plane, but one day he will return.
Be wary, for on that day, you will know no grammar-nazi like him...
He was crazy, so I punched him and ran off. The reason this story stays with me is because shortly afterwards, I had some really good coffee.
[ 08-06-2002: Message edited by: Tegadil ]
Tegadil had this to say about the Spice Girls:
As a wise old and senile man once told me:Once upon a time, there was a poster who came to be known as the Great Shadow.
He had in his possesion a magic thesaurus/dictionary with the inscription in Sanskrit: One book to rule them all, one book to find them. One book the bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.
He is the master of grammar, the great evil. The book was printed and bound by Mt Doom Publishers Inc. Only there, can you destroy the original copy, by which all others are made.
The original fell into the hands of LOG, the one who banished the Great Shadow. Slowly it corrupts him, waiting to betray him.
For now, he resides in his own plane, but one day he will return.
Be wary, for on that day, you will know no grammar-nazi like him...
He was crazy, so I punched him and ran off. The reason this story stays with me is because shortly afterwards, I had some really good coffee.
Fizodeth enlisted the help of an infinite number of monkeys to write:
[qb]I have instructed this one on the ways of EverCrest.I take a bit of personal pride in this thread, as I advised him on its creation.
Thanks for not giving me any credit. I was the one that wanted/encouraged him to join.
[ 08-06-2002: Message edited by: Alleria Qui'farush ]
Welcome noob. We hope you have a good time and stuff...
/me opens the book and reads the usual noob speech which last a few hours...
...and to close; here is your complementary butter knife.
Hey my box is almost empty. Finally...
/another box, bigger than the one open drops down
Oh Shit...
Welcome and all.
G.S. Waisztarroz had this to say about Captain Planet:
Or maybe just greed, without the A.
*stands silent for a few minutes* Like, good luck, and stuff.
Necromancer: How DARE you imply that I was involved in a rude act with my undead servant! I will flay the flesh from your bones! I will summon a thousand maggot-ridden corpses to gnaw your flesh! I will trap your soul in-
Ghoul: My ass hurts.
Hey, you look like you like fun... do you want some candy?
*thrusts a hand out from under her coat, holding a handful of jelly-like, neon, disturbingly phallic candies*
This insanity brought to you by Razor:
/me enters w/ a very thick book*cough*
Welcome noob. We hope you have a good time and stuff...
/me opens the book and reads the usual noob speech which last a few hours...
...and to close; here is your complementary butter knife.
Hey my box is almost empty. Finally...
/another box, bigger than the one open drops downOh Shit...
Welcome and all.
We were all impressed when Razor wrote:
/me enters w/ a very thick book*cough*
Welcome noob. We hope you have a good time and stuff...
/me opens the book and reads the usual noob speech which last a few hours...
...and to close; here is your complementary butter knife.
Hey my box is almost empty. Finally...
/another box, bigger than the one open drops downOh Shit...
Welcome and all.
[ 08-07-2002: Message edited by: Alleria Qui'farush ]