I have plenty more to do, some highlights and shadows and such. Piper's working on one too:
Anyone else paint miniatures and have any suggestions or whatnot?
Dark_Nemesis spewed forth this undeniable truth:
I wish to follow in your footsteps, where do i buy these minitures and do they have any kick-ass wizards or dragons?
-Use primer.
-Try to get yourself a jeweler's loupe.
-Master drybrushing.
-Don't be afraid to try new things.
-Use spray sealant.
King Parcelan wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
I find your brand of miniature lacking.
Do you even know what brand of miniature mine is?
Piper wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Do you even know what brand of miniature mine is?
I know it is not Chainmail, and therefore, it is inferior, you Pooh-Hating Lobster.
Necromancer: How DARE you imply that I was involved in a rude act with my undead servant! I will flay the flesh from your bones! I will summon a thousand maggot-ridden corpses to gnaw your flesh! I will trap your soul in-
Ghoul: My ass hurts.
From the book of King Parcelan, chapter 3, verse 16:
I know it is not Chainmail, and therefore, it is inferior, you Pooh-Hating Lobster.
Just because chainmail sports half exposed taataas does not grant them a superior status. Besides, they aren't 25mm and therefore don't fit in our campaign =)
Maybe you should help Poo out with some Prep-H or something??
G.S. Waisztarroz probably says this to all the girls:
Does Drysart always talk in third person?
Not always.....
The Last Strider had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
and the other is a Dark Elf, but what kinds?
The dark elf is a model for Vinalrii -- dark elf archer.
Piper had this to say about my sexual prowess:
Just because chainmail sports half exposed taataas does not grant them a superior status.
You can see the bottom of one of Vinni's boobs sticking out the bottom of her top. You can almost see nipple.
Check out the big brain on Piper!
Just because chainmail sports half exposed taataas does not grant them a superior status. Besides, they aren't 25mm and therefore don't fit in our campaign =)Maybe you should help Poo out with some Prep-H or something??
Ooh yeah, Minotaur Love. How can you compare?
[ 08-05-2002: Message edited by: The Last Strider ]
Necromancer: How DARE you imply that I was involved in a rude act with my undead servant! I will flay the flesh from your bones! I will summon a thousand maggot-ridden corpses to gnaw your flesh! I will trap your soul in-
Ghoul: My ass hurts.
Piper said this about your mom:
BTW, I do not recommend New Wave Minis for purchasing. While they have a wonderful browsing selection, full of beautiful pictures, their delivery time is horrible and their communication is laughable. It took over 3 weeks to get the first part of my original order. During that period, I left many voicemails, emails etc asking what the status was. Not once have they ever responded. To this day I'm still missing about half my original order.Fuckers.
I concur, but they're cheaper than WotC.
**addendum: the flash makes the white look a lot heavier than it really is. There's some sort of glow in the photo that makes every edge of the model look chunky. Its really quite an elegant and vicious model despite what damage I might have done painting it =) [ 08-05-2002: Message edited by: Piper ]
It's cheap, and you can get everything still in original packaging......
The bonus is that since most of the people selling minis on ebay do that a lot, you get great service, fast shipping, and a great experience...
No, Really. Bite me.
King Parcelan stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
So, why is Drys asking us for help and not you?
Cause I still suck?
I've got a long way to go and much to learn. I just bought this model:
I can only dream of painting it with such grace, but that is my goal =)
My minis are to me, what MHz are to Blindy.
So, I have a bigger penis than Piper.
How.... King Parcelan.... uughhhhhh:
So, I have a bigger penis than Piper.
I certainly hope so.
I'd love to see the first model you ever painted. I'd also love to see something done that you are especially proud of. If you are as good as you claim to be, then let me learn from your work =)
Shots of the Gnoll
The Gnoll is a combination of brown (for the fur) and black and red. With pieces on the mini that require tiny detail, such as the studs on his armor, it is best to do those before painting the armor.
Also, with models that have fur, drybrushing is important, and sometimes, takes care of itself for you.
Shading was nil on this mini, due to the excessive blackness.
Shots of the Troll
The troll was good practice for shading. I used green ink for his pecs, his asscrack, and his arms. Ink is extremely useful for shading.
You probably can't see it, but his warts are a lighter shade of green than his skin, and there are flecks of white on his hair.
Such things give the miniature more life and make it more interesting to look at.
The Wizards of the Coast site has an excellent guide to painting miniatures, and I've got a few guides here, if you need them. [ 08-06-2002: Message edited by: King Parcelan ]
As Parcelen Said Prime them first. I like to use a rattle-can Primer. The lack of a fine mist tends to put a litle texture to help when your highlighting and shadeing. I personaly tend to use white. Colors show up better and brighter and easier to paint over.
If anything needs to be metal Paint with a Black under coat before Painting with the metalic color. Sometimes I have seen ppl Just paint the areas black and drybrush the metal color on.
For Highlights, the easist way is Drybrushing. Pick the color you want, dip your brush in and then wipe it off, The concept is you wany very little paint on your brush but you still want some on it. than take the brush and lightly run it over the rasied area of the model, some of the paint will rub off and you get the highlight. You can allso do this with Pastels and chalks. Either way drybrushing will ruin the brush so use a cheap on to do so.
For Shading, try useing washes or inks. wahses are made by thining out normal paints, although most enamals are thin enough to begin with. some companys sell inks in the various pigments of there paints. Both are used in the same way, Brush it on and the wash will seep into the recessed areas.
For both I would recomend picking up some cheap minis or even little toy army men to pratice on.
The only other thing I can think of is use good brushes. Citadal and I think Palid make some good tiny brushs, both around the same prices.
some sites:
Maradön² had this to say about Knight Rider:
What's the speckled black thing behind the baboon?
The base to the mounted magnifying glass bracket holdy thingie.
Parce: thanks for posting the images. I wish I could see them better though =( [ 08-06-2002: Message edited by: Piper ]
Azizza probably says this to all the girls:
Games Workshop > Any other Miniature company.
and that is a games-workshop miniature, if you besides, they have witch elves....
and the older models
I mean, what else do you need?
This insanity brought to you by Lalamile:
I mean, what else do you need?
[ 08-06-2002: Message edited by: Pike ] A Space Marine?
Or how bout a Tank?
Pike probably says this to all the girls:A Space Marine?
Or how bout a Tank?
W000000T! Can I have the Immolater, or maybe the whirl wind?
[ 08-06-2002: Message edited by: Lalamile ]
Or, if you prefer Warhammer Fantasy